Walter bishop traduction Turc
93 traduction parallèle
That's why we wanted to ask him some questions. I'm Walter Bishop.
Kadının ölüm şekli daha önce hiç görmediğim türden.
His name's Walter Bishop.
Adı Walter Bishop.
- So this guy's Walter Bishop's son.
Demek bu Walter Bishop'un oğlu.
Your father is Walter Bishop.
Babanız Walter Bishop.
I want you to know I've successfully had Dr. Walter Bishop released from St. Claire's, and he requires the use of his old laboratory.
Dr. Bishop'u St. Claire'den başarılı şekilde çıkarmış bulunuyorum ve kendisi eski laboratuarını kullanmak istiyor.
I'm Walter...
Ben Walter Bishop. Walter Bishop.
- Bishop. Walter Bishop.
- Evet, sağ ol.
Walter Bishop dubbed by his contemporaries as the successor to Albert Einstein.
Walter Bishop meslektaşları tarafından Einstein'ın halefi kabul ediliyor.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Merhaba, ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop, we're forwarding his photo.
Dr. Walter Bishop. - Fotoğrafı gönderiyorum...
Welcome to the joys of Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop'un diyarına hoş geldiniz.
Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Bu ekibim, Peter Bishop ve Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Peter Bishop, Walter Bishop's son.
Peter Bishop. Walter Bishop'un oğlu.
- His name's Walter Bishop.
- Adı Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop.
Benim, baban Walter Bishop.
A Dr. Walter Bishop?
Dr. Walter Bishop?
You've assured me that Walter Bishop is doing fine.
Dr. Bishop'un gayet iyi olduğu konusunda beni temin ettiniz.
If that's the case I'll allow Walter Bishop to talk to Mr. Kim and ask your questions.
Eğer böyle ise Walter Bishop'un, Bay Kim ile konuşmasına ve ona sorularınızı sormasına izin veririm.
Walter is assisting us in a criminal investigation which you are obstructing.
Walter Bishop, sizin şu anda engellemekte olduğunuz bir soruşturmada bize yardımcı oluyor.
Walter Bishop, who was sent to St. Claire's because he was deemed unfit to stand trial for manslaughter,
Walter Bishop, adam öldürme suçundan yargılanmak için uygun olmadığına karar verilip St.Claire hastanesine yollanan biri...
Let's just put it in the category of "crazy things happen in Walter Bishop's lab."
O yüzden bunu "Walter Bishop'ın laboratuarında olan çılgın şeyler" içine koyalım.
Peter and Walter Bishop.
Peter ve Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop, nice to meet you.
Walter Bishop tanıştığımıza memnun oldum.
Uh, Bishop, Walter Bishop.
Bishop, Walter Bishop.
Target is Walter Bishop.
Hedefimiz, Walter Bishop.
His father, Dr. Walter Bishop...
Babası, Dr. Walter Bishop...
Hello, I'm Walter Bishop.
Ben Walter Bishop.
This is Peter and Walter Bishop.
Bunlar da Peter ve Walter Bishop.
We need to have Andre Hughes'body taken back to Walter Bishop's lab... -... as soon as possible.
Andre Hughes'un cesedini derhal Walter'ın laboratuarına götürmeliyiz.
His name's Walter Bishop.
- Adı Walter Bishop.
Anybody you need, you can have.
- İstediğin kişiyi yanına alabilirsin. - Adı Walter Bishop.
his name's walter bishop. He worked out of harvard, In an area called fringe science.
Harvard'da Sınır Bilim adı verilen bir alanda çalışmalar yaptı.
I am dr. Walter bishop.
Ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
These two men are consultants - Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Beraberimde iki kişi daha var Peter Bishop ve Dr. Walter Bishop.
It's about Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop hakkında.
You can have me... or Walter Bishop.
Ben ya da Walter Bishop.
- I need your help. - Make your choice - Me or Walter Bishop.
- Seçim senin ben ya da Walter Bishop.
But there's only one Walter Bishop... and we'll be needing him before this is over.
Ama sadece bir tane Walter Bishop var ve ona daha önce olmadığı kadar çok ihtiyacımız var.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter bishop.
Merhaba, ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
I'm Walter bishop.
Ben Walter Bishop. Büyükbabanın bir arkadaşıyım.
His name is dr. Walter bishop.
Adı Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter bishop.
Ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
Walter bishop.
Walter bishop.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Selam. Ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
Excuse me, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Affedersiniz. Ben Dr. Walter Bishop.
You're Dr. Walter Bishop.
Sen Dr. Walter Bishop'sın.
What's the name? Uh, for dr.
- Dr. Walter Bishop.
Otherwise, Walter will keep making noise until he gets his way and I'd really prefer not to get the bishop involved.
Yoksa Walter istediğini elde edene kadar gürültü yapacak ve piskoposu bulaştırmak istemiyorum.
Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Çok güzelsin Ajan Dunham. - Dr. Walter Bishop.