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Continue traduction Anglais

46,671 traduction parallèle
Je dois continuer?
Shall I continue?
Je peux aller travailler ou je continue à dire des âneries?
So can I go do my job, or do you want to keep talking bullshit?
Continue d'avancer.
Keep driving.
Go on.
Continue de courir, vieil oiseau.
Just keep running, old bird.
Read on.
- Continue.
- Read on.
Okay, continue, Spud.
Aye, carry on, Spud.
Ça continue?
Is there any more?
Suis le chemin jusqu'au bout, et puis continue.
Follow the path until it ends, and then keep going.
"Keep going."
- Continue.
- Follow.
À ce rythme, tu ne vas pas aller loin.
You will not be able to continue at this rate.
Continue comme ça.
Keep it steady.
Il continue, il te traite de pute, de couille molle, de petite salope, et il dit que tu es sa salope.
And he's goin'on and on, and he's calling you a bitch, and a big fat pussy, and a little fucking pussy bitch, and he says that you're his bitch.
Mais elle va continuer au commissariat de Gandhinagar.
But we'll surely continue the party at Gandhinagar police station.
Si ça continue, je devrais utiliser deux couteaux.
If this gets any better, I'm going to get two knives.
- Il continue de ne pas bouger.
- He's still not moving.
Allez, on continue!
Let's get it!
- Continue, Billy, on y est presque.
- Keep going, Billy, - we're almost there.
- Continue de rouler, je m'occupe de lui!
- Hey! - Keep going! I'll pull him in!
Alors continue de t'amuser là-bas.
So keep having fun out there.
Et si on continue à nier l'évidence, elles la reprendront.
And if we keep our heads buried in the sand, they will take it back.
Je suis au fond du trou, je continue de tomber et je ne remonterai pas.
I'm at the bottom of a pit and I'm still falling, and I'm never climbing out.
Let's continue.
Poursuis tes déductions.
Please continue with your deductions.
On sait qui doit continuer.
There's no questioning who has to continue from here.
Oncle Rudy avait commencé, j'ai jugé préférable de continuer.
What Uncle Rudi began, I thought it best to continue.
Et si ça continue... il n'y aura plus assez de tarte pour les bébés.
And if this keeps up... there might not be enough pie left for babies.
Et j'ai continué a batir au fil des années... couche après couche... La planète sur laquelle tu marches actuellement.
And I continued building from there... layer by layer... the very planet you walk on now.
Nommez un produit réussi qui continue de changer, c'est la conception de l'étiquette.
Name one successful product that keeps changing it's label design.
Continue à respirer.
Keep breathing.
Vas-y, vas-y. Continue. Voilà.
Pick it up, Pick it up, you got it, keep going. there you go.
Le Festival du meilleur super cochon se déroulera comme prévu.
Right. And the Best Super Pig Fest will continue as planned.
Cependant, puisqu il est essentiel de poursuivre notre mission, on te rendra ton équipement après avoir réussi.
However... since it is vital that we continue with our mission, we will return your equipment to you after its completion.
Je peux continuer?
May I continue?
- Continue.
- Keep going.
Danny va poursuivre l'œuvre de son père, Wendell, et se joindre à nous pour guider cette grande entreprise vers le futur.
Danny will continue the legacy of his father, Wendell, and join us in guiding this great company into the future.
On peut continuer à évoquer les souvenirs, mais comme je facture à l'heure, mettons-nous au travail, d'accord?
Now, we can continue this walk down memory lane, but since it is all billable hours, what do you say we get to work?
Keep going.
Notre problème, c'est que si son état continue d'empirer, sa fille n'aura plus personne.
Our problem... is if he continues to decline, there'll be nobody for his daughter to come back to.
Si tu veux continuer tel que tu es, n'entre pas.
If you wish to continue as you are, do not enter.
Pour l'instant, continue comme ça.
For now, keep doing as you are.
On continue à payer les employés.
We're also gonna keep everyone on payroll.
Continue à respirer.
Just keep breathing.
Si vous laissez cette plaisanterie continuer, tout sera perdu.
If you allow this charade to continue, all will be lost.
Keep at it.
Si ça avait continué, tout le monde au casino...
If that shit had gone on any longer, everyone in that casino...
Keep going!
Continue l'école.
So, stay in school.
Yondu etait le mec qui m'as adopté... as sorti mes trippes et m'as appris a voler... et a continué a me terroriser en me menaçant de me manger
Yondu was the guy who abducted me... kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight... and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me.

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