Standing by traduction Portugais
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We're standing by.
Aguardamos instruções.
I was upset. I was standing by the magazines.
- Eu estava triste e encarando as revista.
But lucky for her there was a hell of a midwife standing by.
Mas, felizmente, tinha um parteiro por perto.
Mr. Wallace appears to have been attacked while standing by his desk.
O Sr. Wallace parece ter sido atacado ao pé da sua secretária.
And give me six units of packed blood cells standing by in the blood bank.
Pede 6 unidades de plasma ao Banco de Sangue.
Standing by for further instructions.
À espera de mais instruções.
- Standing by my man.
- A apoiar o meu homem.
the O.R.Is booked and standing by.
O B.O. está pronto e a aguardar.
- Sir, we're ready and standing by.
- Major, estamos a postos.
- Our men are standing by.
- Os nossos homens estão a postos.
Have some ephedrine standing by.
Põe a epinefrina a postos.
I was driving home to my beloved wife and children when I saw an Afro-Caribbean lady standing by the side of the road in what I am now told is a notorious red-light district.
Na Quinta-feira à noite, depois de uma reunião com o Secretário de Estado, estava a conduzir até casa para ter com a minha querida esposa e filhos, quando vi uma senhora Afro-Caribeana parada junto à estrada na qual me disseram agora que ficava no famoso districto das "Luzes Vermelhas".
So far, the White House is standing by its actions, but they're not denying the report.
Até ao momento, a Casa Branca está a apoiar as suas decisões, mas não nega o relatório.
Who, at that moment, is standing by that twinkling glow?
Quem, neste momento, está a postos, cintilando o seu brilho?
You know, I was standing by waiting to say good-bye by myself.
Sabes, estava aqui à espera para me despedir,
- Naomi, if you collect the cord blood, I have a team standing by ready to transplant.
- Se colheres o sangue do cordão, terei uma equipa pronta para o transplante.
Yu, standing by!
Yu, pronto!
Yuji, standing by.
Yuji, pronto.
Senpai, standing by.
Senpai, pronto.
Takahiro, standing by.
Takahiro, pronto.
We'll be standing by.
Vamos ficar a postos.
Long jagged edge. He was standing by his truck.
Rebordo irregular e comprido.
- Okay, Tommy's standing by in Qatar.
O Tommy está à espera no Qatar.
The idea of standing by and doing nothing while the rest of the galaxy was suffering was too much for jennifer to take.
A ideia de esperar e não fazer nada enquanto o resto da galáxia sofria, foi demais para a Jennifer aguentar.
Standing by that statue.
De pé perto daquela estátua.
- Two liters, standing by. - That's good.
- Dois litros a postos.
Le grenouillmust Have been standing By the railing.
Le Grenouille devia estar junto ao gradeamento.
You know I was standing by waiting to say goodbye by myself, but I realize I said goodbye a long time ago.
Estive aqui à espera para me despedir, mas apercebi-me de que já me despedira há muito tempo.
Oren, Tuxhorn and Edison are standing by.
O Oren, o Tuxhorn e o Edison estão a postos.
I'll have the attorney general standing by.
Direi ao procurador-geral para ficar à espera.
Let's make sure LAFD has two engine companies standing by, and I want every officer with a picture of this John what's-his-name.
Vamo-nos certificar de que os Bombeiros de L.A. têm duas companhias preparadas, e quero todos os agentes com uma fotografia deste John qualquer coisa.
They are standing by to initiate duplication.
Estão a postos para iniciar a duplicação.
I'm the one standing by you, Vic.
Sou o único a ajudar-te, Vic.
Standing by to copy.
À espera de receber.
Standing by.
A aguardar.
Standing by for B.D.A.
Aguardar por relatório de danos.
- Standing by. - I'm dispatching an Alpha platoon to take this child to the shock-trauma unit.
- Estou a designar um pelotão Alfa para levar esta criança até à unidade de choque-trauma.
Standing by to copy.
A aguardar por confirmação.
Standing by to copy grid.
Aguarde para receber a grelha.
- Assassin Actual standing by.
Escuto. - Assassino Actual à espera.
Standing by.
A aguardar. - Delta?
- Delta? - Standing by captain.
A aguardar, Capitão.
You know, and that's what the whole thing was about for us, was standing our ground and not being walked over by anyone, because this was our little place, you know?
Disso trata-se tudo para nós. Manter-nos firmes e não deixar-nos pisotear porque este é nosso lugar, você sabe.
We also obtained guarantees regarding long-standing payments owing to the king by the emperor.
Também obtivemos garantias relativas a pagamentos de longa data que o Imperador devia ao Rei.
Britain and America - two great nations standing side by side.
Grã-Bretanha e América, duas grandes nações juntas lado a lado.
And I want to be with you so bad that I'm standing in the hallway right now covered in vomit, surrounded by a bunch of people, professing my love to a door, and it's really not exactly now I planned on- -
E sinto-me mal estar assim contigo, estou agora no corredor coberto de vomitado, rodeado por uma multidão, a confessar o meu amor a uma porta. e não foi exactamente assim que eu tinha planeado...
Maybe you'll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy just by standing here they stood 1000 years ago? Zuko :
Talvez recebam alguma energia de uns Guerreiros do Sol super antigos só por estarem no lugar onde eles estiveram há milhares de anos atrás?
My partner is standing right over there by my car.
O meu parceiro está mesmo ali ao pé do meu carro.
There's a chopper standing by for us in the next intersection.
Há um helicóptero à nossa espera no próximo cruzamento.
And when I was standing out there in that quad watching you make an idiot out of yourself and everybody around you, I did what I thought I had to do by sticking up for you.
E quando estava lá fora, de pé, a ver-te a fazeres figura de parva, e toda gente à tua volta, fiz o que achava ser necessário ao defender-te.
Standing by.
by the way 9822
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
by the sea 31
bygones 81
by the end of the week 21
bye then 84
by the end 42
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
by the sea 31
bygones 81
by the end of the week 21
bye then 84
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
bye now 202
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
bye to me 16
by my side 27
by any chance 561
bye forever 30
bye to you 39
bye now 202
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
bye to me 16
by my side 27
by any chance 561
bye forever 30
bye to you 39
by the sound of it 17
by now 279
by me 131
byes 156
by this time 33
by that time 70
bye mom 21
by myself 167
by god 340
by the looks of it 63
by now 279
by me 131
byes 156
by this time 33
by that time 70
bye mom 21
by myself 167
by god 340
by the looks of it 63