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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We'll talk soon

We'll talk soon traduction Portugais

133 traduction parallèle
We'll talk together soon.
Voltaremos a falar em breve.
Jeanne, darling, you'll be under surveillance very soon, so we won't be able to talk.
Jeanne, querida, vais ficar sob escuta brevemente e não poderei falar contigo.
And as soon as we're finished, we'll talk about it, okay?
Em breve falaremos disso.
She'll talk as soon as we lock her up!
Se a torturarmos ela fala logo tudo!
She'll talk as soon as we lock her up!
Se a torturarmos, ela diz logo tudo.
We better talk about it soon. We'll run out of time.
É melhor falarmos nisso brevemente, porque estamos a ficar sem tempo.
And we'll talk again real soon.
E vamos falar novamente em breve.
It was nice talking to you. We'll talk again soon.
Foi bom falar consigo e voltaremos a falar dentro de pouco tempo.
We'll talk soon.
Falaremos em breve.
We'll talk soon? Okay.
Voltamos a encontrar-nos?
Nós vamos ter a nossa conversa breve.
Now take the shoes, we'll talk soon.
Agora, toma os sapatos e falamos depois.
- Yeah. We'll talk to you soon.
- Sim, falaremos em breve.
So we'll talk soon.
Então, falamos em breve.
We'll talk soon.
Falaremos mais logo.
Can I talk to her? - We'll put you through as soon as we can.
- Passaremos a chamada quando pudermos.
We'll talk again soon.
Falamos em breve.
I'm sure we'll talk again soon, Clark.
Estou certo de que voltaremos a falar em breve, Clark.
We'll talk soon.
Falamos depois.
We'll talk soon.
Falamo-nos em breve.
We are going to talk to the family. As soon as we know something we'll let you know.
Vamos falar com a família... e, logo que saibamos de algo, dir-vos-emos aquilo que pretendem saber.
This is a big one, so as soon as I get back we'll stay up as late as you want, talk as late as you want, all right?
Esta é das grandes, então assim que regressar ficamos acordados até às horas que quiseres, a falar, está bem?
We'll talk more as soon as you...
- Falamos mais, assim que...
We'll talk to you again soon, okay?
Vamos voltar a falar em breve, tá?
We'll talk again. - Soon.
Voltaremos a falar, em breve.
I'll start preparations to talk to Lazlo Drake myself as soon as we have his location.
Vou iniciar as preparações para falar eu próprio com o Lazlo Drake assim que tivermos a localização dele.
Okay, we'll talk to you soon.
Está bem, falamos depois.
We'll talk to you soon.
Depois entramos em contacto.
I'll talk to you as soon as we finish.
Virei informá-los assim que acabarmos.
We'll talk to you soon.
Pronto, falaremos em breve.
- We'll talk soon.
Vigie-a. Depois falamos.
We'll talk soon.
Falamos em breve.
Look, it's gonna be dark soon. You'd better start back now. We'll talk about it when you get here.
Vai ficar escuro logo, e melhor voltar e conversamos quando chegar aqui.
Tell you what. Soon as we get back, we'll tell our medical people to come see what you have to offer, then we'll talk about trade.
Te digo mais, quando voltarmos, mandaremos uma equipa médica para ver o que você tem... e daí, conversamos sobre uma possível troca.
All right, we'll talk soon.
Certo, falamos em breve.
I'll be checking in on Zoe, and we'll talk again soon.
Vou continuar a observar a Zoe, e voltaremos a falar em breve.
- We'll talk soon.
Falamos em breve.
Kate and i will go talk To the mayor And we'll meet back here As soon as possible.
Eu e a Kate falamos com o presidente da câmara e encontramo-nos aqui o mais depressa possível.
Yeah, hard to believe. Well, we'll talk soon.
Sim, é difícil acreditar.
All right, we'll talk soon.
- Certo, falamos em breve.
Yes, I know. As soon as she's fit to talk, we'll call you.
Enfim, comissário quando a rapariga estiver em condições de prestar declarações informá-lo-emos imediatamente.
I got some more hand-holding to do. Margaret, my assistant, will show you around, show you the house, show you the game... you. Guys, we'll talk soon.
Margaret, a minha assistente, vai mostrar-vos a casa, joguem... tu.
We'll talk soon.
Nos falamos em breve.
I'll see you soon, and we'll talk.
Vejo-te em breve e vamos falando.
We'll talk soon.
Em breve falaremos.
- We'll talk soon.
Pois, falamos em breve.
- We'll talk soon.
- Falamos em breve.
as soon as i have a minute, we'll talk.
Mal tenha um instante, falaremos.
Soon as I get back, we'll talk, all right, sorry.
Assim que voltar, falamos, está bem? Desculpe.
I'll see you soon, and we'll talk about what's next.
Vemo-nos em breve para falarmos do que se segue.
We'll talk soon, okay?
Falaremos em breve, está bem?

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