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With that said traduction Portugais

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An anonymous hacker confessed that the plagiarism story was fake, said they were just messing with us.
... e ela também. Prometeu que, se eu colaborasse na Missão, não fariam mal ao Walter.
She said she was scared... scared that it might suddenly go back to darkness and she'd have to live with everyone pitying her even more.
Ela disse que estava com medo. Com medo de voltar de repente à escuridão e de ter de viver com toda a gente a sentir ainda mais pena dela.
My boss said that he wants to see my book when it's done, which is really exciting. Where are you at with that?
O meu chefe quer ver o meu livro quando estiver pronto, isso na verdade é empolgante.
"I said some terrible things, " but I want you to know this has nothing to do with that.
"Disse coisas terríveis... mas quero que saibas que não teve nada a ver com isso."
Hey, he said that I can't have sex while I'm working with him.
Disse que não posso fazer sexo no tempo que trabalho para ele.
It's, uh, it's said that I don't play well with others.
Dizem que não sei jogar em equipa.
Bobby said miss Ellie never had a chance with you, that Jock snatched you up as soon as you could walk to teach you the oil-drilling business. Yeah.
O Bobby disse que a Miss Ellie nunca teve uma hipótese contigo, que o Jock te apanhou logo que aprendeste a andar, para te ensinar sobre os negócios do petróleo.
When you and I were talking, I said a lot of words that rhyme with blue.
Quando eu e tu estávamos a falar, eu disse muitas palavras que rimam com blue ( azul ).
And yet, I'd be lying if I said that the circumstances that brought you here to witness this with me, my trusted colleague, my dearest friend didn't feel like the hand of God.
E ainda assim, estaria a mentir se dissesse que as circunstâncias que te trouxeram aqui, para testemunhar isto comigo, meu colega de confiança, meu amigo mais querido, não me faz sentir a mão de Deus.
Remember when I said I didn't need you to help on that thing with Elsa's son? Yeah.
Lembras-te quando te disse que não ia precisar de ajuda nesta coisa com o filho da Elsa?
His Wife said that he was helping his kid with karate.
A mulher disse, que estava a ajudar o filho com o karaté.
Max said our victim was hit in the head with something that had a square edge.
O Max disse que a vítima foi atingida por uma coisa quadrada.
You said before that you have not had any contact with the pirates.
Disse anteriormente não terem tido nenhum contacto com os piratas.
So, I just got off the phone with Mr. Marshall, and he said that you are not participating in the rehearsals for Spring Sing.
Então, desliguei agora o telefone era o Sr. Marshall, e ele disse-me que não estás a colaborar nos ensaios do Festival da Primavera. Tu agora sabes a dança.
She said that you were with Odette when she dropped 100 grand on clothes for you. Odette was very generous.
Disse que estava com a Odette quando ela gastou 100 mil dólares em roupas para si.
Yeah, except I just got off the phone with Lanie, and she said that preliminary tox screen results show that Odette wasn't using drugs, at least none of the usual ones.
- Pode ser anfetamina. - Sim, mas acabo de falar com a Lanie e os resultados preliminares mostram que a Odette não usava drogas, não as mais usadas.
- The divisionals I sent over to Kenny's in-laws say they swear they were with Kenny and Stella in Sarnia that night, just like he said.
Os agentes que enviei a casa dos sogros do Kenny, dizem que estes juram que estavam com o Kenny e a Stella em Sarnia, nessa noite, tal como ele disse.
They said there's a little window in the doctor's office with a broken contact that they didn't bothered to fix because they didn't think anybody could fit through there.
Eles disseram que há uma janelinha no consultório médico com um sensor avariado que eles não repararam porque acharam que ninguém lá cabia.
He said he was in love with Vanessa but she wasn't sure that she could leave me.
Ele disse que estava apaixonado pela Vanessa, mas ela não tinha a certeza se conseguiria deixar-me.
- Sir, you once said to me that you can't have it all, and I thought... to hell with him.
É o segundo melhor trabalho do serviço. Senhor, uma vez disse-me que não podia ter tudo, e eu pensei... "Ele que se lixe."
No, he had breakfast with Dani Rosen, and she said that it "was yummy."
Não, ele tomou o pequeno-almoço com a Dani Rosen, e ela disse que foi delicioso.
Yeah, that mom from psych asked if we would switch with her, and I said we would, and then I forgot.
Uma colega pediu se trocávamos com ela, eu disse que sim e esqueci-me.
Earlier when I said I was okay with that open procedure, I wasn't.
Há pouco, quando disse que concordava com aquela cirurgia aberta, não era verdade.
Bunny said he's on an amazing adventure having the time of his life, and that you should pick one of his best friends to sleep with while he's gone.
O Bunny disse que está numa aventura maravilhosa, a divertir-se muito, e que tu devias escolher um dos melhores amigos dele para dormires com ele enquanto ele não volta.
Last month, the Navy said that they were done with Wickes.
No mês passado, a Marinha disse que tinham acabado com a Wickes.
My grandfather said that even with all the noise from the storm that night, you could hear'em screaming for help.
O meu avô disse que mesmo com todo o barulho da tempestade, podíamos ouvi-los a gritar por ajuda.
He said with that level of decomp, at least six months.
Disse que, pela decomposição, seis meses.
He said that he was playing basketball with some students after school.
Ele disse que estava a jogar basquetebol com alguns alunos depois da aula.
Robin dated Kevin, but not for long, and then I met you and you took my grandpa's watch but I fell in love with you anyway, and you let me fart in front of you and I asked you to marry me and you said yes and we came over here to meet little Marvin and that's everything!
Depois, conheci-te, roubaste-me o relógio do meu avô, apaixonei-me, deixas-me peidar-me, pedi-te em casamento, aceitaste e viemos ver o Marvin.
Now, having said that, would you please come in this dirty toilet stall and have sex with me.
Dito isto, podes vir a esta sanita porca fazer sexo comigo.
She said that the fight started because you were spending time with this girl.
Ela disse que a briga começou porque andavas a passar tempo com esta rapariga.
A very nice man- - uh, he's a police officer- - he said that the owner of the phone had... "met with an accident."
Um polícia simpático disse que o dono do telemóvel tinha "sofrido um acidente".
With the crash those went away but the Internet didn't go away and what actually happens was that new initiative, young innovators came along looked at the web and said we can do
Com o acidente aqueles partiu, mas a Internet não foi embora eo que realmente acontece é que a nova iniciativa, o jovem inovadores veio olhou para a web e disse que pode fazer
Witnesses said that a woman with blonde hair, early 40s, was waiting on a bench for an hour around the same time Karen took her kid there. ROSSl : PRENTISS :
Testemunhas dizem, que uma mulher loura com quarenta e poucos anos, esteve sentada num banco durante uma hora, mais ou menos, na mesma altura em que a Karen levou lá a criança.
He said that you made a deal with the aliens when they took you away... Hmm. - So that they'd leave us alone.
Disse que fizeste um acordo com os aliens... quando foste capturado... para que eles nos deixassem em paz.
Yeah, well, the hotel staff said that Mary was the only one issued with a room key, and nobody saw her with another woman.
Sim, o hotel disse que a Mary era a única com a chave do quarto, e ninguém a viu com outra miúda.
What you just said, coupled with the phone records gives us enough- - more than enough- - to prove that you orchestrated the whole thing.
Com o que acabou de dizer, mais os registos telefónicos é mais do que o suficiente para provar que você orquestrou toda a coisa.
I remember showing it to the gang, who sort of went along with everything I said at that point, they didn't sort of correct anything.
Nesse ponto, de alguma maneira, eles concordavam com tudo que eu fazia,... eles não mudavam nada.
Hodgins said that you seemed a little tense with each other at the crime scene.
O Hodgins disse que pareciam tensos na cena do crime.
Margot said that the notes from the meeting were with the documents she was told to shred.
A Margot disse que as anotações da reunião foram trituradas.
With all that said, the whole thing relies on us replacing the weight of methylamine we steal with the same weight in water.
Dito isto, tudo depende apenas de nós substituirmos o peso da metilamina roubada pelo mesmo em água.
Okay, but she was with Emily that night, and she never said a word until Emily brought it up.
Mas ela esteve com a Emily naquela noite. E nunca disse uma palavra até a Emily tocar no assunto.
Okay, don't look at me like that. You said you were gonna watch with me to make up for last night.
Não olhe assim para mim, disse que ia ver o jogo comigo para me compensar pela noite passada.
And she always said that I shouldn't be risking my neck on a bike out there in Manhattan, not with a family at home.
E dizia sempre que eu não devia arriscar o pescoço numa bicicleta em Manhattan, não com uma família em casa.
What crazy stuff? Garrett said that he saw Aria's dad with Ali the night that she was killed.
- O Garrett disse que viu o pai da Aria com a Ali, na noite em que ela morreu.
He said he didn't approve of the way you spend your evenings particularly given that they always begin with you ditching him.
Diz que não aprova a forma como tu passas as tuas noites. Sobretudo porque estás sempre a fugir dele.
Declan said his wife went to her supervisor with allegations that Brodeur was dumping toxic waste.
O Declan disse que a mulher falou com um supervisor, referindo provas em como o Brodeur despejava lixo tóxico.
You said before that I'm obsessed with you.
Disseste que estava obcecada por ti.
They said you surrounded Enrique and I with the greats of the kingdom that you make some call him king and others me.
Eles diziam tu rodeas-te Enrique e eu com os grandes do reino Que tu fizes-tes alguns chamem-no Rei e outros como eu.
Neither do I, but Riley's marriage is hers to work on with Kyle. And telling her what Kyle said won't fix that.
Nem eu, mas é a Riley que tem de resolver o casamento dela com o Kyle e contar-lhe o que o Kyle disse não vai resolver nada.
And then he stopped... and he stared right past me with this weird look on his face, and then he said, "What the hell is that?"
Então, ele parou... e ficou a olhar-me com um olhar estranho, e depois disse : "Que diabos é aquilo?"

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