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Kee traduction Turc

257 traduction parallèle
'Maxwell Frere, the ventriloquist, was charged with the attempted murder'of a man in the same line of business, Sylvester Kee, an American.
Maxwell Frere, vantrilok, meslektaşı amerikalı Sylvester Kee'ye cinayete teşebbüsten tutuklanmıştı.
'I am told that one or two have been seen in Paris lately...' - Sylvester Kee!
Duyduğuma göre, son zamanlarda Paris'te bir iki tane görülmüş.
- Well, hello, Beulah.
- Sylvester Kee - Merhaba Beulah.
The name is Kee, Sylvester Kee.
Adın ne? Adım Kee, Sylvester Kee
Kee, my friend, don't leave me, take me with you.
Arkadaşım, beni terketme! Beni de götür!
Kee, get me out of here. Kee!
Kee, çıkar beni buradan!
Kee! Kee!
Kee, kee, kee...
I'm not such a fool as you think, Sylvester Kee.
Sandığın kadar aptal değilim, Sylvester Kee.
It's our responsibility, Mr Kee.
Bu bizim sorumluluğumuz, Bay Kee. - O burda!
The name is Kee, Sylvester Kee.
Adım Kee, Sylvester Kee!
Why, no, Kee.
Hayır Kee.
- Kee-rect!
- Aynen!
Yes, you know words, tee-tee, tinkle, po-po, wee-wee, kee-kee, poo-poo.
Evet, tımbış, pışpış, pipi, popo, atta gibi.
Lee Kee shipyards.
Lee Kee tersanesi.
- I think to Lee Kee shipyards.
- Sanırım Lee Kee tersanesine.
- Lee Kee shipyards.
- Lee Kee tersanesi.
The doorman heard him tell the driver to go to the Lee Kee shipyard.
Kapıcı onun şöfore Lee Kee tersanesine gidelim dediğini duymuş.
He told the driver to go to the Lee Kee shipyard.
Şöfore Lee Kee tersanesine gitmesini söyledi
What about this Lee Kee shipyard?
Bu Lee Kee Tersanesi'de ne?
Lee Kee shipyards?
Lee Kee Tersanesi?
At 42 a kee?
42'lik İçin Mi?
They're in charge of the BJ Kee.
Bunlar BGK'nın başındalar. Bir de Gizli Servis var.
- Kee!
- Kee!
Tomorrow, you will go with Kee Nang to Tibet to obtain the dagger.
Yarın, hançeri elde etmek için Kee Nang ile beraber Tibet'e gideceksin.
This is my assistant, Kee Nang.
Bu hanım yardımcım, Kee Nang.
Kee, Dr Hong, Brother Numsy has forgiven me.
Kee, Dr Hong, Kardeşim Numsy beni affetti.
It's a Gee Kee.
- Bu Gee Kee.
You get in a smart crack, and everyone laughs and kee-kees because you found a flaw and exaggerated it... then you've got a good read going.
Zekice iğneliyorsun, bir kusur bulup onu abarttığın için herkes gülüp kikirdiyor. O zaman okumuş oluyorsun.
Kee, come here a second.
Kee, bir saniye buraya gel.
Kee, this is Raymond...
Kee, bu Raymond...
You can do better, Kee.
Daha iyisini yapabilirsin, Kee.
Perhaps Medical Officer Kee'Bhor was correct.
Belki de Tabip Subay Kee'Bhor haklıydı.
Dosh-du-pah kee-ne?
Dosh-du-pah kee-ne?
Swasge-muh kee-say-yo-pah?
Swasge-muh kee-say-yo-pah?
Swasge-muh kee-say.
Swasge-muh kee-say.
Good morning! Niles Crane, psy-kee-at-trist.
Günaydın Psikiyatr Niles Crane'in muayenehanesi.
MoVas ah-kee rustak!
MoVas ah-kee rustak!
MoVas ah-kee rustak.
MoVas ah-kee rustak.
Let's get this show on the road! Cri-Kee, get the bags.
Cır-cır, valizleri al.
Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.
Toparlan, Cır-cır.
Come on, Cri-Kee.
Hadi Cır-Cır.
I'd like to have a talk with that other fellow, Kee.
Diğer arkadaşlada bu konuda konuşmak isterim.
I'm afraid that's out of the question.
- It's Sylvester Kee.
- Kim o?
Come in!
- Sylvester Kee!
Kee, if you don't mind...
Kee, kusura bakmazsan...
Take it, Cri-Kee!
Başla Cır-Cır!

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