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Calloway traduction Anglais

146 traduction parallèle
- Chamo-me Calloway.
- My name's Calloway.
- Ouve, Callaghan... - Calloway.
- Listen, Callaghan...
Sou inglês.
- Calloway. I'm English.
O Sr. Calloway disse que este cavalheiro tem de ter um quarto para esta noite.
- Yes, sir? Mr. Calloway said this gentleman's got to have a room for the night.
- Com os cumprimentos do Sr. Calloway.
- Mr. Calloway's compliments.
Major Calloway?
Major Calloway?
Conte ao Major Calloway.
Tell Major Calloway.
Não preciso das suas bebidas, Calloway.
I don't need your drinks, Calloway.
Calloway, não me mostrou nenhuma prova.
Calloway, you haven't shown me one shred of evidence.
- Tem visto o Calloway?
- Have you seen Calloway?
Vi o Major Calloway hoje.
I've seen Major Calloway today.
Calloway, você espera demasiado.
Calloway, you expect too much.
Não percebo o Major Calloway.
I don't understand Major Calloway.
Tem andado a ver o Major Calloway de novo?
Have you been seeing Major Calloway again?
Contou ao Calloway do Harry?
Did you tell Calloway about Harry?
Tem visto o Calloway?
You have seen Calloway?
Muito bem, Calloway.
- All right, Calloway. You win.
Calloway, não pode fazer nada em relação à Anna?
Calloway, can't you do something about Anna?
Não tenho um nome sensato, Calloway.
I haven't got a sensible name, Calloway.
Não abuses, Calloway.
Don't push it, Calloway.
Viva, Calloway.
Hello, Calloway.
- O Calloway.
- Calloway.
O Chris Calloway.
Chris Calloway.
O Sr. Calloway é um vendedor de escravos de Dunville.
Mr. Calloway's a slave dealer from Danville.
Por favor, Sr. Calloway!
- Please, Mr. Calloway.
Um calmante do Dr. Calloway muito eficaz.
Some old Doc Calloway's soothing syrup.
Sr. Calloway!
Master Calloway?
Sr. Calloway!
- Master Calloway?
Depressa, Sr. Calloway!
You better hurry, Mr. Calloway.
Calloway, Quanto queres por essa doçura que tens no camarote?
- Calloway. - Yeah? What price you asking for that pretty little white one you got up there?
- Sr. Calloway ela trancou-se à chave.
- Master Calloway, she done locked me out.
Joan Blondell e Cab Calloway aparecem esporadicamente.
Encontraste-te com o Calloway.
You have seen Calloway.
Tens mais alguém com acesso?
Calloway, anybody else in the truck see that?
Segue-se Cab Calloway com "Minnie the Moocher"!
And now, Cab Calloway doing "Minnie the Moocher"!
Bing Crosby, Cab Calloway!
Bing Crosby, Cab Calloway!
Barkley, Castleman, Calloway,
Barkley, Castleman, Calloway,
Capitão, o nome Burton Calloway diz-lhe algo?
Sir, are you familiar with the name Burton Calloway?
Sim, conheço o Almirante Calloway.
If you mean Admiral Calloway, yes, I know him.
Chame o Dr. Calloway.
Go get Dr Calloway.
- Que diz o Calloway?
- What's the word from Calloway?
Calloway, Mas preciso de uma assinatura.
Calloway, but I need the holder of the card to sign.
- Chamo-me Galen Calloway.
- My name's Galen Calloway.
14 de Janeiro de 1989, Joan Calloway e a filha Sara, morreram num incêndio em casa.
February 14th 1989. Joan Calloway and her daughter, Sara, died in a house fire.
Galen Calloway, pai e marido sobreviveu com queimaduras nos braços e mãos.
Galen Calloway, the father and husband, survived with burns to his arms and hands.
Vá lá, Calloway. Vá lá.
Come on, Calloway, come on.
Sr. Calloway, sou o Frank Black.
Mr Calloway, this is Frank Black.
Vinha a pensar no avião, sobre este homem, o Calloway.
I was just thinking on the plane about this man Calloway.
Johnny esteve toda a noite de serviço, Sr. Calloway.
Johnny's been on call all night, Mr Calloway.
- Calloway.
- Calloway.
Cab Calloway me vem à cabeça.
Cab Calloway comes to mind.

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