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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ P ] / Put it in your pocket

Put it in your pocket traduction Portugais

119 traduction parallèle
Here, put it in your pocket. See you later. I can't use this.
O juiz está louco com este género de esgotos.
Put it in your pocket, it will make you feel nicer to have it!
Colocá-lo em seu bolso, ele irá tranquilizá-lo.
Maybe you put it in your pocket.
Veja no seu bolso.
I'll put it in your pocket.
Vou colocá-la no seu bolso.
May I ask you why you put it in your pocket? !
Posso saber o porquê?
What was in your mind when you put it in your pocket?
Em que pensou quando a meteu no bolso?
I'm sure I saw you put it in your pocket.
Vi quando a colocou no bolso.
Now, I want you to reach out and put it in your pocket.
Quero que te aproximes... e o metas no teu bolso.
- You put it in your pocket!
- Meteu-o no seu bolso.
Put it in your pocket.
Vá lá e poe no bolso.
Fold it twice and put it in your pocket.
Dobra-o 2 vezes e mete-o no bolso.
Put it in your pocket.
Mete ao bolso.
Catch a failing star and put it in your pocket...
Apanha uma estrela cadente e guarda-a no teu bolso...
I'll put it in your pocket.
Coloque em teu bolso.
Write this down, put it in your pocket for a rainy day.
Escreva isto, e guarde no seu bolso, para o dia.
Well, put it in your pocket and save it for later.
Ponha-o no bolso e guarde-o para mais tarde.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket
Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket
You put it in your pocket.
Puseste-o no bolso.
Put it in your pocket, I don't want you to lose it.
Escrevi-o. Não o percas.
Just put it in your pocket.
Coloque no bolso.
You put it in your pocket?
Metemo-lo no bolso?
"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket."
"Apanha uma estrela cadente e mete-a no bolso."
You took a bite and you put it in your pocket.
Deu uma trinca e guardou-a no bolso.
I stole the Silly Putty and put it in your pocket when you weren't looking.
Eu é que roubei o Saltitão e o pus no teu bolso, sem tu veres.
No, you didn't leave it in the bar, you put it in your pocket.
Não, tu não a deixaste no bar, meteste-a no teu bolso.
Take 50,000 from the bag and put it in your pocket.
Tira 50,000 do saco e põe no teu bolso.
Pick an apple, put it in your pocket.
Apanha uma maça, guarda-a no bolso.
Now put it in your pocket.
Guarda-o no bolso.
Put it in your pocket.
Guarda-o no bolso.
I'll admit Janet put the notion in my head, but I never would have mentioned it, if it weren't that you seem to be carrying fear of discovery in your pocket.
A Janet deu-me a ideia, mas eu não teria falado nisso se não andasses com o receio de ser descoberto no bolso.
I put it in your right-hand pocket.
Pô-la no bolso direito.
- You put it in your pocket.
- No bolso?
Coloquei-a no bolso. Devo-a ter deixado cair.
You don't want it to put a hole in your pocket.
Não quer prejudicar o seu bolso. Um encoraja o outro e vêm armados.
In your country, it's okay to lie, put drug in pocket?
No seu país pode-se mentir, e colocar drogas nos bolsos.
Shit, man, if people find out we've got $ 10,000 in our pocket, we won't even make it to that damn corner. Man, just put your money back in the pocket, there. That's...
Se esta gente souber que temos US $ 10 mil... não chegamos nem á esquina.
Take your money, put it back in your wallet or your pocket, turn around and walk through both sets of doors...
pega no teu dinheiro.
Put it in your pocket, Ben.
Hell, you could've sold it... put the money in your own pocket.
Podia tê-la vendido e metido o dinheiro ao bolso.
In your pocket, check where did you put it into?
Procura no teu bolso. Onde o puseste?
I put it in his pocket, took what I thought was your key and put it on your key chain.
Pus no bolso dele, peguei na chave e coloquei-a no chaveiro.
My Mum says you should put your hands in your pocket, make a wish, and it will come true.
A minha mãe diz para pôr as mãos nos bolsos, desejarmos algo que se concretiza.
Take a deep breath and just put it in your back pocket.
Respira fundo e põe-a de novo no bolso.
You know, I did get it, Bob, and at first I just threw it away, but then I decided that wasn't a grand enough gesture. So I made a replica of you out of straw and then I put my lab coat on it with your memo in the pocket, then invited the neighbourhood kids to light it on fire and whack it with sticks.
Sabe, eu recebi-o Bob e, primeiro, eu mandei-o fora, mas depois decidi que esse não era um gesto suficientemente grande, então, eu fiz uma réplica de si em palha, e vesti-lhe a minha bata, com o seu memorando no bolso,
Put your money in your pocket. Give it a minute, you'll remember.
Guarde o dinheiro no bolso, tenha calma, já se vai lembrar.
Or do you want to put your hand in my pocket and get it yourself?
Queres pôr a mão no meu bolso para ir buscá-la?
It's really... What did you just put in your pocket?
O que colocou no bolso?
Put it... Put it right in your pocket and keep it for later.
Põem no teu bolso e guarda-a para mais tarde.
Couldn'tyou have put this in your pocket and not known it?
Não podia ter você mesmo metido o papel no bolso sem dar conta?
All right, all right, all right, put it back in your pocket.
Tudo bem, tudo bem, põe isso de volta no bolso.

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