Never been there traduction Russe
801 traduction parallèle
I've never been there.
Я там никогда не был.
Oh. Of course I've never been there.
Правда, я сам там никогда не был.
Never been there.
Никогда там не был.
I had never been there before.
Такого никогда не было.
I've never been there.
Я там ещё не была.
You've never been there.
Ты никогда в таком не был?
I'd never been there before.
Я там никогда не был.
I've never been there
Я никогда там не была.
Why, no, sir, I've never been there.
Почему бы и нет, сэр, я никогда там не был.
I've never been there.
Я никогда там не была.
I've never been there.
Я там еще никогда не купался.
Of course not, since you've never been there!
Откуда! .. Ведь ты там не был!
"I had never been there since, and I got this certain feeling."
Я ни разу не был здесь с тех пор. Странное чувство.
Yes, and there's something else I've been trying to tell you all evening, and now you'll never know.
Я еще кое-что пыталась сказать тебе весь вечер, но теперь ты не узнаешь.
There never has been a libel suit for $ 5 million.
Никогда еще не было исков за клевету на $ 5 миллионов.
There's never been a word of scandal about Connie Allenbury.
Конни Алленбери в жизни не была замешана ни в одном скандале.
Why is that? - There has never been a fire in this fireplace.
В этом камине огонь ещё ни разу не разводили.
Mrs. Wilkes, there ain't never been a lady nice to me like you was.
М-с Уилкс, вы - самая добрая женщина, какую я знаю.
Comrades of the world... never has there been such a May Day parade as this.
Товарищи, никогда еще первомайская демонстрация не принимала такой размах.
I've never been there either.
Я никогда не была там.
- The captain's. If he'd been up on the bridge where he belonged instead of where he was... there never would have been any accident.
Если бы он находился на мостике, на своём рабочем месте, ничего этого не случилось бы.
No. Never been up there.
Нет, ни разу.
I thought that, too, but every night, I've been all over the house... and there's never been another light turned on.
Я и об этом думала, но нигде больше газ не включали, ни в один вечер.
I read up on it. There's never been a Catholic church foreclosure... in the history of New York.
Я читал об этом, и в истории Нью-Йорка еще не было ни одного случая лишения церкви права собственности.
You've never been very happy there.
Ты никогда не будешь счастлива там.
Pa! Pa, will you take me in the Presidio? I ain't never been in there and...
Папа, отведи меня в крепость, я там раньше никогда не была
Johnny, there's never been anybody but you and me.
Джонни, у меня никогда не было никого кроме тебя.
There's never been anybody but you and me.
У меня никогда не было никого кроме тебя.
There's never been anyone who's met her
И ни один, кто любил Лоретту,
I feel as if there had never been a misunderstanding at all.
Я чувствую, как будто никогда не было всех этих недоразумений.
There must have been something deep inside you from the very start that let you do this thing, but there's always been something deep inside me that would never let me do it,
Что-то всегда было внутри меня, что не дало бы мне совершить это...
There's really never been one like it.
Нигде нет такого как этот
They tell me there's never been a single suicide off here.
Мне сказали, что здесь не было ни одного самоубийства.
There was no Eddie, no pilot. You've never been married.
Не было никакого пилота Эдди.
There's never been a kiss like this since the world began.
С сотворения мира ещё не было такого поцелуя.
And never... for one moment since, has there been any light stronger than... Than this... yellow lantern.
И никогда больше, ни на один миг, с тех пор не было в моей жизни света ярче тусклой пожелтевшей лампочки.
We've served a great many years together. And, there's never been a day when I couldn't happily go along with any decision of yours. But, I have a responsibility to this country, too.
Много лет мы служили вместе, и не было ни одного дня, когда я бы не одобрил ваше решение, но также я несу ответственность и за эту страну.
There has never been anything between us.
И ничего никогда между нами не было.
There's never been anything in my life that she hasn't begrudged or spoiled somehow.
В моей жизни не было ничего, чему бы она не завидовала и не портила бы.
And I knew there had never been a chief like Massai.
И я знала, что лучшего вождя не найти.
The parcel was still there. It had never been opened.
Мой пакет лежал там нетронутым.
There's never been anything like them in this world, I can tell you.
Таких, как они нет во всем мире, скажу я тебе.
There has never been a written indictment of charges made against the defendants.
Обвинительное заключение не было зачитано во всеуслышание.
There's never been anyone but Leonard.
Макса никогда не было.
He swears on his mother's grave that there has never been any dynamite in this apartment.
Клянется могилой матери, что в квартире не было динамита.
There's never been an army like that.
Такая армия ещё не существовала в истории Рима.
And even more awful that Yevdokim would leave, without whom there would have never been this house, nor the family, nothing.
А ужасней всего, что уйдет Евдоким, без которого не было бы ни дома, ни семьи, ничего не было бы.
But there had never been anything of the kind charged between them.
Но ничего из того, в чем его обвиняют, не было.
In the whole history of the world, there's never been a child brought up right.
За всю мировую историю не было ребёнка, воспитанного правильно.
And the child, that was to have been our bond and our blessing, is becoming our ruin. My dearest! I am dying in this air, in this room with its window on the yard, the child's ceaseless crying so that I can never sleep, the people out there with their complainings, strifes and accusations.
.. приведет нас к гибели! ссор и обвинений...
There's never been a break in this... current
Это была такая сила, как электричество.
never been better 65
never been 27
never been married 16
been there 278
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
never been 27
never been married 16
been there 278
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60