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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We should talk to him

We should talk to him traduction Portugais

82 traduction parallèle
We should talk to him.
Deviamos falar com ele.
I think we should talk to him.
Devíamos ir falar com ele.
We should talk to him.
Temos que falar com ele.
Maybe we should talk to him.
Talvez devêssemos falar com ele.
We should talk to him.
Temos de falar com ele.
Sherman would have hung him. Well, maybe we should talk to him.
Talvez seja melhor falarmos com ele.
- I mean, maybe we should talk to him.
- Deviamos de falar com ele.
Maybe we should talk to him.
- Talvez seja melhor conversar com ele.
- Maybe we should talk to him.
Talvez seja melhor conversares com ele.
- We should talk to him.
- Devíamos de falar com ele.
But you were the one who said we should talk to him.
Mas foste tu quem disse que devíamos falar com ele!
Maybe We should talk to him about it.
É melhor falar com ele sobre o assunto.
We should talk to him.
Deveríamos falar com ele.
We should talk to him again.
Devemos falar novamente.
I didn't say we should talk to him. I just...
- Não foi isso que eu disse...
Uh, maybe we should talk to him again.
Talvez fosse melhor falar com ele novamente.
And for that reason, I don't think we should talk to him anymore.
E por essa razão, não devíamos falar mais com ele.
- We should talk to him.
- Devíamos falar com ele.
- We should talk to him again.
Temos de falar com ele, outra vez.
We should talk to him, see if he remembers Crowley. If he knows what happened to him.
Devíamos ver se se lembra do Crowley, e o que lhe aconteceu.
But she did say he's just gotten out of the hospital, so we should talk to him.
Mas disse que ele acabou de sair do hospital, por isso devíamos falar com ele.
We should talk to him tomorrow.
Devíamos falar com ele amanhã.
We should talk to him.
- Temos de falar com ele.
I think we should talk to Billy Phelps. I'll have him brought in for interrogation.
Vou mandar vir o Billy Phelps para o interrogarmos.
Should we go talk to him?
- Achas que devemos falar com ele?
I just think that once General Fury cools off, we should go talk to him.
Acho que quando o General Fury acalmar-se, devíamos falar com ele.
- So talk to him. - No, I think we both should.
- Não, creio que deveríamos ir os dois.
Guys, we should really go in there and talk to him.
Pessoal, devíamos ir ali e falar com ele.
Before we get too drastic here and uproot little Vito and all of you from your friends and your family, - I should talk to him.
Antes de chegarmos a extremos aqui e afastarmos o pequeno Vito e todos vocês dos vossos amigos e da vossa família, eu devia falar com ele.
We should talk to him.
Devíamos falar com ele.
We should arrange to have him cleaned up - revealed so to speak - so that Dr. Wyatt and I can talk to him and exploit that connection.
Devemos fazer com que seja limpo, revelado por assim dizer, para eu e o Dr. Wyatt podermos falar com ele e explorar essa ligação.
I mean, in fact, they call him the Sorcerer, but maybe we should go talk to him.
De facto, até lhe chamam O Bruxo. - Mas, se calhar, devíamos falar com ele.
We should, like, talk to him. See if he wants to hang out with us.
Devíamos falar com ele, ver se quer curtir connosco.
You're saying we should use the cop thing to force him to talk?
Estás a dizer que devemos usar isto para o obrigar a falar?
Maybe we should go talk to him.
Talvez devêssemos falar com ele.
We should go talk to him.
Devíamos falar com ele.
We should at least go talk to him.
Devemos pelo menos ir falar com ele.
We should go talk to him.
Deveríamos falar com ele.
I think we should go round there and talk to him.
Acho que deviamos ir todos até lá para conversar com ele.
Bart called and said we needed to talk, that I should meet him at the building.
O Bart ligou-me e disse-me que precisávamos de falar, que tínhamos de nos encontrar no edifício.
What are you doing? Well, we should at least talk to him.
Devíamos ao menos, falar com ele.
- Should we talk to him?
O que achas de falarmos diretamente com ele?
I'll talk to him tomorrow, set him straight. We should have won this.
Falarei com ele amanhã, colocarei ele na linha.
By all means, we should talk to him.
Isso significa que temos de falar com ele.
We should give him a hand. Talk to him directly.
Ouve, devíamos ajudá-lo, falar com ele directamente.
- Should we go talk to him?
- Devemos falar com ele?
I think we should bring in Dr. Craig and talk to him again.
Acho que devíamos falar com o Dr. Craig de novo.
But we should still talk to him.
Mesmo assim devíamos falar com ele.
We should talk to Dr Turner after Christmas and arrange for him to get assessed.
Devíamos falar com o Dr. Turner, depois do Natal, e arranjar que fosse avaliado.
We should go talk to him, see if there's anything he can remember from that night to keep the both of you out of jail.
Devíamos falar com ele, ver se ele se lembra de alguma coisa daquela noite, para vos deixar a ambos fora da cadeia.
Why? Well, we should go talk to him.
- Bem, deveríamos ir falar com ele.

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