When it was over traduction Turc
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When it was over, she couldn't remember it.
Her şey bittiğinde, hiçbir şey hatırlamıyordu.
iş bittiğinde, hemen kurşuna dizmediler
He'd only gotten his wings when it was over.
Savaş bittiğinde yeni pilot olmuş.
When it was over, they killed her with a cudgel
Bittikten sonra onu bir sopayla öldürdüler
Bağlantı koptu. Bu yüzden rota değiştirmiş olabilirler mi?
When it was over, he was smarter.
Ameliyattan sonra, daha akıllı oldu.
It was so brilliant that when it was over it was considered the real work of art, by all the guys in my cellblock.
Bittiğinde harika olacaktı. Gerçek bir sanat eseri olacaktı diyor, hücremdeki arkadaşlarım.
But when it was over, and the worst was past... they began to know how different we were, our skin, our eyes.
Ama bunlar bittiğinde, en kötü aşama sona erdiğinde... Bizim onlardan farklı olduğumuzu fark etmeye başladılar, derimizin, gözlerimizin.
I know I was glad when it was over.
Sona erdiğinde çok mutlu olmuştum.
When it was over, however, I felt a great relief.
Herşey bittiğinde, yine de büyük bir rahatlama hissettim.
I remember it being all over the news when I was younger. The rich boy and his girlfriend both were kidnapped together.
Zengin aile oğlu ve kız arkadaşının kaçırıldığı olay.
It was after midnight when someone fell over the wheelbarrow and woke me up.
Gece yarısından sonraydı ve biri el arabasının üstüne düşüp beni uyandırdı.
And when King Attilla his mount bestrode It was the world over which he rode And when he paused his whip to crack the world cried out
İndi atından Kral Attilla At sürdüğü yere bastı Ve çatlak ağladı : Daha ne işler var aklında?
Well, you see, sir john, it was like this... only after the murder, when the knocking woke us up, i was over by the window slipping on my negligee, and i popped my head out of the window
Bakın Sir John, şöyle bir şeydi. Cinayetten hemen sonra, kapımız çalıp bizi uyandırdığı zaman geceliğimle birlikte pencere kenarındaydım.
At 7 : 00 when it was all over... I came out of hiding... and came face to face... with the exhausted doctor, wiping his brow.
Saat 7'de her şey sona erince saklandığım yerden çıktım ve alnındaki teri silmekte olan yorgun doktorla yüz yüze geldim.
When we were pulling out of it, I was bending over.
Çekilirken, öne egilmistim.
When he flew over, he'd cut his engine so they'd know who it was.
Evlerinin üzerine gelince motoru sustururmuş tanısınlar diye.
When I got there it was all over.
Hersey bitmisti.
I thought it was written all over my face when I left Berlin in'02.
1902'de Berlin'den ayrıldığımda surat ifademden anlaşılıyor sanıyordum.
And then when it was all over, what?
Hem zaten sonunda ne değişiyor ki?
No, what I mean is, I was listening to Melba and when Mr Stevens pulled me out it was all over.
Hayır, yani demek istediğim, Melba'yı dinliyordum ve Bay Stevens beni apar topar dışarı çıkardı.
She was here when it happened... the friend of the lady that went over the cliff.
Olaylar yaşanırken buradaymış. Uçurumdan düşen kadının arkadaşı.
I was 21 when I took it over.
Burayı devraldığımda 21 yaşındaydım.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was everybody's century when people all over the world - free people - found a way to live together?
Bütün dünyadaki insanlar - özgür insanlar - birlikte yaşamanın bir yolunu bulduğunda herkesin yüzyılı olsa harika olmaz mıydı...?
- I'm sorry. - It was a long time ago. When this is over and you're back on that plantation you were telling me about with the white cotton fields and the river you'll find someone again.
- Üzgünüm - bu çok zaman önceydi bu bittiği zaman çiftliğe geri döneceğini söyluyordun bana beyaz pamuk tarlasıyla ve ırmak sen tekrar birini bulacaksın
It's like when you look for something all over the place, and then you find it was right in front of you all along.
Birşeyi heryerde araman gibi, ve bir bakarsınki hep gözünün önündeymiş.
I thought it was all over and done with. But when Carl found out, all he could see was his own jealousy.
Ama Carl öğrendiği zaman, tek görebildiği kendi kıskançlığıydı.
That's when I figured it was all over.
O zaman her şey tamam dedim.
It was already.. It was like this when I got here. Game over, man.
Ben gel... ben geldiğimde böyleydi.
Everything exactly as it was when I had left over four years ago.
Her şey, 4 yıl önce burada bıraktığım gibiydi.
Well, I lied to you, but when it's over, I'm more lonely than I was before.
Tamam, sana yalan söyledim, ama bittiğinde öncekinden de yalnız hissettim.
When I thought it was over, Ben, I felt good.
Bunu düşündüm, Ben, kendimi böyle daha iyi hissettim.
It was ages ago that men were taught to hide when the sirens blew to run from death, but it's over!
Siren çalınca ölümden kaçmak için saklanması insana çağlar önce öğretilmişti, ama bitti!
I thought this game was over when Fats said it was.
Semiz bitti dediği zaman bitecekti hani?
When you told me about Phil Stainer, it was over, in the past.
Bana Phil Stainer'dan bahsettiğinde, bitti, geçmişte kaldı.
- Yes, ma'am. I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane,
- Evet hanımefendi bunu söylediğinizde tam şurada duruyordum ben oradayken atına doğru yöneldi, bende şuraya bir kaç adım ileriye geçtim.
It was when she heard what happened over here last night.
Dün gece burada olanları duyunca olmuş.
When she poured ointment over my body it was to prepare me for burial.
O, bu hoş kokulu yağı, beni gömülmeye hazırlamak için üzerime döktü.
The diamond that was all over the papers when it was stolen?
Şu çalınan dünyanın en büyük elması mı?
According to our library banks, it started on the Earth colony of Tarsus IV when the food supply was attacked by an exotic fungus and largely destroyed. There were over 8000 colonists and virtually no food.
Bilgi bankamıza göre, Tarsus lV'te egzotik bir mantar türünün yiyecek depolarına saldırdığı bir dönemde, 8.000 nüfuslu koloninin yiyeceği bitiyor.
We couldn't hurt it with an axe and when run over, it was unharmed.
Balta ile ona saldırmamıza ve üzerinden arabayla geçmemize rağmen zarar görmedi.
They got it from Herr Leutnant when army exercises was over.
Tatbikat bittiğinde Teğmen'den almışlardı puroyu.
The satellite was orbiting over North America, western Russia and Siberia but that darling little camera went right on taking pictures when it wasn't supposed to.
Uydu Kuzey Amerika, Rusya'nın batısı ve Sibirya'nın üzerinde turluyordu ancak bu minik ve değerli kamera yapmaması gerekirken resimler çekmeye devam etti.
When I woke up... she was lying on the floor... dead... and I found this in my hand... with her blood all over it.
Uyandığımda yerde yatıyordu ölmüştü. Ve elimde bunu buldum üzerinde onun kanı vardı.
That it was over and that it hadn't mattered at all, when I was crazy about her.
Ona deliler gibi aşık olduğumda başka hiçbir şeyin önemi yoktu.
I worried myselffearfully over that question, and I was ashamed when I guessed at last that he wouldn't have, that it wouldn't even have struck him that it was not monumental.
Bu soru üzerinde o kadar çok kafa yordum ki bu işin insana acı vermeyeceğini anladım ve bundan utanç duydum. İş abidevi de olmasa, hiç acı çekmeden gereğini yerine getirirdi.
And, uh, when it was over...
Sevişme bittiği zaman, bir şey dedim.
It was right over there when I saw it.
Gördüğümde tam şuradaydı.
When did you know it was all over?
Her şeyin bittiğini ne zaman anladınız?
declaring what our information was and what this horror was that was being perpetrated, and also making plain our detestation of it and our determination that those responsible for it should be punished when the war was over.
Yine bizce savaş bittiğinde bu yapılanlarda parmağı bulunanlar cezalandırılmalıydı.
( narrator ) When it was all over, of 3,000 Japanese, only 17 surrendered.
Çatışma sona erdiğinde, 3.000 Japon'dan yalnızca 17'si teslim oldu.
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when it comes 19
when it happens 48
when it's over 71
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it rains 55
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when it comes 19
when it happens 48
when it's over 71
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it's all over 25
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it was over 93
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it was over 93
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when you're ready 256
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when you're ready 256