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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ T ] / Thirty thousand

Thirty thousand traduction Portugais

193 traduction parallèle
Thirty thousand feet.
30 mil pés.
Thirty thousand.
30 mil.
Thirty thousand in two hours.
30 mil em duas horas.
I've seen him lose as much as thirty thousand in one afternoon at the fairgrounds.
Cheguei a vê-lo perder, tanto como 30 mil, numa tarde em "Fair Grounds".
A hundred and thirty thousand pounds?
£ 130,000?
Now I just have thirty thousand people to investigate.
Agora só tenho trinta mil pessoas para investigar.
Thirty thousand miles away... she telephoned her mother.
A 50.000 quilómetros, telefonou à mãe.
In the morning, there will be thirty thousand and twenty-five wild cowboys...
De manhã, haverá trinta mil e vigésimo cinco vaqueiros selvagens...
- Thirty thousand?
- Trinta mil?
And thirty thousand, that's a lot of money!
Trezentos... É uma grande quantidade de dinheiro!
Thirty thousand watts of laser is a whole lot more than a peck on the cheek.
Trinta mil watts de laser é muito mais do que um beijinho na bochecha.
Thirty thousand watts of laser protection and no way to turn it off.
Trinta mil watts de protecção laser, e sem hipótese de os desligar.
Thirty thousand.
Trinta mil.
Thirty thousand dollars, ladies and gentlemen!
$ 30 000, senhoras e senhores!
Thirty thousand feet and still descending.
30 mil pés. Descendo.
Thirty thousand years.
Trinta mil anos.
Thirty thousand feet above your head, you bastard.
A trinta mil pés da tua cabeça, sacrista.
Thirty thousand?
30 mil? !
A hundred and thirty thousand pounds each!
£ 130.000 para cada um.
- Three thousand francs, 45 pounds. Thirty you might have got for it. Then the fine...
3.000 francos, 45 libras, 30 que podia ter conseguido e a multa.
Thirty-one thousand.
31 mil.
Thirty-two thousand.
32 mil.
Thirty-five thousand.
35 mil.
- Thirty-six thousand.
- 36 mil.
- Thirty-seven thousand.
- 37 mil.
Thirty-six thousand.
36 mil.
Thirty-eight thousand.
38 mil.
One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Um milhão, 999 mil, 938.
One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine.
Um milhão, 999 mil, 939.
Thirty-seven thousand five hundred.
Trinta e sete mil e quinhentos.
Thirty-five thousand.
Trinta e cinco mil.
One thousand, two hundred and thirty dollars.
Mil, duzentos e trinta dólares. Toma.
The thirty-five thousand men of Kutuzov's army were saved.
O exército de Kutuzov, de trinta e cinco mil efectivos, salvou-se.
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38.000 e a reduzir...
Thirty-five thousand and closing.
35.000 e a reduzir.
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38.000 e a aproximar-se.
Thirty-thousand smackers!
Trinta mil pratas!
Fifty.... Fifty thousand, thirty-eight dollars, and fifty-three cents.
50... 50.038 dólares e 53 cêntimos.
So I told him that in thirty years those ten thousand oaks would be magnificent.
Eu lhe disse que, em 30 anos, esses 10 mil carvalhos seriam magníficos.
He answered quite simply that if God granted him life, in thirty years he would have planted so many more that these ten thousand would be like a drop of water in the sea.
Ele me respondeu simplesmente que, se Deus lhe desse vida, em 30 anos plantaria tantos outros que os 10 mil seriam como uma gota d'água no mar.
Since nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, the second was defined as the equivalent of nine billion, one hundred and ninety two million, six hundred and thirty one thousand, seven hundred and fifty eight radiation cycles of the caesium atom.
Desde 1958, o segundo foi definido como o equivalente a 9 biliões, 192 milhões, 631 mil, 770 ciclos radiactivos de um átomo de césio.
Thirty-five thousand?
Trinta e cinco mil?
Two thousand, three hundred and thirty-four left.
Faltam dois mil, trezentos e trinta e quatro dias.
A thousand thirty.
... mil e trinta.
Eight hundred and sixty-three thousand, four hundred and thirty-four.
Foram 863.434
- Thirty-five thousand dollars!
- $ 35 000!
- Thirty-five thousand.
- Trinta e cinco mil.
There are one thousand three hundred and thirty two lawyers named Gail.
Existem 1332 advogadas com o nome Gail.
At thirty or forty thousand feet....
A 9 ou a 12 mil metros...
Thirty-five thousand dollars, for the initial plans.
35.000 dólares para os planos iniciais.
- Thirty-six thousand.
- Trinta e seis mil.

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