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Ravenscroft traduction Portugais

48 traduction parallèle
Yeah, I was wondering if there's a teacher here named Dr. Ravenscroft.
Sim, eu gostaria de saber se tem um docente com o nome de Dr. Ravenscroft.
That's what I thought, but this Dr. Ravenscroft published a scientific journal.
Foi o que eu pensei, mas este Dr. Ravenscroft publicou um jornal científico.
I'm gonna have to get over to the college and talk to someone about Ravenscroft and his research.
Vou ter que ir ver isso na universidade e falar com alguém acerca do Ravenscroft e das suas pesquisas.
Well, I'm looking for some information on Dr. Ravenscroft.
Bem, procuro informações sobre o Dr. Ravenscroft.
Ravenscroft was a bit of a loose cannon back in those years.
Ravenscroft era um pouco excêntrico naquele tempo.
I met with a professor about Ravenscroft's experiments.
Estive com um professor alusivo as experiências do Dr. Ravenscroft.
I was wondering if Ravenscroft died from the same experiment.
Esperava que o Ravenscroft tivesse morrido fruto da sua experiência.
- The professor told me that Ravenscroft is buried in a cemetery near the college.
- O professor controu-me... que o Ravenscroft está enterrado no cemitério perto da universidade.
Celia Ravenscroft.
Celia Ravenscroft.
Celia Ravenscroft, you see, intends to marry my son Desmond.
É que a Celia Ravenscroft, está a ver, pretende casar com o meu filho, Desmond.
General and Mrs Ravenscroft.
General e Mrs. Ravenscroft.
She said'I believe you have a god-daughter named Celia Ravenscroft.'
Ela disse'Acho que tem uma afilhada, Celia Ravenscroft'
My friend Margaret Ravenscroft died a horrible death.
A minha amiga Margaret Ravenscroft teve uma morte horrível.
- Lady Ravenscroft's.
- De Lady Ravenscroft.
I mean people elephants. I'm trying to find out if anyone can recall anything of the Ravenscroft case.
Estou a tentar descobrir se alguém se lembra de algo sobre o caso Ravenscroft.
The principal suggestions are these. That General Ravenscroft was writing his memoir of his India days.
Que o General Ravenscroft estava a escrever um livro de memórias sobre os seus dias na Índia.
One of the elephants said that the dog was devoted to Lady Ravenscroft.
Um dos elefantes disse que o cão era dedicado a Lady Ravenscroft.
Lady Ravenscroft took it very bad.
A Lady Ravenscroft ficou muito abalada.
Lady Ravenscroft.
Lady Ravenscroft.
You was at school with Lady Ravenscroft?
Você andou na escola com Lady Ravenscroft? Sim.
I'm looking into it on behalf of their daughter, the Honourable Celia Ravenscroft.
Estou investigar o assunto em nome da sua filha, a ilustre Celia Ravenscroft.
Oh, Lady Ravenscroft.
Lady Ravenscroft. Sim.
Lady Ravenscroft had two to begin with.
A principio Lady Ravenscroft tinha duas.
Ah. Mademoiselle Ravenscroft.
Mademoiselle Ravenscroft.
Do you know a Mademoiselle Celia Ravenscroft?
Conhece uma Mademoiselle Celia Ravenscroft?
- Yes. Madame Jarrow and Lady Ravenscroft.
Madame Jarrow e Lady Ravenscroft.
General Ravenscroft had throughout paid for his sister-in-law to receive the best treatment in England.
Sabe, o General Ravenscroft sempre pagou para que a sua cunhada recebesse o melhor tratamento da Inglaterra.
Alistair Ravenscroft fell in love with her.
Alistair Ravenscroft apaixonou-se por ela.
You have concerns about the marriage of your son Desmond with Mademoiselle Celia Ravenscroft.
Preocupa-se com o casamento do seu filho Desmond com Mademoiselle Celia Ravenscroft?
Miss Ravenscroft, good of you to come.
Miss Ravenscroft, que bom que tenha vindo.
And please to recollect, the dog that lived with the General and Lady Ravenscroft, did it bite?
E, por favor, tente lembrar-se o cão que vivia com o General e Mrs. Ravenscroft, ele mordia?
And sure enough, when we did the autopsy on Lady Ravenscroft, there's a couple of dog bite marks maybe a week or two old.
E depois, quando foi feita a autópsia a Lady Ravenscroft, havia uma par de dentadas de cão, talvez com uma semana ou duas.
As I said to you in my telegram, I wish to ask you about the General and the Lady Ravenscroft.
Como disse no meu telegrama, queria perguntar-lhe sobre o General e Lady Ravenscroft.
- And the sister of Lady Ravenscroft,
- E a irmã de Lady Ravenscroft,
She was my aunt.
Eu sou Celia Ravenscroft.
I'm Celia Ravenscroft. - I think something funny is going on.
- Acho que ocorreu algo estranho.
The General Ravenscroft was at first in love with Dorothea.
Primeiro o General Ravenscroft apaixonou-se por Dorothea.
Miss Ravenscroft!
Miss Ravenscroft!
Miss Ravenscroft!
We learned that Lady Ravenscroft, she had four wigs.
Soubemos que Lady Ravenscroft tinha quatro perucas.
We know that, on the day that she died, Lady Ravenscroft was wearing the wig with the curls of the colour of the strawberry blonde.
Lady Ravenscroft usava a peruca com os cachos loiros escuros.
The knowledge that Lady Ravenscroft had recently been in a hospital or a nursing home.
O conhecimento de que Lady Ravenscroft tinha estado recentemente num hospital ou numa clínica.
It does not matter. Because the General Alistair Ravenscroft, once he rejects Dorothea and marries her sister,
Não importa, madame, porque o General Alistair Ravenscroft, quando rejeita Dorothea e se casa com a sua irmã,
- Lady Ravenscroft!
- Lady Ravenscroft!
The General Ravenscroft put it about that his wife had suffered a nervous collapse. And was in a sanatorium, recovering.
O General Ravenscroft disse que a sua esposa sofrera um colapso nervoso, e estava a recuperar num sanatório.
Everyone accepted that this was Lady Ravenscroft.
Todos aceitaram que ela era Lady Ravenscroft.
She was married to General Alistair Ravenscroft.
Estava casada com o General Alistair Ravenscroft.
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