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She was a beautiful woman traduction Portugais

90 traduction parallèle
She was a beautiful woman.
Ela era uma mulher muito bonita.
She was a beautiful woman... my mother.
Ela era uma mulher linda a minha mãe.
She was a beautiful woman and I didn't want to let herself go.
Ela era uma mulher linda e eu nao queria deixá-la ir.
Everyone said she was a beautiful woman.
Toda a gente dizia que era uma mulher muito bonita.
My first wife, Marita, Katie's mother she was a beautiful woman.
A minha primeira mulher, a Marita, a mãe da Katie... Era uma mulher linda.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era uma mulher bonita.
Anyone who knew Simone knew that she was a beautiful woman.
Todos os que conheciam a Simone sabem que era uma mulher muito bonita.
She was a beautiful woman, mind you.
Ela era uma mulher lindíssima.
She was a beautiful woman, Who showed no signs, So i did not know...
Ela era uma mulher linda, que não mostrava sinais, como tal, eu não sabia...
She was a beautiful woman.
Ela era uma mulher linda.
Friends... she was once a beautiful woman.
Meus amigos, ela foi em tempos uma bela mulher.
She was a very beautiful woman. - Tall, dark, exquisitely dressed.
Ela era uma mulher muito bonita... alta, morena, vestida impecavelmente.
It sounds silly, but I still think she was the most beautiful woman... I ever saw, and I've never forgotten her.
Parece tolice, mas foi a mulher mais bonita que já vi. Nunca a esqueci.
Yes, I remember her quite well. She was a very beautiful woman- - tall, dark, exquisitely dressed.
Ela era uma mulher muito bonita... alta, morena, vestida impecavelmente.
No. No, she was a real beautiful woman.
Era uma mulher muito linda.
And she was a very beautiful woman.
E era uma mulher muito linda.
She was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Era a mulher mais bela do mundo.
She was a very beautiful, a very gracious woman.
Ela era muito bela, uma mulher muito graciosa.
She was a very beautiful woman, your mother.
Ela era uma mulher muito bonita, a sua mãe.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era uma bela mulher.
In addition to being the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she was one of the few people I could have deep conversations with.
Além de ser a mulher mais bonita que já tinha visto, era das poucas pessoas com quem podia ter conversas profundas.
She was not a highly educated woman, or even beautiful. But I loved her.
Não tinha muita instrução, nem era muito bela... mas eu amava-a.
I looked over at her... and I never saw a woman more beautiful than the way she was looking at you.
Olhei para ela... Nunca vi uma mulher tão bonita na maneira como olhava para ti...
You. Chantry she was a very beautiful woman.
A Sra. Chantry era uma mulher muito bela.
She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
Era a mulher mais bonita que já vi em toda a minha vida.
.. but she was the most beautiful woman..
Desmaiou, mas mas olha que era a mulher mais bela...
She was a very beautiful, very gentle woman.
Ela era... uma mulher linda e muito delicada.
She was a very beautiful woman.
E uma bela figura de mulher.
she was the beautiful woman... who is mysteriously not on the scene any longer.
Ela é a formosa mulher que há desparecido misteriosamente de cena.
I can't believe my luck that she was still available, a beautiful woman like that.
Ela aceitou. Nem acredito na sorte que tive por ela ainda estar disponível. Uma mulher linda como ela.
I mean, Princess Grace... beautiful woman and all that... but she was losing her looks. Let's be honest.
Quer dizer, Princesa Grace, uma linda mulher, mas estava a ficar feia, honestamente.
She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
Ela era, sem dúvida, a mulher mais bonita que eu tinha visto.
I picked up a woman once because she was wearing a beautiful necklace... with gold serpents and green stones.
Uma vez comi uma mulher só porque ela usava um belo colar...
I picked up a woman once because she was wearing a beautiful necklace... with gold serpents and green stones.
Uma vez comi uma mulher só porque ela usava um belo colar... com serpentes douradas e pedras verdes.
This woman I used to be with, Maria... she was beautiful.
Eu vivia com uma mulher, a Maria. Era linda.
A long time ago in Ethiopia, there was this queen named Cassiopeia... who thought she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and there wasn't anybody in the kingdom who wasn't offended... by this woman's relentless vanity.
Há muito tempo atrás na Etiópia, havia uma rainha que se chamava Cassiopeia... que pensava ser a mulher mais bonita do mundo inteiro, e não havia ninguém neste reino que não se sentisse ofendido... pela enorme vaidade desta mulher.
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I know everybody thinks that when they're small, but she was the most beautiful woman most people had ever seen.
Era a mulher mais bonita que eu já vi sei que quando somos pequenos pensámos todos assim mas ela era a mulher mais bonita que a maioria das pessoas já viu.
Last night I saw a woman : she was really beautiful I said to myself, " I've got Beba.
Ontem à tarde vi uma mulher, muito... muito bonita.
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life, standing there in that...
Ela foi a mulher mais bela que eu alguma vez vi em toda a minha vida. Ali... naquele vestido púrpura...
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life... standing there in that, uh, purple dress.
Foi a mulher mais bela que eu vi em toda a minha vida... Ali parada...
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on.
Era a mulher mais bonita que eu já tinha visto.
She was possibly... the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
Era sem dúvida a mulher mais bonita que alguma vez tinha visto.
She was a very beautiful woman.
Era uma mulher muito bonita.
She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.
Ela era a mulher mais bonita que eu alguma vez tinha visto.
And she was the most beautiful woman in the regiment, and the most notorious
Era a mulher mais bonita do regimento, mesmo para sua reputação.
She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Ela era a mulher mais bonita que alguma vez vi.
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen other than Our Lady.
Ela era a mulher mais bonita que já tinha visto além da Nossa Senhora.
She was considered the most beautiful woman in these parts.
Era considerada a mulher mais bonita desta região.
I was... coming from a meeting, I was walking by the park, and she was there with her class, this beautiful woman with these kids.
Voltava de uma reunião. Caminhava pelo parque e ela estava lá com a classe dela, uma mulher linda com os miúdos.
"She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen."
Era a mulher mais bela que alguma vez tinha visto. "
She was a very beautiful woman, your wife. I'm also told quite spiritual.
A sua esposa era uma linda mulher e, pelo que ouvi, bastante espiritual.

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