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Philomena traduction Portugais

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My mother's name is Philomena..
Santos demais são inúteis.
Go away, Philomena.
Vá-se embora, Filomena.
Even though Philomena herself in her own childhood would not have dreamt of going to the toilet without the entertainment of her black nanny Look at your Uncle Jim, he's in the bathtub learning how to swim
Ate mesmo Philomena quando era criança não ia ao banheiro sem sua babá negra olhe o Jim, está no banheiro aprendendo a nadar
Stanley Mays and the family got away I believe although Philomena and Bertie got cut up real bad
Stanley Mays e a família fugiram Philomena e Bertie se machucaram bastante
St. Philomena.
Santa Filomena.
Sister Philomena. Welcome back.
- Irmã Philomena.
Sister Philomena sent word by Journey Book.
A Irmã Philomena mandou uma mensagem pelo Livro de Viagem.
Philomena Rotchliffer?
Philomena Rotchliffer.
No, no, let me guess. Philomena Rottweiler?
"Philomena Rottweiler",
Ah, Philomena, my pet.
minha mascote.
Don't you worry, Philomena. I'll nurse you back to health.
eu ajudo-te a recuperar a saúde.
Don't worry, Philomena. I know what'll make you feel better.
Eu sei o que te vai fazer sentir melhor.
Say hello to your new friend Philomena.
a Philomena.
Your turn now, Philomena.
How's that feeling now for you, Philomena? Better?
! Going to return Philomena, remember?
All that really matters to me is that poor little Philomena here gets well.
O que me interessa é que a pobre da Philomena fique bem.
It's for your own good, Philomena, I promise. Please, just relax and try to get some sleep.
relaxa e tenta dormir.
I made it for Philomena. But she wouldn't eat it.
mas ela não a quis comer.
No! Philomena!
desce daí!
What happened to Philomena?
O que aconteceu à Philomena?
This is Philomena. She's quite a sight, as I said.
como já tinha dito.
But nothing unusual for a phoenix. Isn't that right, Philomena?
I'm afraid, mischievous little Philomena here took the occasion to have a little fun with you, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy really did do everything she could to try to take care of Philomena for you.
A Fluttershy fez mesmo tudo o que pôde para tratar da Philomena para si.
But all you had to do was ask me and I could have told you Philomena was a phoenix and saved you all this trouble.
e tinha-te poupado este sarilho.
It's beautiful.
Thank you, Philomena. No hard feelings.
Sem ressentimentos.
Or Philomena, which is my real name.
Ou Philomena, que é o meu primeiro nome.
This is Ms Philomena Puznowski.
Esta é a Menina Philomena Puznowski.
- Hello, Philomena.
- Olá, Filomena. - Sr. Padre...
Hello, you must be Philomena.
Olá, deve ser a Filomena?
So, Philomena, how are you?
Então, Filomena, como está?
- Philomena, they're taking Anthony. - No, no. - They're taking him away.
Filomena, vão levar o Anthony, eles vão levar-to!
- I'm Philomena Lee. - I made an appointment.
Chamo-me Filomena Lee, sou esperada.
- Yes. Come in, Philomena.
Claro, entre.
Hello, Philomena. Very nice to meet you.
Filomena, prazer em conhecê-la.
- Sister Claire. Now, when was the last time you came to see us, Philomena?
Quando nos veio visitar a Filomena pela última vez?
Well, now, I don't know if they told you last time, Philomena, but most of our records were destroyed in the big fire.
Bom, então... Não sei o que lhe disseram da outra vez, mas um fogo destruiu quase todos os nossos registos.
Philomena, we can't take away your pain, but we can walk through it with you, hand in hand.
Filomena... Não podemos eliminar o seu sofrimento. Mas podemos acompanhá-la nele, de mão na mão.
I'm happy to answer any questions Philomena has.
Estou pronta a responder a todas as perguntas que a Filomena tiver.
I'd feel more comfortable if I could speak to Philomena in private.
Sentia-me mais à vontade falando a sós com a Filomena...
Here you go, Philomena.
Oh dear.
Look, Philomena.
Philomena, was it?
não era?
You just have to help me get Philomena healthy and then we can return her to the Princess. And everything will be fine.
E vai ficar tudo bem.
Oh, stop fooling around, Philomena.

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