Were there traduction Russe
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Now Lucy, honey, you know we were there with your daddy when you were born.
Люси, милая, знаешь, мы были вместе с твоим папой, когда ты родилась.
Were there many killed?
Много погибших?
George, were there any fingermarks on the doorknob?
Джордж, на ручке двери были чьи-нибудь отпечатки?
A good fifty people were there.
Там было по меньшей мере полсотни человек.
And you were there when it happened?
И вы там присутствовали?
The point was to get in, get out, without him knowing we were there.
Суть была в том, чтобы прийти и уйти так, чтобы он не знал, что мы там вообще были.
It would mean a lot to me if you were there.
Для меня бы это много значило, если бы ты пришла.
But... there were a few things I've missed.
Но... кое по чем я скучала.
There were five or more assailants.
Нападавших было пятеро или больше.
Our consultant here tells me there were at least five attackers.
Наш конкультант утверждает, что нападавших было, по крайней мере, пятеро.
So, why were you there, and what happened?
Итак, зачем вы там были, и что случилось?
If it were any of the other blends, there wouldn't be a question.
Будь это любой другой смешанный, вопроса бы не возникло.
What the hell were those kids doing out there?
Какого черта эти детишки делали там?
God, what the hell were those kids doing out there?
Боже, что эти детишки делали там?
Simply acknowledge that they were trespassing on Chinese territory, - and we can go from there.
Просто признайте, что они вторглись на территорию Китая, а там посмотрим.
Why were you there?
Что там делал ты?
What were you doing clocking what I was doing there?
– Что ты там делал? – Что я там делал?
Were you burning anything in there?
Ты там жёг что-нибудь?
Her lungs were thick with smoke and there are minor burns to her hands, but she's breathing well.
Её легкие пострадали от дыма и есть незначительные ожоги рук, но дыхание стабильное.
And the two of them were standing right there.
А они — прямо там.
There were no surprises.
Ничего неожиданного.
There were witnesses.
Там были свидетели.
There's been time off here and there, I was incarcerated for a short while... - Were you here for the Shanley case? - No.
Я какое-то время не работал, меня ненадолго посадили в тюрьму... — Ты был здесь, когда расследовали дело Шэнли?
- There were so many people there that day... - Um,
Тогда там было столько людей...
That's right, there were two searches.
Верно, обысков было два.
There is no doubt you were a fool for marrying a colleague, but I suspect that's one blunder you won't regret.
Вне сомнений, ты свалял дурака, женившись на коллеге, но я подозреваю, что в этой глупости ты не раскаешься.
Her shawl was folded nearby, there were stones in her pocket, and railing on the footbridge wasn't broken.
На берегу нашли её сложенную шаль, в кармане у неё были камни, а перила на мостках не были сломаны.
You'll deserve any medal they win as if you were right there with them.
Ты заслуживаешь все медали, которые они выигрывают, как если бы ты играл с ними.
- There were traces of cyanide.
— В ней были следы цианида.
All the wonders of the world were there.
Там были чудеса со всего света.
There were no scratches on him. There you have it.
На нём нет ни единой царапины.
And there were no survivors.
Что никто не выжил.
There were consequences.
Для него последствия были.
But you were both there. Okay?
но вы оба были там.
There were so many of'em.
Их было так много.
The doctor's alarm system is archaic, and there were no cameras to record me making copies of all his patients billing and insurance information.
Сигнализация у доктора такая древняя, а видеокамер и вовсе нет, чтобы сделать запись того, как я снимал копии со всех счетов и страховок его пациентов.
She says there were two of them.
Она сказала, что их было двое.
Like I said, there were two of them.
Как я сказала, их было двое.
There were never any events, and everyone was happy.
Там никогда ничего не происходило, и все были счастливы.
You were supposed to be there hours ago.
Ты давно должен был быть там.
There were no agents.
Нет никаких агентов.
I've seen you before in Lena Luthor's office. What were you doing there?
Я видела вас раньше в офисе Лены Лютор.
To a man they testified there was no sting that night, nor were you led to believe there was.
Они дали показание, что той ночью операций не планировалось, что расходится с вашими словами.
What if I told you there were more?
Ж : Что если я скажу вам, что были ещё?
There were ritual dismemberments? Excuse me, sir.
Это были ритуальные расчленения?
- Yeah, there were organs... harvested, specific organs
- Да, органы... были удалены... Специфические органы... для обряда...
Let's just say, there were no atomic wedgies for Felix that day.
Я лишь скажу, что в этот день Феликсу не натягивали на голову трусы.
We never said there were four.
Мы не говорили, что их было четверо.
I wish there were some way I could make it better.
Если я могла тебя подбодрить.
Just'cause your keys were in there one time.
Это из-за того, что один раз там оказались твои ключи.
Ugh, there were plenty of people who could have helped that guy back into his wheelchair.
Да там куча народу, кто-нибудь поможет этому парню сеть обратно в инвалидное кресло.
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275