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Oaks traduction Portugais

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The Gallows Oaks in Sherwood tomorrow.
No carvalho dos enforcamentos, em Sherwood, amanhä.
Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
O Robin. No carvalho dos enforcamentos.
Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
O Robin... no carvalho dos enforcamentos.
- Sunrise at the Oaks satisfactory?
- Ao nascer do sol em Oaks?
We'll talk about the Wilkes'barbecue at Twelve Oaks.
Falemos do churrasco dos Wilkes amanhã, em Twelve Oaks.
- How are they at Twelve Oaks?
- Como estão todos em Twelve Oaks?
- Welcome to Twelve Oaks, Mr. O'Hara.
- Bem-vindo a Twelve Oaks.
- You love Twelve Oaks as I do.
- Gostas tanto de Twelve Oaks como eu.
Did you meet Captain Butler at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett?
Conheceste o Capitão Butler em Twelve Oaks, Scarlett?
Let's talk Twelve Oaks and Tara and times before there was a war.
Vamos falar de Twelve Oaks, de Tara e do tempo de paz.
We're nearly at Twelve Oaks. We'll stop there.
Estamos quase em Twelve Oaks.
If the war hadn't come, I'd have spent my life happily buried at Twelve Oaks. But the war did come.
Se não fosse pela guerra, teria passado a vida em Twelve Oaks, mas a guerra veio.
You don't love Melanie. You said you loved me at Twelve Oaks.
Não amas a Melanie e naquele dia disseste que me amavas.
Can't we ever forget Twelve Oaks?
Não podemos esquecer aquele dia em Twelve Oaks?
I made up my mind you were the only woman for me... the first day I saw you.
Decidi que era a mulher para mim, Scarlett, no primeiro dia que a vi em Twelve Oaks.
You haven't changed a bit since our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks... where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaus.
Não mudaste nada desde a última festa em Twelve Oaks, quando te sentaste debaixo da árvore rodeada de pretendentes.
Stop him before death comes to Dark Oaks.
Antes que a morte caia sobre Dark Oaks.
I love Dark Oaks, and hope to live here always.
Eu adoro Dark Oaks e espero viver aqui para sempre.
Did you bring me here from Dark Oaks?
Trouxe-me de Dark Oaks?
Then I went back to Dark Oaks, and I found them there and got in a fight with him.
Quando fui a Dark Oaks, encontrei-os lá e lutei com ele.
When I came to Dark Oaks, I was not graciously welcomed.
Quando eu vim a Dark Oaks não me receberam com delicadeza.
The fact that she wants to live alone at Dark Oaks may be eccentric, but that's all.
Querer viver isolada em Dark Oaks será excêntrico, mas... não passa disso.
I gave him a sedative and I drove out to Dark Oaks.
Eu dei-lhe um sedativo e levei-o a Dark Oaks.
We're all going out to Dark Oaks.
Vamos todos a Dark Oaks.
Well, I'm going to Dark Oaks, anyway, and talk to them myself.
De qualquer modo, vou eu mesmo a Dark Oaks falar com eles.
He can't believe that I spoke to Katherine after Frank shot her. And because I urged him to keep away from Dark Oaks until tonight, he thinks I intended to hide her body during the day.
Ele não acredita que falei com ela depois do Frank a alvejar, e como eu disse ao Xerife que não fosse a Dark Oaks até esta noite... ele acha que eu queria ocultar-lhe o corpo durante o dia.
I suppose you'll be burying her at Dark Oaks?
Vão enterrá-la em Dark Oaks?
I'll go to Dark Oaks tonight.
Eu irei a Dark Oaks esta noite.
I'll wait for you at Dark Oaks, in the playroom Claire and I used to have in the attic.
Espero por ti em Dark Oaks, no quarto do sótão onde eu brincava com a Claire.
Well, she said something about meeting him at Dark Oaks, in some kid playroom.
Bem... Ela falou em encontrarem-se em Dark Oaks, no quarto de brincar.
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado but it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
Não passou de uma bravata de juventude, mas foi como uma daquelas bolotas de onde nascem grandes carvalhos.
See you in duel Oaks!
Vê-lo em duelo Oaks!
I don't hack down oaks to make room for wretched aspens.
Eu não arranco carvalhos para deixar lugar a miseráveis amieiros.
Milton, Delford Junction, North Oaks and Parkman.
Milton, Delford Junction, North Oaks e Parkman.
Near the Dueling Oaks at the end of Esplanade Street.
Perto dos grandes carvalhos no fim de Esplanade Street.
I think I got out of the car before he got out of the car, and we walked through the wet grass toward the great misty oaks as if as if somebody were calling for help there.
Acho que saí do carro primeiro do que ele, e caminhàmos pela relva molhada a caminho dos grandes carvalhos estivesse a pedir ajuda.
And those trees are the Dueling Oaks and that tormented figure is the girl, Catherine, losing her honor.
E aquelas árvores säo os grandes carvalhos e aquela figura atormentada é a rapariga, Catherine, a perder a honra.
- The Dueling Oaks.
- Os carvalhos.
It began after the Dueling Oaks.
Começou... depois dos dois carvalhos.
"Where did she think she was going, back to the Dueling Oaks?"
"Onde pensou ela que ia, de volta aos dois carvalhos?"
For the San Fernando valley, Thousand Oaks.
Para o Valle de São Fernando, em Thousand Oaks.
There is a box canyon with live oaks in it. Makes good hiding place for the waggon.
Ali há um desfiladeiro com muitos carvalhos, um bom esconderijo para a carroça.
- You won't get away with this, Oaks!
Não te vais safar com isto, Oaks!
Oaks, mind if I butt in on the conversation you're having -
Oaks! Posso interromper essa conversa que estás a ter sozinho?
You won't be goin'no place without horses, Oaks.
Não vais longe sem os cavalos, Oaks!
You won't get away with this, Oaks!
Isto não vai ficar assim, Oaks.
You'll never get out of that house alive, Oaks, long as I'm here.
Nunca sairás vivo dessa casa, Oaks, enquanto eu aqui estiver.
George Kellerman, 1174 Willow Tree Lane, Twin Oaks, Ohio.
George Kellerman, 1174 Willow Tree Lane, Ohio.
[Men Shouting ] [ Oaks] What's he doing?
O que é que ele está a fazer?
[Oaks] He's right.
Ele tem razão.

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