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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We have to get out of here

We have to get out of here traduction Portugais

952 traduction parallèle
We have to get out of here now. Do you understand?
Temos de sair daqui agora, estás a perceber?
We have to get out of here!
Temos que sair daqui!
- Apollo, we have to get out of here fast.
- Apollo temos de ir, rápido. - Eu sei.
Counting all, I admit we have to get out of here.
A contar tudo isso, admito que temos que sair daqui.
Quit fucking around. We have to get out of here.
Temos de sair daqui.
We have to get out of here now.
Temos que sair daqui agora! O portão tem algum contrapeso?
We have to get out of here.
Temos de sair daqui.
Come on, we have to get out of here.
Precisamos sair daqui.
- Roy, we have to get out of here!
- Temos de sair daqui! - Não.
We have to get out of here, you know?
Temos de sair daqui, sabes? Levantar
Crawford, we have to get out of here. The resonator's going to blow up.
Crawford, temos que sair daqui, o Resonator vai explodir!
Lin, we have to get out of here. Hurry!
Lin, temos que sair daqui.
We have to get out of here.
Temos que criar energia para sair.
We have to get out of here.
Temos que te levar fora daqui.
We have to get out of here.
Temos que sair daqui.
We have to get out of here... tonight.
Nós vamos a sair daqui. Hoje á noite.
- Quick, we have to get out of here.
- Rápido. Temos que sair daqui.
Let's go, we have to get out of here!
Vamos, temos que sair daqui!
We have to get out of here fast.
Temos de sair daqui depressa.
But we have to take the chance to get out of here.
Mas temos que correr o risco para sair daqui.
We'll have to wait until dark if we're going to get out of here.
Esperamos pela noite para partir.
- We have to figure a way to get out of here.
Temos de arranjar uma forma de sair daqui.
Oreste, we have to get our asses out of here.
Oreste... Temos que levar o rabo daqui para fora...
We've got to get Clay out of there before that mob gets here. We'll have another lynching on our hands.
Temos de tirar o Clay dali antes dessa gente chegar ou teremos outro linchamento entre mãos.
- If we can get him out of here, maybe you won't have to walk all the way.
Se a conseguirmos tirar daqui, talvez não seja preciso ires a pé.
We have got to get this train out of here!
Vamos a tirar este comboio daqui.
If we're going to have visitors, we better get out of here.
Se vamos ter visitas, é melhor sairmos daqui.
Now all we have to do is unchain the prime minister and get him out of here.
Agora temos que o soltar e tirar daqui.
You see, Asterix, my friend. Here in the small pot I have prepared our real magic potion. I think we will need your muscles if we are to get out of here.
Vê, Astérix, meu amigo, no caldeirão pequeno preparei a poção mágica, porque precisaremos dos teus músculos para sairmos daqui.
We can get out of here if we have to.
Aqui, se for preciso, podemos sair.
We have to try to get out of here.
Temos que tentar sair daqui.
Lieutenant, in the next 15 minutes... we have to create enough confusion to get out of here alive.
Tenente, nos próximos 15 minutos, temos de criar confusão suficiente para sairmos daqui vivos.
We have to get out of here.
Temos de sair da área e depressa!
If Galen gets into trouble. we're all gonna have to get out of here fast.
Se Galen se meter em problemas, teremos que sair daqui rápido.
Come on, let's go, we have to get everybody out of here.
Vamos todos embora!
We have to get him out of here.
Temos de tirá-lo daqui.
Whatever the explanation is I think we have to get Danny out of here.
Seja qual for a explicação, Jack... OTANISSASSA... temos que levar daqui o Danny.
Open the door. We have to get this guy out of here.
- Temos que tirar o tipo dali.
All you have to do is walk back in there with me, and we'll get you out of here.
Tudo o que precisas de fazer é voltar lá para fora comigo e nós tiramos-te daqui.
- Quick! We have to get you out of here.
- Rápido, temos que sair daqui.
Now all we have to do is get the whales out of here before we sink!
Vamos tirar as baleias antes de nos afundarmos!
We have to get this out of here.
Temos de tirar isto daqui.
You're both gonna have to help me out on this and we'll get out of here just fine.
Vocês dois vão me ajudar. Vamos sair dessa.
we have got to get out of here.
Temos de sair daqui.
Without him, we still have a chance to get out of here.
Sem ele, ainda temos hipótese de sair daqui com vida.
- now look here, we have to get out of these things straightaway or we're all for the high jump.
- Temos de tirar já isto, ou estamos todos tramados.
Não, nós temos que te tirar daqui para fora.
We have to get out of here.
Devemos sair daqui.
We're all gonna have to get out of here together, now.
Temos de ir embora todos juntos... agora.
I have to if we're gonna get out of here.
Tenho de saber, se vamos sair daqui.
We have to get you out of here.
Nós temos que sair daqui.

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