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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You're okay with that

You're okay with that traduction Portugais

325 traduction parallèle
I hope you're okay with that.
Espero que voce esteja bem com isso.
But that'll be okay because you won't have to buy any food...'cause you're full with buttons.
Mas será excelente porque não terás que comprar comida... porque estarás cheio de botões.
You sure you're gonna be okay with that?
Tens a certeza que vais ficar bem com isso?
Okay, just keep walking. Give the illusion that you're going through with the interview.
Continue andando e finja que vai fazer uma entrevista
Everything fits. And I want you all to know that if you're havin'any trouble with, say appendicitis, heart attacks.... That's okay.
Serve tudo e quero que todos saibam... que, se tiverem algum problema como apendicites ou ataques cardíacos, não há mal nenhum.
- Okay, i tell my father that you're coming with us tomorrow.
- Ok, eu direi ao meu pai que vens connosco.
You're okay with that, right? Yeah.
- Não te importas, pois não?
I, I appreciate all this, but, you know, that you're here in my hour of need and all, and I just want to tell you I think I'm okay with it now.
Eu agradeço isto tudo, mas, sabes, mas estás aqui na minha hora de necessidade e isso tudo e eu quero apenas dizer-te que acho que agora estou bem com isso.
Okay. Now that you're retired... I was wondering where do you think you're going with that... cookie!
Agora que se reformou, gostaria de saber onde pensa ir com essa... bolacha!
You're okay with that?
Não te importas?
Look, I just want you to know that if anything happens to her or any of my friends, you're gonna have to deal with me, okay?
Eu só quero que saibam que se alguma coisa lhe acontecer, ou a algum dos meus amigos, vou ter de se haver comigo, está bem?
Check if you're in, if it's okay, that you haven't got anybody with you or anything, that you're by yourself.
Sabes, ver se estás em casa, se não há problema, se não tens ninguém contigo, se estás sozinha.
So, okay, maybe that means you're not over Ross yet and you have issues with your father.
Se calhar, isso significa que ainda não esqueceste o Ross e que tens problemas com o teu pai.
No. I'm- - I'm talking about all the time that you're spending with him, okay?
Estou a falar do tempo todo que passas com ele.
And you're okay with that?
E não te importas?
You're okay with that?
Não te importas com isso?
- You're okay with that?
- E isso satisfaz-te?
Don't give us that bullshit. You come back to the neighborhood looking like a fucking freak, sounding like a British fag. We're supposed to be okay with it?
Deixa-te de merdas ; reapareces no bairro mascarado de anormal e falando à bife panasca, e queres tudo na maior?
So does that mean that maybe you're okay with it?
Isso quer dizer que talvez esteja tudo bem para ti?
Are you sure you're okay with that?
Tens a certeza que tu ficas bem com isso?
You know what, Seth? That's not funny, okay? You don't know what you're messin'with.
Não tiveste graça, não fazes a menor ideia onde me estás a meter.
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating. And then I think in a weird way...
- Não, não está, mas está, porque estive a pensar, e tu és a minha melhor amiga eu adoro-te e fiquei com ciúmes por passares tanto tempo com o Ryan e depois estás a formar-te e tudo
You better remember that or you're gonna have a big problem with me, okay?
É bom que te lembres disso, ou vais ter um grande problema comigo.
StoKes : And you're okay with that?
E achas isso bem?
You're okay with that, aren't you?
Não te importas, pois não?
So my father gets away with it and you're okay with that.
Então, o meu pai safa-se e tu não te importas.
Of course, uh, I'd want to make sure you're okay with that.
Mas quero ter a certeza que você não põe objecções.
I hope you're okay with that.
Espero que isso não te incomode.
Billy, I hope you're okay with hamburgers because that's what you get.
Billy, espero que fiques bem com uns hambúrgueres. Foi o que arranjei.
But if you're gonna do this, you make sure you're doing it for the right reasons because you're the one that's gonna have to live with it, okay?
Mas assegura-te que o fazes por boas razões porque és tu que que tem que viver com isso.
- And you're okay with that?
- Aceitas isso bem?
- And you're okay with that?
- E queres as coisas assim?
- Of course I like what you're doing but I like it done with artistry, with grace, and that means, if you're gonna eat each other, you must find a way to do it tastefully, okay?
- Claro que gostei do que fizeram. Mas quero que seja feito de forma artística, com classe. E isso significa que, se se vão comer uma à outra, tem de arranjar maneira de o fazer com bom gosto, ok?
I don't want this anymore. Okay? You're just gonna have to deal with that.
Não quero mais isto.
You`re okay with that, right?
Está bem assim para ti, certo?
I get too structured and too serious, and I just have to adjust, you know... because we're in college, and college is about change... and you have my study tree, so I have to be okay with that... and just learn to kind of go with the flow.
Sou muito organizada e séria e tenho de me adaptar, sabes, porque estamos na universidade e isso tem a ver com mudança, e tu ficas com a minha árvore de estudo, por isso tenho de me resignar... e aprender a ir na onda.
You're okay with that art?
Achas isso bem?
If you're okay with that, we can work the case together.
Se não se importarem, trabalharemos no caso juntos.
If it's okay with you. I think he should hear the music tonight and know that we're getting married.
Se não se importa, ele devia ouvir hoje as músicas da cerimónia e consciencializar-se de que vamos mesmo casar.
- You're okay with that?
- Parece-te bem?
And uh... oh, you're playing with fire... - Okay, that's enough, that's it,
E... tu estás a brincar com o fogo.
-... and you're okay with that.
-... e não tens problemas com isso.
Now that you're okay with the house, do you want to go see your room?
Agora que já gostas da casa, queres ir ver o teu quarto?
Okay, now, are you saying that because you agree with me or because you're afraid of me?
Estás a dizer isso porque concordas comigo ou porque tens medo de mim?
- And you're okay with that?
- E não te importas?
- You're okay with that?
- Concordas com isso?
Okay, that was the thursday rock block, and you're listening to the new and improved Hot Donna, now with hair like like strands of gold.
Esse foi o bloco rock de Terça-feira, e estão a escutar a nova e melhorada Hot Donna, agora com cabelo tipo tipo amarras de ouro!
- And you're okay with that.
- E está bem com isso.
- Okay. You're gonna be so consumed with all of this that you won't feel neglected all summer.
- Vais estar tão consumido por isto... que não te vais sentir mal durante o Verão.
Okay, listen, Gloria, you know that I think that you're an amazing person, a really amazing person but i feel like i have to be up-front with you.
Bom, escuta, Gloria, tu sabes que eu te acho... que és uma pessoa incrível, realmente incrível, mas sinto que tenho de ser sincero contigo.
I hope that you're going to be okay with the situation... - in St. Lucia this summer.
Espero que não se incomode com a situação em Santa Lúcia este verão.

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