They were good traduction Russe
617 traduction parallèle
I knew they were good.
Я-то знаю, насколько они хороши.
They were good friends, he and Servoz.
Они были большими друзьями.
About a year ago, he sold 600 wooden poles... said they were good against tornadoes.
Около года назад он продал 600 деревянных жердей... сказав, что они защищают от торнадо.
They were good times.
Славное было время.
If they were good, not even killed animals.
А добрые не убивают животных.
- They were good.
- Они был неплохими.
They were good men, and, like all of us, they laughed with their friends.
Они были хорошими людьми и, как и все мы, они смеялись со своими друзьями.
They were good for nothing then.
Они уже были ни на что не годны.
If they were good men, how could... the Beloved Emperor find them guilty?
Почему же тогда их любимый император признал их виновными?
They were good boys but they made a lot of racket at night.
Они были хорошими ребятами... только сильно шумели по ночам.
they were good neighbors.
были неплохими соседями.
It was good that Tonischka returned. They were beginning to get fed up.
Хорошо, что Тонка вернулась, а то эти начали приедаться
Gods were immortal but what good would have immortality been to them if they didn't have eternal youth as well.
Боги были бессмертны, но какой им прок в бессмертии, если бы они не были вечно молоды.
If they stood on their heads, it wouldn't bother me if they were having a good time.
Если бы даже они стояли на головах, это бы не обеспокоило меня... они хотя бы весело проводят время.
I was just as strong... just as good as they were.
Я был таким же сильным... Как и все они.
Tried to tell me they were doing it all for my own good, that I wasn't well.
Пытались объяснить, что делают это для моего же блага, Что я не был хорош.
He only wants to grow beef, and we want to grow families... to grow them good and strong, the way they were meant to be grown.
Ему интересно лишь размножение скота, а мне интересно размножение семей. Чтобы они стали хорошими и сильными, какими и должны быть.
They were very good.
Они очень хорошо.
They were really good.
Они действительно были хороши.
You got it wrong. They weren't good columns. They were great columns.
Вас не правильно поняли, их колонки яйца выеденного не стоят
Oh, they were given light and a good map - also they were armed.
Их снабдили освещением и хорошей картой, и даже выдали оружие.
I don't know, Lew, I suppose pilots are just as good now as they ever were but they sure don't live the way we did.
Не знаю, Лью, пилоты сегодня не отличаются от вчерашних,..... но живут уже по-другому.
- They were so good. - Delicious.
Такие вкусные.
If Earth didn't warn you we were coming, Governor, they must have had a very good reason.
Если Земля не предупреждала Вас что мы приедем, Губернатор, у них, должно быть, было очень серьезное основание.
And first of all here, couple number four... the very popular Martin Charles... and his lovely partner Barbara. Now these two, they were runners up last year... so they must stand a very good chance this time. And that magnificent dress that Barbara's wearing
( телевизор )
But I'll tell you one thing : women were very good to me because they never loved me. Never.
Но я скажу вам одно : женщины были ко мне чересчур добры, потому что никогда меня не любили.
They were always good to him.
Они всегда хорошо относились к нему.
- They were such good guys.
- Хорошие мужики.
They were my grandpa's, I'm no good with...
Они принадлежали моему деду. Я не очень то в этом разбираюсь.
He said that you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast it would be good for the family.
Он сказал, что вы были грубы на переговорах. Но если они получат небольшую помощь, они быстро закроют дело. Это будет хорошо для семьи.
- Oh, they were a good group.
О, у них бы получилась труппа.
They became normal people, and very good in fact, considering what kind of bums they were.
Думаю, они стали людьми. Да ещё какими людьми, учитывая, какими они были отбросами общества.
Woodward and Bernstein were good reporters. That's how they did it.
Вудворд и Бернштейн были хорошими журналистами.
I had a good look. They were dressed like that.
Я хорошо их рассмотрел.
They were all good men.
Они были хорошими людьми.
They were talking about how this one's good-looking and that one's ugly.
Они говорили про вкусную и невкусную еду.
They were never good to anyone
Они никогда и ни с кем не обращаются нормально.
- Anyway, if there were a war, they'd never bomb up here, so why waste perfectly good sticky paper?
- В любом случае, даже если будет война, нас не станут бомбить здесь. Так зачем переводить отличную клейкую ленту?
They called it "stewing in your own juice." It's a horrible phrase, but some of the results were remarkably good.
"повариться в собственном соку". Ужасная фраза. Но результаты порой оказывались на удивление хорошими.
They were just having a good time.
Они просто весело проводили время.
Are they gonna think you're not as tough as you were? You're not the same fighter? Good.
Если из-за этого проиграешь, все решат, что ты не так уж и силен?
And everyone said - very nice I thought - how important for morale to feel that they were arriving on another planet where you could get a good haircut and where the phones were clean.
И все сказали — очень мило, я полагаю — как важно для укрепления морального духа знать, что они прибудут на планету, где уже можно будет постричься и все телефоны будут чистыми.
They were looking for it, too, but they weren't good enough.
Они тоже его искали, но им не повезло.
They were good friends. How about becoming a Jew?
Редль, стань и ты евреем.
She said people tried to be good, but they were really sick and rotten.
Она сказала, что люди пытаются быть добрыми, но в действительности - они мерзкие и отвратительные.
At the White House they were visited all the time by this doctor... that they came to call "Dr. Feel-Good."
В Белом доме их все время навещал некий доктор, они называли его "Доктор Айболит".
If you were good enough, they made you a leader.
Если ты был достаточно хорош, они могли сделать тебя лидером.
They were really good.
Было очень вкусно!
They said you were good.
Говорят, ты был неплох.
He said you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast, it'd be good for the family.
Он сказал, что тьi бьiл непреклонен, но если им помогут поскорей прикрьiть это дело, так будет лучше для всей семьи... И тьi веришь в это, сьiнок?
I hope they were in good health.
Я надеюсь, они вели себя прилично.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they were delicious 18
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they were delicious 18