People were killed traduction Russe
244 traduction parallèle
Seven people were killed at Evreux junction last Sunday
Знаешь, прошлым воскресеньем на развилке Эвре погибло семь человек.
Five people were killed...
Погибли 5 человек за неделю.
Seven people were killed here in the last year, two of them ours.
В прошлом году здесь было убито семь человек. Двое из них - наши.
Thousands of people were killed.
Тысячи людей были убиты.
And people were killed because of him.
И они пошли. И то, что люди погибли - это тоже его вина.
Four people were killed today on the M6...
Четыре человека погибли сегодня на M6...
Six people were killed and fourteen injured.
6 человек погибло, четырнадцать ранено.
When they were fighting the Japanese a lot of people were killed.
Когда они воевали в Японии, много людей было убито.
The British sent the troops in, several people were killed.
Англичане прислали солдат, несколько человек были убиты.
More than 100,000 people were killed in two single-bomb explosions, which ended the Pacific War.
Более 100 тысяч человек были убиты двумя взрывами атомной бомбы, и это положило конец войне на Тихом Океане.
Three people were killed.
Были убиты ТРИ человека.
Come on, Abdelwahab, they say some people were killed.
Ну ты уж загнул, Абделабах, говорят, что нескольких человек убили
Seven people were killed before Mr. Malnick turned the gun on himself... and shot a hole through his head.
Мэлник убил семь человек, а потом выстрелил себе в голову.
6,000 people were killed in an explosion today.
6000 людей были убиты взрывом сегодня. Вы говорите : где?
None of your people were killed.
Никто из людей небыл убит.
There was a cave-in in a mine, and eight people were killed.
Тогда в шахте произошло обрушение, и погибло восемь человек
50 fucking thousand people were killed on the highway last
50 тысяч людей погибло на дорогах в прошлом году.
You think that if 300 white people were killed in this city every year, they wouldn't send the 82nd airborne?
Проверим, ходит ли еще поезд по той колее. А ты не хочешь как-нибудь вечерком заглянуть к нам на ужин? Проведаешь Биди и засранчиков.
2000 years ago, Kai's planet was destroyed by His Shadow and all of his people were killed.
2000 лет назад планета Кая была уничтожена Его Тенью, все ее население погибло.
A number of other people were killed.
Много других было убито.
Hundreds of thousands of people were killed... including my family.
Сотни тысяч людей было убито... включая мою семью.
People were killed and the gun company made it happen by flouting the law.
Все ясно, Истер. Давайте голосовать. Прошу вас.
People were killed and the gun company made it happen by flouting the law.
- Что вы говорите? - Правда. У человека отняли жизнь.
It does because I can tell'em how many people were killed during the Jamaican elections when Bob Marley released "No Woman No Cry".
Действительно, потому что теперь я могу рассказать, сколько людей убили во время выборов на Ямайке, когда Боб Марли выпустил "No Woman No Cry".
When people were killed by other people.
Когда людей убивали другие люди.
You know, Reuven, this year 317 people were killed on the roads.
Знаешь, Рувен, в этом году погибли на дорогах 317 человек.
Well, regarding the case... by the hands of only one man... eleven people were killed.
коипом светийа ле тгм упохесг.. апо емам йи ломадийо амхяыпо... емтейа амхяыпои докожомгхгйам.
A lot of people were killed, a lot of Punics.
Да, это ужасно печально
Two black people were killed on the road in the same way in three weeks.
Двое черных были убиты... на одном и том же отрезке дороги одинаковым способом в течение трех недель.
Think how many people were killed by Gabriel Gray.
Подумайте, сколькие были убиты Габриэлем Грэем.
The people of the town were amazed to read the little tailor had killed seven in one stroke.
Городской люд изумился, прочитав, что Портняжка убил семерых одним ударом!
You say that people were hurt, even killed?
Вы говорите, были раненые, даже убитые?
20.000 people were killed.
20 тысяч человек погибло.
"... and my heart sank as I tried to convince myself... "... that the white men who'd been killed were bad people and deserved to die.
.. с тяжёлым сердцем я пытался убедить себя что те белые были мерзавцами и заслуживали смерти ".
These are the people who were killed on board the transport.
Это имена пассажиров погибшего транспортника.
The people who were killed in the Defiant incident.
Списку гражданских лиц, погибших в инциденте с "Дефаентом".
"... we don't know if people were injured or killed... "
Пока нельзя сказать, сколько убитых и раненых.
Dr. Cotner and his people, they were killed.
Д-р Котнер и его люди убиты.
A lot of people were wounded or even killed.
Многие люди были ранены или даже убиты.
These people were all killed the same way as our guy.
Эти люди были убиты таким же образом, как наш парень.
Do you suppose the people who killed Tanner and Foster were from the presidential faction after all? They don't have to be.
ѕрезидентска € фракци € убила " ана и'орстера?
After my brothers were killed, I tried to carry on... tried to help people.
После того, как мои братья были убиты, я пробовал продолжить пробовал помогать людям.
No, you see, ducks were actually responsible for the outbreak of Spanish flu that killed 25 million people in 1918 and 1919, more than died from military causes in World War I and 100 times more than those...
Видители, утки на самом деле ответственны за вспышку Испанского гриппа унесшего 25 миллионов жизней в 1918 и 1919. Это больше, чем погибло от военных действий в первой мировой войне, и в сто раз больше...
On September 11 th, 2001, nearly 3000 people including a colleague of mine, Bill Weems were killed in the largest foreign attack ever on American soil.
11-го сентября 2001 года почти 3 тысячи человек, среди которых мой коллега Билл Уимз, стали жертвами крупнейшего в истории нападения на Америку.
Over three thousand civilians were killed on that day... they were innocent people!
Более трёх тысяч человек погибло в тот страшный день. Это были невинные люди.
Well, tell that to the families of the people who were killed. Well, tell that to the families of the people who were killed.
Скажите это семьям тех, кто погиб.
Kira killed people with minor crimes as soon as they were broadcast, didn't he? Even if it is the first day the cameras were installed, the Yagami household is so clean, it's almost funny.
Кира убил людей с относительно мелкими преступлениями сразу после выпуска новостей.
But that doesn't bring back any of the people who've died, who were killed in their own country or sent over by the President of the United States to kill in that country.
Но это не вернет тех, кто погиб, кто был убит в своей стране или же был послан президентом США, чтобы убивать там.
The first people killed in this village were my parents.
Первыми жертвами в нашей деревне стали мои родители.
It was something else, hit us to the floor, right in the basement you felt it, the walls were caving in on everything that was going on. I mean, I know people that got killed in the basement,
Как нам остановить систему жадности и коррупции, которая принуждает бедные слои населения к рабскому, во всех аспектах, труду в интересах Мэдисон авеню?
Unfortunately for them, there were only six people killed, not enough to pass the legislation. So, what happened is two years later, April 19, 1995 down comes Oklahoma City, the Murrah Building 168 people killed... a year later, the anti-terror legislation, which takes away many of our constitutional rights and civil liberties, is passed.
" Внутренние документы доказывают, что эта компания, абсолютно точно зная что сделала лекарство, заражённое СПИДом, ликвидировала свой продукт с рынка США и затем сбросила его на рынке Франции, Европы, Азии и Латинской Америки.
killed 266
killed it 20
killed in action 17
killed her 59
killed himself 25
killed him 92
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
killed it 20
killed in action 17
killed her 59
killed himself 25
killed him 92
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people talk 81
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people change 205
people like you 105
people talk 81
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31