Tried that traduction Portugais
5,559 traduction parallèle
My wife tried that.
A minha mulher experimentou isso.
No, I understand, but my wife tried that, and I don't think I wanna do it.
Percebo, mas a minha mulher experimentou isso e acho que não quero fazê-lo.
- We tried that.
- Já tentámos.
I've already tried that.
Já tentei.
I should've tried that first before you slapped me, Connor!
Devia ter tentado isso primeiro antes de me bateres, Connor!
I tried that before.
Já tentei isso.
- They tried that shit with me, too.
Também tentaram isso comigo.
I tried some new designs, From that magazine you gave me.
Tentei alguns desenhos novos, da revista que me deu.
- Today, if we tried to make that movie, people would start wondering, "Gee, is Doc Brown, like, a child molester or something?"
Hoje, se tentássemos fazer este filme, as pessoas começariam a pensar : "Será o Dr. Brown um pedófilo, ou algo do género?"
I dreamt that Dusty caught you with a teenage girl and you tried to tell her that you and Dusty were both Mormons and that the girl was just a sister wife.
Sonhei que a Dusty te tinha apanhado com uma adolescente e tentaste dizer-lhe que tu e a Dusty eram ambos mórmones e que a rapariga era apenas mulher e irmã.
Look at that, he tried to look like his brother.
Olha para isto, está a tentar parecer o irmão.
He tried his best to shield the others from that.
Ele tentou o seu melhor para proteger os outros.
That's why she tried to slit her wrists many times.
Foi por isso que ela tentou cortar os pulsos muitas vezes.
Tell me something crazy that you haven't tried.
Diz-me algo louco que não tenhas tentado.
You gotta believe me, the second that I found out what his plan was, I tried to shut it down, walk away.
Tem de acreditar em mim, no momento em que descobri qual era o plano dele, tentei fecahr aquilo e afastar-me.
Well, can you at least tell Señor Garcia when he gets here that I tried to help catch the guy that 86'd his men?
Podes ao menos dizer ao Señor Garcia quando ele chegar que eu tentei ajudar a apanhar o gajo que matou os homens dele?
All the great bon mot that he unleashed on the air he tried out first on the reporters in the press room.
Todas as boas piadas que disse no ar, ensaiou primeiro com os jornalistas na sala de imprensa.
Am I the only one that remembers what happened last time we tried to turn someone against Bubonic?
Sou o único que se lembra daquilo que aconteceu da última vez que tentamos virar alguém contra o "Bubonic"?
You know, it's bad enough what happened, but then he tried to hide the fact that he sees her all the time at the university.
O que aconteceu já é mau, mas ele tentou esconder o facto de a ver o todo o tempo na Universidade.
Maybe you should've tried to stick it out with her mother... instead of leaving the second that your boner wilted.
- Sim. Talvez devesse ter tentado ficar com a mãe dela, em vez de se baldar, mal a tesão abrandou.
Are you saying that my whole life I haven't tried to help you?
Estás a dizer que toda a minha vida não te tentei ajudar?
I know that Jason tried to extort money from Professor Stoddart.
Sei que o Jason tentou extorquir dinheiro do professor Stoddart.
Sheriff Hood, I appreciate the visit and the fact that you and your deputies tried your best to stop these people. But the moment they killed my Marines and stole government property, this became a matter for the military.
Xerife, agradeço a sua visita e apesar de você e o seu pessoal fazerem tudo para apanhar essas pessoas mas, assim que mataram os meus fuzileiros e roubaram propriedade do Governo, isto tornou-se um caso militar.
He tried writing standing up for a while like Hemingway, but he kept keeling over, I think that was the vodka.
Ele tentou escrever de pé durante uns tempos como o Hemingway, mas esta sempre a cair, acho que era da vodka.
Sure. That is why you tried.
Claro, foi por isso que tentou.
That is why you tried.
Foi por isso que tentou.
We tried to put a Mr. Potato Head in it, and it did not like that.
Tentámos pôr-lhe uma cabeça de batata nele e não gostou.
I'm sorry that your boss unearthed your filthy little secret, but believe it or not I actually tried to have your back, and I was hoping you might do the same for me.
Lamento que a tua chefe tenha descoberto o teu segredo escabroso mas, acredites ou não, eu tentei defender-te. Esperava que fizesses o mesmo por mim.
She tried to kill all of us that were sent to safeguard the interests of Wessex.
Tentou matar toda a gente que foi enviada para salvaguardar os interesses de Wessex.
I confess to you that Queen Kwenthrith tried to use her female wiles upon me, but with God's help, I managed to resist the devil's snares.
Confesso-vos que a Rainha Kwenthrith tentou usar as suas artimanhas femininas comigo, mas com a ajuda de Deus, consegui resistir às armadilhas do demónio.
That 15 year old girl who tried to get rid of her baby, this is her room.
Aquela miuda de 15 anos que tentou livrar-se do bebé, este é o quarto dela.
That fence that your friends tried to destroy... it's there for a reason... because there are things beyond it, things a lot worse than me.
Aquela vedação que os seus amigos tentaram destruir existe por um motivo, porque há coisas do outro lado, coisas bem piores do que eu.
Last time you said that, you tried to marry someone else.
Da última vez que disse isso tentou casar-se com outra pessoa.
This is something that started three years ago, when we first tried to have a child.
Isto é algo que começou há três anos, quando tentámos ter um filho.
We lost that child in the first term, so we tried again.
Perdemos esse filho no primeiro trimestre, por isso, voltámos a tentar.
When she had that bet thing going on with the bully butch bitch, she tried to get me, but I didn't do it.
Quanto estava em competição com aquela cabra rufia gorducha, tentou seduzir-me, mas eu não aceitei.
Not that I haven't tried, as you sadly know.
Não que eu não tenha tentado, como tu infelizmente sabes.
It means that I tried to bring off the perfect crime, and apparently, I succeeded all too well.
Significa que eu tentei executar o crime perfeito, e aparentemente tive sucesso total.
And even though I tried my heart can't just seem to - to hate or push away somethin that's a part of it.
E, embora tentasse o meu coração não consegue odiar nem rejeitar algo que faz parte dele.
That's why I saw him, he tried to show me.
É por isso que o vi, ele tentou mostrar-me.
And that's what they tried first.
E foi o que tentaram fazer, primeiro.
Gacha, being Gacha, decided that all he had to do to defeat extradition - was kill anyone who tried to arrest him.
Gacha decidiu que tudo o que tinha que fazer para derrotar a extradição era matar qualquer um que tentasse prendê-lo.
Escobar tried out that fancy new stationery, and he wrote Galán a letter.
Escobar experimentou aquele papel de carta novo... e escreveu uma carta para Galán.
If it comes out that he was your informant and you protected him... I'm gonna make sure you're tried for treason.
Se se vier a descobrir que ele é o teu informador e tu o proteges-te...
Every Pack would stand against you if they found out that you tried to frame Roman and steal my territory in North America.
Todas as matilhas ficavam contra ti se descobrissem que tentaste culpar o Roman para roubares o meu território na América do Norte.
Maybe the killer tried to take the body up the hill and got to that steep part and realized it wasn't gonna happen.
Talvez o assassino a tenha tentado levar lá para cima e quando chegou à parte mais inclinada percebeu que não ia conseguir.
It seems that Song Daitian... tried to secretly protect you.
Parece que o Song Daitian tentou proteger-vos em segredo.
The story goes that she was arrested and convicted of witchcraft but, when they tried to burn her at the stake the fire would not light.
A história diz que ela foi presa e condenada por bruxaria, mas... Quando tentaram queimá-la o fogo não acendeu.
I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are not a complete moron despite that stupid, stupid power move you just tried to pull, which means you can make the same assumption
Vou dar-te o benefício da dúvida e presumir que não és completamente idiota, apesar dessa jogada de poder ridícula que acabaste de tentar.
She tried to hide it by making it seem like he was missing and that he had killed that girl, but he didn't.
E tentou escondê-lo ao fazer parecer que ele estava foragido, que matou a miúda, mas ele não matou.
So I tried to fill that gap as many people do : With things... many things.
Então, tentei preencher esse vazio da mesma forma que toda a gente, com montes de bens materiais.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16