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You liked it traduction Portugais

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You'll be asked if Larry or any other man ever hit you and if you liked it.
Vão-Ihe perguntar se o Larry, ou outro, alguma vez Ihe bateu e se você gostou.
- You liked it.
- Gostou da ideia.
I'm so glad you liked it.
- Ainda bem que gostou.
- I thought you liked it.
- Julgava que gostavas dela.
You liked it!
You liked it, too, Gustavete?
Tu também gostaste, Gustavete?
Glad you liked it.
Ainda bem que gostou.
I'm so happy you liked it.
Estou muito feliz por teres gostado.
- You liked it?
- Gostou?
I hope you liked it.
Espero que tenham gostado.
We hope you liked it.
Oxalá tenham gostado.
You liked it?
But I don't think you liked it very much.
Mas não sei se gostavas.
I'm glad you liked it, sir.
Fico contente por ter gostado.
I thought you liked it when I wiggled around.
Achava que gostavas quando eu me abanava todo.
I'm glad you liked it.
Ainda bem que gostaste.
You liked it.
- Vais gostar
Hey, listen, Elaine if Russell mentions anything about the pilot you'll, of course, tell him how much you liked it.
Escuta, Elaine se o Russell fizer referência ao episódio piloto vais, claro está, fazer referência ao quanto te agrada.
Glad you liked it.
Ainda bem que gostaste.
So you liked it.
Então, gosta?
- I'm glad to hear you liked it.
Ainda bem que gostou.
Just loved it. I'm glad you liked it. Would you do a little thing with us?
Posso pedir-te uma entrevista para a FAD?
I take it you liked my act?
Parece que gostou da minha atuação.
If you liked one, you could see it over and over and over again.
E se gostares dum, podes vê-lo sempre outra vez.
Would you had liked to have faced that? But you'd have done it.
Você tambêm não ia gostar, mas teria encarado, não?
Did you push her into his arms, and she liked it?
Empurrou-a para os braços dele... e ela gostou?
Are you punishing her because she liked it?
Está a castigá-la porque ela gostou?
You really liked it?
Gostei mais do que tudo.
You liked it, didn't you, Bud?
- Tu gostaste, certo, Bud?
I never liked that Chinese food but looking at you now, I like it even less.
Nunca gostei daquela comida chinesa mas olhando agora para ti, ainda gosto menos.
Man, you must've really liked it, huh?
Deves ter gostado, não?
- He told you he liked it?
- Disse-te que gostou?
Wait, ALF, before you make a mess, the truth is he liked it.
Espera, Alf, antes que sujes tudo.
It's what I liked about you.
Era isso que eu gostava em ti.
She liked it for a year before you moved in.
Gostava no ano antes de te teres mudado para cá.
And do you know why they liked it, pumpkin?
E sabes por que gostaram, fofinha?
You liked our music? - I loved it.
Gostou da nossa música?
We sure liked doing it for you.
Nós gostámos da vossa companhia.
Maureen, have you ever liked somebody so much it almost made you sick?
Maureen, já gostaste tanto de alguém, que te pôs doente?
Herbert never liked it, you know.
O Herbert nunca gostou.
And then he was the master of the proceedings. And Stephen took it very seriously. But then he liked dancing, you see?
O Stephen levou tudo muito a sério, mas ele gostava de dançar, sabe?
I liked of what the old man ABC it did again to him to you.
Gostei do que o velho ABC lhe voltou a fazer.
How would you've liked it if someone told you That you couldn't watch the moon landing?
O que dirias, se alguém te dissesse, que não podias ver a aterragem na Lua?
You suppose she liked him enough to lend him $ 500,000 if he desperately needed it?
Acha que gostava o suficiente para lhe emprestar meio milhão de dólares, se ele precisasse desesperadamente?
You know, the one she used to call Catherine the Great, because she liked sleeping in the fireplace. That cat, it died, did it not?
A que se chamava Catarina a Grande, por dormir na Lareira.
You think he liked it?
Achas que gostou?
I liked you saying it.
Gostei que o dissesses.
I liked it just now when you called me Bret.
Gostei que me chamasse Bret.
Why did you quit? I said I liked it... I didn't say I belonged there.
Eu disse que tinha gostado, não disse que o meu lugar era lá.
I liked it, too, when... when you wrote :
Também gostei quando, quando escreveu :
My dad liked it quite a lot, actually, although you could fill Yankee Stadium with the world's mediocre novelists.
O meu pai gostou imenso. Mas podíamos encher um estádio com os romancistas medíocres.

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