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They are yours traduction Portugais

213 traduction parallèle
- They are yours?
- Elas são suas?
Kill me, and they are yours.
Mate-me... e eles serão seus!
You can go, take the letters, take the letters, they are yours.
Podes ir, leva as cartas, leva as cartas são tuas.
- - They are yours.
- São seus.
They are yours.
Elas são vossas.
They are yours for the night!
Elas são tuas esta noite!
They are yours now.
Agora são suas.
Are they yours?
Com mil diabos! São seus?
I suppose this sounds very dramatic but they are all yours.
Suponho que isto pareça dramático, mas são todas tuas.
Those little puppets of yours will tell us who's pulling the strings. Where are they?
Estas pequenas marionetas suas, vão-nos dizer quem é o manda chuva.
But the cattle are as much yours as they are mine... so the deci...
Mas o gado é tanto seu como é meu. de modo a decid...
They are not for this life. Not to adorn my body or yours or any living thing.
Elas não são para esta vida, para adornar meu corpo ou o seu ou qualquer coisa viva.
There you are, they're all yours.
Aí está, mérito todo seu.
Emile, they are yours?
Sou o pai deles.
In the meantime, at long last... they are sending me another sister with qualifications similar to yours.
- Entretanto, no meio tempo... - mandarão para mim outra irmã com qualificações similares como as suas.
- These Providers of yours, are they..?
- Esses vossos Provedores.
Are they yours?
- São nossos.
Are they friends of yours?
São teus amigos?
These friends of yours - where are they?
Onde estão seus amigos?
Are they friends of yours?
São seus amigos?
They are all yours, sergeant. Bring the squad.
São todos seus, sargento.
They are all yours.
São todas suas.
Every second they are penetrating my body and yours.
Em cada segundo penetram no meu corpo, e nos vossos.
These men of yours are gonna end up dead or they're gonna end up worse.
Esses homens podem acabar mortos ou pior que isso.
There are many pleasures in the world, many cups to drink from and they shall be yours.
Há muitos prazeres no mundo, muitos cálices por onde beber, e serão todos teus.
And if you would care to bend those beady Belgian eyes of yours on Christine's hands, you'll see they are too small to have strangled anyone.
Olhe para as mãos de Christine, são pequenas, não pode estrangular ninguém.
Spock, these cadets of yours, how good are they?
Os seus cadetes são bons, Spock?
- Then where are these friends of yours? - Where do you think they are?
- Onde é que acha que eles estão?
They are all yours.
São bolinhas pequenas.
These new friends and associates of yours they are people we know nothing about except that they seem to be making a great deal of money.
Estes vossos novos amigos e sócios são pessoas sobre as quais não sabemos nada,... excepto que parecem estar a ter bastante lucro.
There they are and they're all yours.
Aí estão eles, e são todos vossos.
If anybody's lights are about to go out, believe me, they're yours.
Se há luzes a apagar, acredite que são as suas.
These Huguenots, are they any relations of yours?
- Estes aqui, são parentes seus?
- He's right... they stop you from floating. Yours are here!
- Estas botas... evitam que flutue.
Are they exempt from this argument of yours?
Fcam, para si, fora desta sua contenda?
- Are they yours?
- São seus?
Are they yours?
São teus?
Are they yours?
São seus? - Pois.
- Yeah, they are all yours now.
- Sim, é teu.
The diamonds are part of the robbery. When they sold them, people got killed. How can you say they're yours?
Fazem parte de um roubo e mataram pessoas para os roubar e dizem que são vossos?
Are they yours?
São seus?
They are all great fighters... but I have looked into their souls... and yours.
São todos grandes lutadores, mas eu perscrutei as almas deles e as vossas.
Are they friends of yours?
São amigos teus?
No, those are the originals and they're yours to keep.
Não, isso são os originais e são para si.
Are they on yours?
Eles estão na sua?
are they friends of yours?
O quê? Gill, eles são teus amigos?
are they friends of yours?
Quem são estas pessoas? Gill, são teus amigos?
They are finding it useful in learning how to get along with other races even yours.
Eles acham-no muito útil para aprenderem a darem-se com as outras raças... incluindo a sua.
They are getting louder. Must be those Vulcan ears of yours.
Uma serie de freqüências altas, se ouvem mais fortes.
It will soon be yours as well, Senator Kinsey, for the Goa'uld are as powerful as they are evil.
Em breve, será seu também, Senador Kinsey, pois os Goa'uid têm tanto de poderosos como de maléficos.
They were dressed as you are and carried weapons like yours.
Estavam vestidos como vocês e tinham armas como as suas.

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