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There was nothing we could do traduction Portugais

110 traduction parallèle
We saw everything and there was nothing we could do.
Vimos tudo e não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
I must go and see him. There was nothing we could do, mervyn.
Não podíamos ter feito nada, Mervyn.
There was nothing we could do.
Não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
There was nothing we could do.
Não pudemos fazer nada.
I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do.
Lamento, mas não conseguimos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do about it.
Não podemos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do.
Não podíamos fazer nada.
She called me right away, but there was nothing we could do.
Naquela aflição, chamou-me, mas já não havia nada a fazer.
There was nothing we could do.
Não podíamos ter feito nada.
There was nothing we could do about it.
Não podíamos fazer nada.
By the time he got here there was nothing we could do.
Quando chegou aqui já tinha perdido tanto sangue que não pudemos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do, sir.
Não havia nada que pudesse-mos fazer, sir.
There was nothing we could do about it, it had to happen that way.
E não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer, tinha de acontecer daquela maneira.
but there was nothing we could do about it, so we buried her.
Não podíamos fazer nada, por isso enterrámo-la.
And there was nothing we could do.
E nós não podíamos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do.
Nada podíamos fazer.
- There was nothing we could do.
- Não pudemos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do, so... we boarded the Transport Pod to return to Moya... and, um... and that's when you captured us.
Nada podíamos fazer, então... entramos no transporte e voltamos a Moya. E... vocês nos capturaram.
There was nothing we could do.
- Não podíamos fazer nada.
there was nothing we could do, it was fate, irrevocable destiny.
Não podíamos fazer nada. Foi o seu destino.
And there was nothing we could do so my mom put her in a home.
E nós não podíamos fazer nada, portanto a minha mãe meteu-a num lar.
But there wasn't. There was nothing we could do.
Mas não havia, e não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer a esse respeito...
There was nothing we could do for them.
Não podíamos fazer nada por eles.
We tried to resuscitate him, but there was nothing we could do.
Tentámos reanimá-lo, mas não houve nada que pudéssemos fazer.
We had no time to run any tests. There was nothing we could do.
Não tivemos tempo para fazer exames.
His estate tried to get senator Glassman to intervene, but there was nothing we could do.
O seu estado conseguiu que o senador interviesse..... mas não havia nada que conseguisse fazer.
- There was nothing we could do, Sir.
- Não pude fazer nada, meu Alferes.
He got septic and there was nothing we could do.
Apanhou uma infecção e não pudemos fazer nada.
We're gonna arrest these guys you're gonna write a witness report saying they leapt in front of our car and there was nothing we could do.
vamos prender aqueles dois tipos. Vamos escrever um testemunho ocular, em que eles se atiraram feitos loucos para a frente do carro e não pudemos fazer nada para evitar bater neles.
And they were in agony. And there was nothing we could do.
E estavam em agonia, e não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
There was nothing we could do.
Não havia nada a fazer.
Once I figured out what happened to you, I realized there was nothing we could do.
Assim que descobri o que tinha acontecido contigo, percebi que não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
There was - there was nothing we could do.
Não havia... Não havia nada que pudéssemos ter feito.
I had to tell the children of a 70-year-old man that he had just killed, that there was nothing we could do.
Tive que dizer aos filhos de um homem de 70 anos que ele tinha acabado de matar que não podíamos fazer nada.
There was nothing we could do for him here.
Aqui não podíamos fazer mais nada.
The FBI located Al-Zarian. There was nothing we could do.
O FBI localizou Al-Zarian.
There was nothing we could do. Those few drops didn't help.
Não pudemos fazer nada.
Paul, there was nothing we or anybody else could do.
Paul, não há mais nada que nós ou seja quem for possa fazer.
We all know there was nothing you could do.
Todos sabemos que não podias fazer mais nada.
There was nothing we could not do.
Não havia nada que não pudéssemos fazer.
" There was really nothing much we could do, other than pray.
Não havia muito mais a fazer, para além de rezar.
Ethan, there was nothing we could do.
Não pudemos fazer nada, Ethan.
There was nothing more we could do for him.
Não havia nada mais que nós pudéssemos fazer por ele.
And there was nothing, what we could do.
E não havia nada que nós pudéssemos fazer.
Look, whatever happened it wasn't our fault. We were kids. I mean, there was nothing that we could do to deserve...
Seja o que aconteceu a culpa não foi nossa, éramos miúdos, não fizemos nada que merecesse...
And we will show that despite his greatest efforts and his sincere love for Emily there was nothing he could've done to prevent the death of Emily Rose.
E mostraremos que apesar do seu enorme empenhamento e do seu sincero amor pela Emily não havia nada que o Padre Moore pudesse ter feito para evitar a morte de Emily Rose.
There was nothing we doctors could do. However, we gathered up some things, and started treating the burns.
Eles recolheram os cadáveres e desfizeram-se deles antes que a doença se espalhasse.
There was nothing that we could do about it.
Não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
I know, when we were stranded in the desert I felt like there was almost nothing I could do.
Eu sei, quando estávamos perdidos no deserto, senti que não havia quase nada que eu pudesse fazer.
We were young and committed and there was nothing we could not do.
Éramos novos e dedicados, e não havia nada que não pudéssemos fazer.
Nothing that happened in there was anything that we could have talked about.
Não podíamos falar sobre nada do que aconteceu.

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