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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ R ] / Raped her

Raped her traduction Portugais

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Did you tell him you didn't believe Quill raped her?
Disse-lhe que não acreditava que ele a tivesse violado?
He raped her, Rock.
Ele violou-a, Rock.
Colin did her. Raped her.
Foi o Colin... que a violou.
- You went upstairs and raped her.
- Depois violaste-a.
You might just as well have raped her yourself.
É como se tu também a tivesses violado.
- I only raped her once.
- Só a violei uma vez.
I had to after I raped her.
Teve de ser, depois de a violar.
He's raped her.
Ele a estrupou.
You raped her!
- A minha irmã!
Well I'm gonna tell you. They grabbed a young girl out of a car, and then the five of them raped her.
Eles arrastaram uma rapariga do carro e a violentaram.
With his lust aroused, he possibly raped her.
E ele, com o desejo possivelmente violou-a.
Come on, you know my sister. You practically raped her one night.
E se os russos estivessem a violar a tua irmä?
Two men raped her when she was 11 years old.
Foi violada por dois homens quando tinha 11 anos.
Raped her.
Some soldiers... big fellows like you, raped her when she was a child... and then cut out her tongue for fun.
Alguns soldados... grandes como vocês, a estupraram quando ela era uma criança... e então cortaram fora sua língua por diversão.
He probably raped her after.
Provavelmente, violou-a depois.
"Yes Sir, he raped her" so she committed su icide! "He killed my wife, I'll kill him!"
Sim Sr. ele violou-a e ela suicidou-se!
well, you raped her.
a violaram.
Who said I raped her?
Quem disse que a violei?
Sarah Tobias, who told you how three men raped her, and how she heard other men shouting encouragement to her attackers.
Sarah Tobias, que vos disse que três homens a violaram, e que ouviu outros homens gritar instigando os seus agressores.
He beat and raped her, and she thought it was love?
Ele batia nela e a violava e ela pensava que era amor?
And the other four men raped her.
E os outros quatro homens violaram-na.
You dragged her out and raped her!
Arrastaram-na e violaram-na.
You raped her.
Tu violaste-a.
Ramon killed her husband, murdered her sick baby, then used the baby's body to smuggle cocaine, and then he raped her.
O Ramon matou o marido dela e o bebé doente, depois usou o corpo do bebé para passar cocaína, e depois violou-a.
Look, I think he beat and raped her because he knew that she wouldn't testify that she wouldn't press charges because she knows the system.
Acho que o tipo lhe bateu e a violou porque sabia que ela não testemunharia. Que não o incriminaria. Ela conhece o sistema.
Because I know he brutally raped her and he beat her.
Eu sabia que ele a tinha violado brutalmente.
After my father raped her our mother left us.
Depois de o meu pai a ter violado a nossa mãe deixou-nos.
I realize that. I regret it. But there's no way in hell that I raped her.
Estou arrependido, mas não a violei.
He raped her.
- Abusou dela há um ano.
Houve luta no quarto da frente, ele estrangulou-a e então a violentou.
Three Cardassians raped her and smashed her skull.
Três Cardassianos violaram-na e esmagaram-lhe a cabeça.
I mean he beat the shit out of her and then he raped her.
Quero dizer que a espancou e depois violou-a.
He said the gang raped her.
Ele disse que o gangue a violou.
The fact that no evidence was present in her body does not mean that she was not raped, does it?
O facto de não haver provas no corpo dela, não significa que não foi violada, significa?
The mark where my wife lashed him before they raped and murdered her.
O que a minha mulher lhe fez antes de ser violada e assassinada.
Delusions the world was devouring her that she was being raped by a man with dueling pistols.
Alucinaçöes de que o mundo a devorava que era violada por um homem com pistolas.
Found her in a vacant lot, raped and murdered.
Encontrei-a num terreno baldio, violada e assassinada.
They raped the girl before they killed her. They dressed the boy in his manly gown.
Violaram a rapariguinha antes de a matarem e vestiram o rapaz nos seus trajes de adulto.
They raped her!
He raped her!
Ele violou-a!
I read her Q and A. Gang-raped on a pinball machine.
Li o interrogatório. Violada em grupo em cima dos flippers.
Bloodshed in the war between Iraq and lran- -... raped repeatedly, her body was dumped- -... was apparently set by representatives of a radical- - ln international news French officials announced they have two suspects in the bombing of the Champs Elysees restaurant....
Banho de sangue na guerra entre o Iraque e o Irão. Sucessivamente violada, o corpo foi lançado. Aparentemente, perpetrado por elementos radicais...
Robbed and raped a 70-year-old lady and put her in a garbage can. Jesus Christ.
Violou e matou uma velha de 70 anos, e enfiou-a num caixote do lixo.
He practically raped Joyce, threatening her with those knives.
Ele quase que violou a Joyce, ameaçando-a com as facas.
She joined the People's Army of her own free will guilt-ridden that her family had raped the working classes.
Ela aderiu ao People's Army de sua vontade própria cheias de culpa que a sua família tinha violadas as classes trabalhadoras.
You raped her.
You raped a 13-year-old girl, then sat here drinking with her father while the rest of us buried her.
E ficaste a beber com o pai dela enquanto nós a enterrávamos.
Raped the girl. Stabbed her several times.
Violaram a pequena, apunhalaram-na várias vezes.
And raped Hope Percy and stabbed her 17 times before shooting this sweet girl two times in the back of the head.
Violou Hope Percy e apunhalou-a 1 7 vezes antes de lhe dar dois tiros na nuca.
If Johnny had raped your girl, I would have let you live, for her sake, but...
Se o Johnny tivesse violado a tua namorada, deixava-te viver, pela moral dela.

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