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They said traduction Portugais

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They said they came in the middle of the night, and they were picked up by an old van.
Disseram que vieram no meio da noite, e que foram levados numa carrinha velha.
They said, " Sir, you've got to sit down.
Eles disseram : " Tem de se sentar.
They said, "What's the problem?"
Eles perguntaram : "Qual é o problema?"
And I was chatting to him and his father. I was round at theirs, having tea, and they asked, they said, " Well, what can you joke about, and what can't you joke about?
Eu estava a falar com eles e perguntaram : " Com que coisas podes e não podes gozar?
They said he should come reclaim his house today.
Disseram que ele já podia ir reclamar a casa dele hoje.
They said that thing touched down less than a mile from here.
Disseram que passou muito perto daqui.
If you really want to help, maybe you should do like they said and go ahead and finish the goddamn job!
Se queres mesmo ajudar, talvez devas fazer como eles dizem e vás em frente e termines a porra do trabalho!
No, they said...
Não, eles disseram...
Apparently, they like you. They said you're a good guy.
Aparentemente, gostam de si.
They said three Hail Mary's and they're on the lookout for the zombie apocalypse.
Rezaram três ave-marias, e estão à procura do apocalipse zumbi.
They said that wasn't a requirement.
- Não era um requisito.
You had to do whatever they said.
Tinhas que fazer aquilo que eles mandavam.
I checked with the LAPD, they said they had a couple of tips, but no real leads.
Verifiquei com a LAPD, eles disseram que têm um par de dicas, mas nenhuma verdadeira pista.
They said they'd murder everyone on the list starting with Liv.
Ameaçaram matar toda a gente da lista, a começar pela Liv.
Or at least it wasn't what they said they were working on.
Ou pelo menos, não é o que eles diziam em que estavam a trabalhar.
They said that a rather attractive woman came there every night the same time.
- Vês? Disseram que uma mulher bastante atraente vai lá todas as noites no mesmo horário.
They said a word, over and over again.
Eles disseram uma palavra, repetidamente.
I saw all the police and I started to walk down the on-ramp and they stopped me and they said I wasn't allowed down there.
Vi os polícias todos e comecei a descer a rampa de acesso à autoestrada, e eles mandaram-me parar e disseram que eu não podia ir lá.
And they said vinyl was dead.
E diziam que o vinil estava "morto".
They said we can each keep one of the cannonballs, so not a total loss, right?
Ao menos não perdemos tudo!
So mid-wank, you call for someone in the house you do not have a sexual relationship with, and then try and finish said wank before they arrive.
A meio da masturbação, chamam alguém com quem não têm uma relação sexual e tentam terminar a dita masturbação antes de eles chegarem.
He said they would set me free.
Disse que me libertariam.
You know he said they're for VIPs only, so...
- Disse que eram só para VIP's...
But when he never came back, I asked the day nurse about it, and she said they transferred him to another facility for medical reasons.
Mas, quando ele nunca regressou, perguntei por ele à enfermeira de serviço, e ela disse-me que ele tinha sido transferido para outra unidade por motivos médicos.
You said if we stay off the trails, they won't find us.
Disseste que, se ficássemos fora dos trilhos, eles não nos encontrariam.
Someone said they saw you breaking into Linus Dilmoe's place the other night, and the next day, saw him driving his bus with his face all bandaged.
Alguém disse que te viu a arrombar a casa do Linus Dilmoe na outra noite e no dia a seguir viu-o a conduzir o autocarro com a cara cheia de ligaduras.
Now, those fellers might not seem the sharpest shivs in Heaven's shed, but still, I mean, you said they were bloody angels.
Aqueles camaradas podem não parecer os mais espertos do céu, mas mesmo assim, disseste que eles eram anjos.
I'm sorry to call on a Sunday, uh, but I just got a call myself from Highway Patrol about 20 minutes ago to come down here, and... Well, officers, they off-offered to reach out to you, uh, which is the usual way of doing things, but, um, well, I said no.
Peço desculpa por estar a ligar a um domingo... mas também recebi uma chamada da brigada da autoestrada há uns 20 minutos atrás para vir até aqui, e... os agentes, eles ofereceram-se para lhe ligar, o que é o procedimento normal,
Six months ago, they killed my husband in Peru when he said he was done.
Há seis meses, mataram o meu marido no Peru, quando disse que estava farto.
- My dad said they've come to check on things because this is the place.
- O meu pai disse que eles vieram verificar as coisas porque este é o lugar.
- You and Johnny said they wouldn't find him.
Tu e o Johnny disseram que não o encontrariam. - Eu sei.
Schmidt said, " They're desecrating the Time Warp.
Schmidt disse : " Eles estão a profanar o Salto temporal.
The store said that they put out 100 bottles of my sauce, and half of them are gone!
O supermercado disse que colocou cem frascos do meu molho, e metade já se foi.
They also said Doyle had a lot of blood on him when they got here, but aside from the cut on his forehead, they found no major wounds.
Também disseram que o Doyle tinha muito sangue nele quando chegaram cá, mas, tirando o corte na testa, não encontraram feridas graves.
Said to say they found an address for that name you were looking for.
Disse que encontraram uma morada para o nome que procura.
He said they weren't his.
Ele disse que não eram dele.
He said, "Once they're yours, they're yours for life."
Disse-me : "Uma vez contigo, estarão contigo para a vida".
If they ask you why... you just tell them because I said so.
Se eles te perguntarem porquê... diz-lhes só que foi porque eu quis.
She said they were sure Johnson was the killer, just couldn't make it stick.
Ela disse que tinham a certeza que o Johnson era o assassino, mas não conseguiu prová-lo.
Major said they were always keeping tabs on him.
O Major disse que estavam sempre a vigiá-lo.
St. Louis said stay offshore, but they didn't say we had to sit here with our thumbs up our asses. You want to find those three boats?
Quer encontrar aqueles três barcos?
So Borns Tech said that they found this letter in Ryan's office desk.
Portanto a Borns Tech diz que encontraram esta carta na secretária do escritório do Ryan.
She said she thought she heard 3 attackers and that Morgan sounded drugged before they cut off the call.
- Disse que ouviu 3 agressores e que o Morgan parecia estar drogado antes de desligarem a chamada.
She said they'd have to put down all of the animals if I didn't get six of my friends to invest.
Disse que tinha de abandonar os animais se não encontrasse seis amigos para investir.
He posted that he needed some help, and somebody said they would help him.
Ele deixou mensagem a pedir ajuda e alguém disse que o ajudava.
And he said, " They don't know yet.
E ele disse : " Ainda não sabem.
She had a wild look on her face and she said, "They heard it all." She said, " They heard it all.
Ela tinha um olhar louco e disse : "Eles ouviram tudo." Ela disse : " Eles ouviram tudo.
Um, I have said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today they have.
Eu disse que outras mensagens e fotos poderiam aparecer e hoje apareceram.
Someone who lives above the arcade said they saw an old woman hurrying away from the scene of the shooting last night.
Alguém que mora lá perto viu uma velhota a fugir do local.
Next day they call him and-and he said,
No dia seguinte, ligaram-lhe e ele disse.
Like I said, Imran, they will be here soon.
Tal como eu disse, Imran... eles estarão aqui em breve.

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