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Bunting traduction Anglais

123 traduction parallèle
Você é... Mrs. Bunting, senhor.
You're mrs... uh bunting, sir.
Mrs. Bunting.
Mrs. Bunting.
Ah, sim, sei todo sobre você, Mrs. Bunting.
Oh, yes, i've heard all about you, mrs. Bunting.
Bons dias, Mrs. Bunting.
Good morning, mrs. Bunting.
Mrs. Bunting, não quisesse me meter onde não me chamam, mas desde que chego Mr.
Mrs. Bunting, i don't like to pry into affairs that don't concern me, but since mr.
Pense, Mrs. Bunting.
Now think hard, mrs. Bunting.
Vamos Mrs. Bunting.
Oh, come mrs. Bunting.
Curioso, Mrs. Bunting?
Nosy parkling, mrs. Bunting.
Obrigado, Mrs. Bunting, não me incumbe.
Thank you, mrs. Bunting, it doesn't become him.
Foram estendidos tapetes rosas especialmente para a minha missa e tudo o resto está coberto por panos de seda rosa.
Pink carpets specially laid out for my service, and pink silk bunting draped over anything that would stand still.
Sou o tapete vermelho e a banda de música.
I'm the red carpet. And the bunting, and the brass band.
- Mrs. Bunting!
- Mrs. Bunting!
Para que foi isso, Tuttle?
What are you bunting for, Tuttle?
Sim, é a jogada.
Yes, he's bunting.!
Juntavam-se aos magotes e levantavam copos de vinho.
And they hung bunting, and they'd lift glasses of wine.
A sua visão deste casamento, com todas as extravagâncias, como as flores, os panos, a fonte de champanhe e o vestido de alta-costura.
Your vision for this wedding and all the over-the-top stuff... like flowers, bunting, champagne fountain, and the haute-couture dress.
Estamos a falar dos estandartes.
We're talking about the bunting.
É muito melhor que bolos balões.
It beats balloons and bunting.
Rodnell pediu-me para lhe mostrar amostras de tiras decorativas e o Capitao Corrigan ainda aguarda a aprovaçao do menu do bufete.
Right. Colonel Rudnell has asked me to show you some bunting samples. Captain Corrigan's still awaiting approval on the buffet menu.
Tiras decorativas. - John.
As SG-1 e 3 estao no Salao da Porta a preparar-se para embarcar e parece que nao há tiras decorativas vermelhas, brancas e azuis.
SG-1 and 3 are in the gateroom preparing to embark, and... Oh, it turns out that the red, white and blue bunting is unavailable.
- Não, o Adam Bunting.
- No, it was Adam Bunting. - Adam Bunting?
- Adam Bunting? - O que se parece com o rato Fievel?
- Isn't that the guy that looks like Fievel?
- Os sindicatos dos professores são para os democratas o que as Bíblias são para os republicanos : imprescindíveis.
Look- - - Teachers'unions are to Democrats... ... what Bibles and bunting are to Republicans : essential, nonnegotiable.
E não descansarei até esta empresa e todas as suas subsidiárias serem responsabilizadas financeiramente.
What is this, a marriage? Phil Jackson likes to give books to his players to inspire them. So, which biography of Winston Churchill do you think would improve Rashid's bunting?
Bandeirolas e bebés?
Bunting and babies?
Kreamer, primeira regra de empurrar.
Kreamer, first rule of Bunting.
Não existe empurrões no'kickball', Kreamer.
There is no Bunting in kickball, Kreamer.
bandeiras e bandeirolas flamejantes, e as companhias de Militares de marchando em Amesterdão.
flags, flying bunting, and companies of marching Amsterdam Militia.
# Adeus bebé passarinho
# Bye baby bunting
# Para agasalhar o seu bebé passarinho
# To wrap his baby bunting in #
Queremos as flores decorativas atadas com fios de lã.
Yes, we want all the decorative grasses cinched with bunting.
Não combina com o pano.
It clashes with the bunting.
O Bunting e eu vamos levá-lo para dentro.
Bunting and I are taking him in.
O Bunting está lá em baixo.
Are you all right? Bunting's down there.
A Emily está no hospital, o Bunting está morto.
There's been an accident. Emily's in the hospital, Bunting's dead.
Não consegui impedi-lo de estrangular o Bunting.
I couldn't stop him from choking Bunting.
O Bunting parou, e o Schrader põe o cinto outra vez.
Uh, Bunting pulled over, And... and Schrader put his seatbelt back on.
Meu Deus, ele está a matar o Bunting.
I can hear... Oh, God, he's killing Bunting.
Passou-se com a morte do Bunting.
You killed a cop? He's freaked out that Bunting's dead.
Estava incomodado com a morte do Bunting.
He was upset that Bunting was dead.
Estive tal que um pássaro pousou e pensou que eu era ela.
A red bunting thought I was part of the tree.
Os autógrafos, a bandeira.
The autographs, the bunting.
- Com um tal de Tolman Bunting.
- Mostly one guy, Tolman Bunting.
Bunting gere uma loja chamada Puzzle Nook, perto da casa dos Valiquettes.
Tolman Bunting. Runs a store called The Puzzle Nook not far from the Valiquettes'.
Porque tem uma guarda-costas armada?
Why do you have an armed bodyguard, Mr. Bunting?
Se não cooperar totalmente connosco, pedirei à unidade de crimes informáticos do CBI para vir até cá na próxima hora.
Mr. Bunting, unless you give us your full cooperation I'll have the CBI Computer Crimes Unit in this office in an hour.
Sabemos que trabalhava num problema para Tolman Bunting.
We understand that you were working on a problem for Tolman Bunting.
- Falaram com Tolman Bunting?
You talk to Tolman?
A jogar como joga, o Bunting vai desistir do jogo antes do almoço.
Bunting will be resigned before lunch, the way he's playing.
Mrs. Bunting!
Mrs. Bunting!

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