You would say that traduction Portugais
2,449 traduction parallèle
Just that you would say that means we should treat you different.
Só por teres dito isso, já significa que passemos a tratar-te de maneira diferente.
How did I know you would say that?
Como é que sabia que ias dizer isso?
I was hoping you would say that.
Tinha esperança que dissesse isso.
That's what I would say to you.
- Isso era o que eu te dizia.
Oh, so would you say, like, drumming your fingers on the couch, like that kind of behavior?
Como por exemplo tamborilar com os dedos no sofá? Esse tipo de comportamento?
I would love to be able to say... that I could take you and your sister.
Eu adorava poder dizer... que podia ficar contigo e a tua irmã.
Of course not, why would you say that?
Claro que não, porque dizes isso?
Really? Why would you say that?
Porque é que disseste isso?
If I told you, that in the next decade, millions of people would be exterminated, you would say "impossible, no one would do such a thing".
Se eu te dissesse que nos próximos 10 anos, milhões de pessoas seriam exterminadas, você iria dizer : "Impossível! Ninguém faria algo assim!"
Fear... of what my family would say. But... now that they're, well, you know, dead, and, uh, I have terminal brain cancer, I figure... maybe I should just go for it, you know?
O medo do que à minha família iria dizer mas, agora que estão mortos, e tenho cancro cerebral, acho que devo correr atrás e seguir o meu sonho.
If I knew to what you were referring, I would say that this so-called war was started by this coward, Elias not me.
Se eu soubesse do que estão a falar, eu diria que essa tal guerra foi iniciada por esse covarde, Elias, não por mim.
I... why would you say that?
Não. Eu... Porquê diz isso?
- The nurse. - Oh. You're gonna think that it has something to do with you, and for the sake of clarity, I would like to be extremely clear when I say it doesn't have anything to do with you... at all.
Vais pensar que tem alguma coisa a ver contigo e para pôr tudo em pratos limpos, gostaria de ser extremamente clara, quando digo que não tem nada a ver contigo.
That's you. Would you say el niño?
Podes repetir?
Yes, I would say that you are prepared...
Para tudo, exceto para falar...
Now why the hell would you say that to me?
- Porque me dirias uma coisa dessas?
What would make you think she's consistent or reliable? Why would you say that?
Porque achas que ela é confiável?
And why would you say that?
E por que dizes isso?
Why would you say that?
Por que dizes isso?
Friends... they say the past is prologue, and who would have guessed that that skinny kid would grow into the man standing before you today?
Amigos. Dizem que o passado é o prólogo... e quem diria que o miúdo magricela ia tornar-se neste homem que está à vossa frente?
And why would you say that?
E porque dizes isso?
Why would you say that?
- Porque dizes isso?
If you could say something encouraging, that would be extremely helpful - - unless you'd like me to replace her with someone worse.
Se pudesse dizer algo encorajador, seria extremamente útil, salvo se quiser que eu a substitua por alguém pior.
Didn't you say that Father was a great fighter, that he would always win?
Você não disse que o padre era um grande lutador, que ele iria ganhar sempre?
Why would you say that?
Porque tu dirias isso?
I have to say, I'm shocked that you would expose yourself to conrad grayson just to ruin me.
Tenho a dizer, fiquei chocado por te expores assim tanto só para que Conrad Grayson me arruíne.
Why in the world would you say it like that?
Porque falou dessa maneira?
I finally just spilled my gut and said, Tom, I don't know how to say this, but I would really like to have a baby and I don't know how you feel about that.
E finalmente me enchi de coragem e disse : Tom, não sei... sei o que você acha disso.
They would say it's a small component of making those judgments and that you should be looking at a much broader spectrum of skills, abilities and aptitudes.
Dir-se-ia que é um pequeno componente de uma decisão judicial e você deveria estar olhando um espectro muito mais amplo de destrezas, habilidades e aptidões.
Would you say that again?
Na verdade, podes dizer mais uma vez?
Why would you say that?
Porque dizes isso?
If I was to say you're looking through the wrong end of that viewfinder, would I be right?
Se eu dissesse que está a olhar pela ponta errada do visor, teria razão?
Why would you say that?
Porque dirias isso?
Would you prefer that to, say, oral sex?
Prefere isso a sexo oral?
Okay, Emily, why would you say that to her?
Está bem, Emily. Porque lhe disseste isso?
No, why would you say that?
Não. Porque está a dizer isso?
I could say that I like to keep track of the fortune of my former colleagues. But you wouldtn't believe, would you?
Podia dizer que gosto de acompanhar o sucesso dos meus ex-colegas mas tu não irias acreditar, pois não?
What would you say to trying someplace that we haven't been to before?
Que achas de irmos a um sítio onde nunca fomos antes?
Costa, before we begin, is there anything that you would like to say to the viewers?
Costa, antes de começarmos... gostaria de dizer alguma coisa aos telespectadores?
If I had to make a guess I would say that you made up some bullshit excuse to get out of work to go to Ted's.
Se eu tivesse de adivinhar, diria que inventaste uma desculpa para saíres e ires ter com o Ted.
You did well to say that, otherwise they would have raped you.
Fizeste bem em dizer isso, se não eles tinham-te violado.
- Why would you say that to anybody?
- Porque lhe contaste isso?
So I went to the boy and I said, you know, "I met somebody and he wants to marry me", hoping that he would say, "Joyce, you cannot do that."
Falei com o rapaz : "Conheci uma pessoa que quer casar-se comigo", a achar que ele ia dizer : " Joyce, não podes fazer isso.
Why would you say that?
Por que disseste aquilo?
And if I have any information, and I do mean to stress this, if I have any information that would alter those facts... and I say facts... I'll be right back here talking to you again.
E se eu tiver qualquer informação, e eu quero enfatizar isso, se eu tiver qualquer informação que possa alterar os factos... e eu digo factos... eu volto aqui e falo com vocês de novo.
Considering that you will never be leaving this country again I would say it is in your best interests to stay on my good side.
Tendo em conta que nunca mais sairá deste país, eu diria que é do seu interesse não me irritar.
I would have you say exactly that.
faria dizer-te exactamente isso.
Do you think it's possible there's something I could say to this girl just some way I could tell her how I feel in a way that just would make her fall for me?
Uma forma que eu possa dizer-lhe o que eu sinto... de maneira que a faça ficar apaixonada por mim?
If I said, Lon, that we could continue our partnership under a new concept, what would you say then?
E se eu te dissesse que poderíamos continuar a nossa parceria sob novos termos, o que te parece?
Given your profession Mr. Noble... would you say that there are certain individuals who may hold a grudge against you?
Dada a sua profissão... o senhor diria que pode haver alguém que o odiasse?
Carl, why would you say that, man?
Carl, por que haverias de dizer isso?
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't know 44