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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ U ] / Union station

Union station traduction Portugais

169 traduction parallèle
Get over to Union Station.
Vá à Union Station.
Union Station.
À estação de comboios.
Your next station is Chicago, Union Station.
A próxima parada : Chicago. Estação União.
Union Station, Wednesday, 10 a. m men's room, first stall.
Na Union Station, quarta-feira, às dez na casa de banho dos homens, no primeiro compartimento.
- Yesterday at Union Station you entered the men's room with a Pan Am flight bag containing $ 100,000.
- Ontem, na Union Station entrou na casa de banho dos homens...
Yesterday he saw me at the Union Station where I was exchanging $ 100,000 for merchandise belonging to my client.
Ontem, ele viu-me na Union Station onde troquei $ 100 mil por mercadoria pertencente ao meu cliente.
The second phone call the one that set up the exchange at Union Station.
O segundo telefonema no qual foi combinada a troca na Union Station.
- Union Station, here we come.
- Union Station, aqui vamos nós.
He picked her up at the Union Station with a ticket for Chicago in her bag.
Apanharam-na na estação com um bilhete para Chicago no saco.
Union Station.
A Union Station.
She got a wire that Tony Luna's been laying his head down in Wisconsin, and he's comin'in town tonight at the Union Station at 10 o'clock.
Ela tem uma escuta em que o Tony Luna tem deitado a cabeça em Winsconsin, e ele vem à cidade hoje à noite, na Union Station às 10h.
The guy comes in Thursday, Union Station.
O tipo chega na quinta-feira. Union Station.
He's on the number 11 Amtrak leaving San Francisco 7 : 00 in the morning, getting into Union Station at 4 : 35.
Ele vem no Amtrak número 1 1, sai de São Francisco às 7 : 00, Chega â Union Station às 4 : 35.
"Fong, who was acting in an undercover capacity" "as part of a bureau-sponsored sting operation" "was abducted and murdered shortly after arriving at Union Station."
"Fong, que actuava sob identidade falsa numa operação armadilha, foi raptado e assassinado depois de chegar à Union Station."
Meanwhile, he'll be staying at Union Station aboard his own club car.
Entretanto, ele estará na Union Station, a bordo da sua carruagem de luxo.
Union Station, Los Angeles, Is another great relic Of the stylish and elegant 1930s.
A Union Station, em Los Angeles, é outra grande relíquia da elegância dos anos 30.
He's with O'Malley, who has the tape. They're headed for Union Station.
E o O'Malley tem a fita e já foram para a Estação.
There's a train at 8.40 at the Union Station to Williams Bay.
Sai um comboio ás 8h.40m. da estação de Union para Williams Bay.
Union Station, please.
Estação de Union, por favor.
All units to Union Station.
Todas viaturas paradas na Estação.
The Portal Authority search got me as far as Union Station.
A pesquisa da Autoridade do Portal chegou até à Estação da União.
And Union Station.
E a Union Station.
Tell Stacy to meet me at Union Station.
Diz à Stacy para ir ter comigo à Union Station.
Four minutes, Union Station, main entrance.
4 minutos, Estação Union, entrada principal.
Jezzie, Union Station, main entrance.
Jezzie, Estação Union, entrada principal.
In two blocks, make a left into Union Station.
Mais dois quarteirões, vire à esquerda para a Union Station.
Union Station.
Union Station.
It was taken off one of the Union Station monitors 13 minutes ago.
Foram tirados dos monitores da Union Station há 13 minutos atrás.
It's a little like Union Station around here.
Isto parece uma estação ferroviária.
Meanwhile, half of Union Station is calling up Guatemala.
Entretanto, toda a gente liga para a Guatemala.
- Drive to Union Station.
- Ir até à Estação Union.
We need to know exactly how long to Union Station.
Temos de saber o tempo até à Estação Union.
Straight to Union Station.
Direitos à Estação Union.
Go to Union Station. I'll meet you there.
Vão, encontramo-nos na estação.
All right. Meet me at Union Station at 9 : 00.
Encontre-me na Union Station, às 9 : 00.
Sophia will call Castell but only from inside Union Station.
A Sophia telefona ao Castell, mas apenas de dentro da Estação.
No, the Union Station part was Sophia's idea.
Não, a parte da estação é ideia da Sophia.
This is $ 2 million we found in a rental locker in Union Station.
Isto são 2 milhões de dólares que encontramos num cacifo na Estação.
Union Station too?
A Union Station também?
We shut down Union Station?
Fechámos a Union Sation?
- A parochial school. Near Union Station.
- É paroquial, perto de Union Station.
The next stop is Chicago Union Station.
Próxima paragem, Estação de Chicago Union.
I'm at Union Station.
Na Union Station.
-... Union Station, the park -
Station Union e ao parque...
We canvassed the airline ticket counters, Union Station, buses.
Falámos com companhias aéreas, estações ferroviárias e rodoviárias.
You were right, he was at Union Station with a ticket to San Diego.
Tinhas razão, ele estava na Union Station com um bilhete para San Diego.
One in Union Station, the other in the Smithsonian.
Um na estação Union e outro no Smithsonian.
Then you miss the Union outpost at Mormon Station.
Assim voce evitaria o posto da união em Mormon Station.
They found her wandering naked near Union portal station, suffering from traumatic amnesia.
Encontraram-na a vaguear nua na estação de portal da União. Sofreu uma amnésia traumática.
If you ask me, this union belongs on a public access station.
Na minha opinião, a televisão devia noticiar este casamento.
I got off at Union Station.
Saí na Union Station.

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