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The handcuffs traduction Portugais

407 traduction parallèle
Come along, now. Come quietly, unless you want me to put the handcuffs on.
E tranquilo, ou ponho-lhe as algemas.
Quick, McPherson, the handcuffs.
Rápido, McPherson, as algemas.
Despite the handcuffs, I managed to wash my face and wounds.
Apesar das algemas, limpei-me minimamente e lavei as feridas.
The handcuffs were Evans'all right,... and it's my belief that he's been killed.
As algemas eram mesmo do Evans, e creio que ele foi morto.
Give me the handcuffs.
Dá-me as algemas.
I will unlock the handcuffs when you give me the job.
Abrirei as algemas quando me contratar.
Bring me my coat and jacket, the handcuffs and the two hats, and get the train moving.
Há outros comboios a caminho. Traga meu casaco e o meu sobretudo, as algemas e os dois chapéus, e ponha o comboio a andar.
Fat guts, get the handcuffs.
Gordo, traz as algemas.
Just take off the handcuffs.
Tire só as algemas.
The handcuffs.
As esposas.
She just sits there while this policeman all but puts the handcuffs on her. Nora.
Ela fica ali sentada, quando só falta o polícia algemá-la.
These are not the handcuffs your wife was wearing when she was killed.
Não são estas as algemas que a sua mulher tinha quando foi morta.
On October 28 Agent Mess slapped the handcuffs on Rocky and Mugsy and brought them to justice.
A 28 de Outubro, o Agente Elegante algemou Rocky e Mugsy, e levou-os à Justiça. prisão JULlET
Get the handcuffs.
Tragam as algemas.
Sergeant, these aren't necessary, the handcuffs?
Sargento, isto não é necessário, as algemas?
What's with the handcuffs?
O que é isto das algemas?
- And the handcuffs.
- E as algemas.
- We'll hold hands and hide the handcuffs.
- Escondemos as algemas.
- The handcuffs will show.
- As algemas aparecem.
I'll take off the handcuffs and you can get comfortable.
Tiro as algemas e tu ficas à vontade.
i have it- - agent crabtree will have the keys to the handcuffs - at the police station.
O agente Crabtree tem as chaves das algemas na polícia.
Where did you get the handcuffs? Oh...
- Onde compraste as algemas?
"Your turn to wear the handcuffs..."
"Agora és tu a usar as algemas..."
Wooly, take off the handcuffs.
Wooly, tira as algemas.
Here's the keys to the handcuffs, a snack for Averell, he tends to get a little cranky in the middle of the afternoon.
Se se inspirar em dizer o que sente por mim, com palavras. - Palavras? - Palavras!
Is that man with the handcuffs dangerous?
Esse homem algemado é perigoso?
"take the, the handcuffs off."
"tira-me as algemas."
Your handcuffs, one on the wrist, one on the banister.
As tuas algemas, uma no pulso, outra no corrimão.
- Put the handcuffs on.
- Ponha-lhe as algemas.
The carefree youth, and he has handcuffs on.
Andam à sua procura. E tem algemas.
- The handcuffs.
As algemas.
He went to the blacksmith shop, cut off his handcuffs and leg irons.
Foi ao ferreiro, cortou as algemas e os grilhões.
You're the Spic, and you go back in handcuffs.
- E tu vais voltar de algemas.
To you the crucifix, to me the handcuffs.
O senhor o crucifixo e eu as algemas.
How would you like to be the dude that handcuffs a legend?
Não gostavas de ser o tipo que prendeu uma lenda?
- Putting handcuffs on the man.
... colocando algemas no homem.
The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel.
A corrente dessas algemas é de aço temperado.
It's the only way you can drive with handcuffs on.
Para que possamos conduzi-los de algemas.
They were sentenced to 20 years of hard labor which was a little tough on Agent Mess who was never able to find the keys to his handcuffs.
Foram condenados a 20 anos de trabalhos forçados o que foi bastante duro para o Agente Elegante, que nunca conseguiu encontrar as chaves das algemas.
Before that I'll keep you in handcuffs. And I'll hand over... "... your lover to the police.
Antes sou eu que vou algemá-la e vou entregar o seu amante para a polícia.
That's why he uses handcuffs on the women.
É por isso que ele usa algemas.
According to the "Evidence Recovered" section, handcuffs were used on all the victims.
Segundo a secção de provas recolhidas, foram usadas algemas com todas as vítimas.
During the show you won't have handcuffs, you'll better behave well.
Durante a transmissão, levo-lhe as esposas. Com os problemas que tem, não lhe convem fazer loucuras.
I brought handcuffs, but not the keys
Tenho as algemas, mas não tenho as chaves.
Are you sure handcuffs are the best idea here?
Acha que as algemas são a melhor solução?
Handcuffs are the only thing Duvalier makes sure Haiti has enough of.
Algemas é algo que abunda no Haiti.
the general has ordered handcuffs.
O General quer que levem algemas.
- The handcuffs are on the ground.
As algemas estão no chão. Procure por elas.
A check for handcuffs? How about a check to the State Liquor Authority?
Que tal um recibo à Autoridade de Bebidas Alcoólicas?
Handcuffs with the same lot number.
- Com o mesmo número de lote.
Rebecca, you heard the forensic testimony... about the use of handcuffs.
Ouviu o depoimento sobre o uso de algemas. Sim.

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