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Worth a shot traduction Portugais

490 traduction parallèle
Yeah. Worth a shot.
Valeu a pena tentar.
Worth a shot, eh?
Valeu a pena, hein?
Well, if they're looking to lay low for a couple of days, it's worth a shot.
Se procura um sítio para se esconder, vale a pena tentar.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Bem, valeu tentar.
It's worth a shot, isn't it?
It was worth a shot though, Skeeter.
Valeu a pena tentar, pelo menos.
Worth a shot? I mean, we could send one of my men.
- Podemos enviar um dos meus homens.
I know that the bossa nova's worth a shot
"Eu sei que o tipo novo merece uma oportunidade"
Well, it's worth a shot.
Vale a pena tentar.
Worth a shot.
Valeu a pena tentar.
Well, it's, uh, definitely worth a shot.
Bem, vale a pena tentar.
Worth a shot.
It was worth a shot.
Foi uma boa tentativa.
- It's worth a shot. - Yeah.
Vale a pena tentar.
It's worth a shot.
- Vale a pena tentar.
- It was worth a shot.
- Valeu a pena tentar.
It's worth a shot.
É uma boa tentativa.
- Probably, but it's worth a shot.
Provavelmente. Mas vale a pena tentar, não achas?
Worth a shot, huh?
Não custa nada tentar.
I guess it was worth a shot.
Pensei que valesse a pena tentar.
[Chuckling] You sure this is gonna work? Nope, but it's worth a shot.
Vi um raio fazer muitas coisas estranhas, e estou esperando que um forte podia reavivar Palamedes.
It's worth a shot.
Vale a pena tentar.
- Worth a shot.
- Vale a pena experimentar.
I figured it was worth a shot.
Pareceu-me que valia a pena tentá-lo.
It was worth a shot.
Valia a pena tentar.
I'm saying it's worth a shot. That's all.
- Só estou a dizer que vale a pena tentar.
He's probably not there, but it's worth a shot.
Ele não deve estar lá, mas vale a pena tentar.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Valeu a pena tentar.
Yeah, no, but just I'm telling you he's worth a shot.
Não, mas estou a dizer que ele vale a pena a tentativa.
Worth a shot.
Valeu a tentativa.
Sounded strange, but it was worth a shot.
Pareceu estranho, mas valia a pena tentar.
Well, worth a shot. All right, thanks.
Bom, obrigado, não custava nada tentar...
Yeah, well it was worth a shot.
Bem... ... valeu a pena tentar.
It's worth a shot, bro'.
Pelo menos tenta-se.
Still, has to be worth a shot.
- Pois... - Ainda assim... vale a pena tentar.
Worth a shot.
Vale a pena tentar
Well, magic might help. It's worth a shot.
Bem, a magia pode ajudar, sim, é uma boa ideia.
Thought maybe I could read a model number. It's worth a shot.
Para tentar ver o modelo.
Maybe he's worth a shot.
É uma hipótese.
A quarter million dollars worth of liquor was removed after two watchmen were shot down.
Foi levado 250 mil dsólares em bebidas alcoólicas, apsós dois guardas terem sido abatidos.
Is it worth getting shot at for the pleasure of monopolising it?
Será que vale a pena levar um tiro pelo prazer de ter o monopólio?
We shot our way out of that town for a dollar's worth of steel holes!
Andámos aos tiros naquela cidade por um punhado de anilhas!
Worth a shot.
Vale a pena tentar.
- It's worth a shot.
- Vale a pena tentar.
This was almost worth getting shot for.
Quase valeu a pena ser alvejado, só por isto.
Peevy, it's worth fifteen bucks a shot.
Peevy, vale 15 dólares por actuação.
It "s worth a lot more when it ain" t all shot to... shit.
Vale muito mais antes de estar tudo feito em... merda.
It was worth a shot.
- Valeu a pena tentar.
It might be worth it, just to get another shot at you, traitor.
Talvez valha a pena, só para ter mais uma oportunidade contigo, traidor.
About a shot's worth.
Quase um copo.
After ten years? - Worth a shot.
Não custa tentar.

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