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Suresh traduction Anglais

184 traduction parallèle
Um deles é o comandante, Suresh Amirapu, da Índia.
And one of them is the captain, An Indian, Suresh Amirapu.
Havia um Professor Suresh na Universidade de Madras.
There was a Professor Suresh at the University of Madras, a geneticist.
Deve haver muitos Suresh na sua terra.
Probably lots of Sureshes where you're from.
Havia um Prof. Suresh na Universidade de Madras, um geneticista com teorias interessantes.
There was a Professor Suresh at the University of Madras, a geneticist. Interesting theories.
Deve haver muitos Suresh na Índia, deve ser como Smith ou Anderson.
Probably lots of Sureshes where you're from. Like Smith or Anderson.
Chandra Suresh.
Chandra Suresh.
Que interesse pode alguém ter nos telefonemas do Papá Suresh? Papá Suresh?
Why would anybody want to tap Papa Suresh's phone? "Papa" Suresh?
Ligou para Chandra Suresh.
- You've reached Chandra Suresh.
- Dr. Suresh.
It's Suresh, Dr. Suresh.
O teu amiguinho Suresh apareceu esta manhã a fazer uma cena.
Your buddy, Suresh, he came by my campaign office this morning. He was talking about mind reading and spontaneous regeneration. Made a big scene.
O Chandra Suresh?
Chandra Suresh.
- Procuro o Chandra Suresh.
I'm looking for Chandra Suresh.
É o Chandra Suresh?
You Chandra Suresh?
Vais simplesmente levar o Papa Suresh de volta à Índia?
You just take Papa Suresh back to India?
- O Suresh acabou de ir para a Índia.
- Suresh just left for India.
- O Suresh vai voltar para a Índia.
Suresh just left for India.
Meu nome é Chandra Suresh.
My name is Chandra Suresh.
Suresh estava certo.
Suresh was right.
Tem um professor, doutor Suresh, ele tem uma lista de nomes.
There's a professor. Dr. Suresh. He has a list of names.
Eu morava na porta ao lado do Chandra Suresh.
I live next door to Chandra Suresh.
Sou o Dr. Suresh e preciso de te tirar sangue.
I'm Dr. Suresh, and I need to take some blood, if that's okay.
Tio Suresh, o que é este drama todo?
Suresh Uncle, what is all this drama?
Cairo, Egipto
Uma palestra edificante, Dr. Suresh.
Inspirational lecture, dr. Suresh.
O que vai fazer, Dr. Suresh?
Where will you go, dr. Suresh?
Se não me engano, o Dr. Suresh tentou matar um homem chamado Sylar.
If I'm not mistaken, you yourself tried to put a bullet in the brain of a man named sylar. He was a monster.
Queremos oferecer-lhe ajuda. Temos recursos que podemos pôr ao seu dispor, Dr. Suresh.
We have resources to offer you, dr.
- De nada. Jantar!
Casa do Suresh, Brooklyn Não devíamos comer legumes de vez em quando?
Uh, shouldn't I be eating some vegetables every once in awhile?
Não podes confiar neles, Suresh!
You can't trust them, Suresh!
Lembras-te do Dr. Suresh?
- Do you remember Dr Suresh?
Depois de falares com o Dr. Suresh, serás.
- After you see Dr Suresh, you will be.
Fala Mohinder Suresh.
It's Mohinder Suresh.
Bem-vindo a casa, Dr. Suresh.
Welcome home, Dr. Suresh.
Preciso da sua ajuda, Dr. Suresh.
I need your help, Dr. Suresh.
Queres mesmo matar o Dr. Suresh? O único homem que pode salvar-te?
Do you really wanna kill Dr. Suresh, the one man who can save you?
Recebi um telefonema do Dr. Suresh, é possível que tenha encontrado uma cura.
I got a call from Dr. Suresh. He maybe found a cure.
Depois do Suresh me consertar, tiro-te o teu de bom grado.
After Suresh fixes me, I'll gladly take yours off your hands.
Será que o Suresh sabe que o tens sob vigilância?
Does Suresh know you have him on video surveillance?
Dr. Suresh...
Dr. Suresh...
Meu nome é Mohinder Suresh.
My name is Monhinder Suresh.
Obrigado Doutor Suresh.
Thank you, dr. Suresh.
O Dr. Suresh.
Dr. Suresh.
Por que procuram o Dr. Suresh?
Why are you searching for Dr. Suresh?
Eu conheço o Dr. Suresh.
I know Dr. Suresh.
- Tu e o Dr. Suresh?
You and Dr. Suresh?
É por isso que querem encontrar o Dr. Suresh?
That's why you need to find Dr. Suresh.
O Suresh ajudou muitas pessoas como vocês, ele sabe o que fazer.
I've helped Suresh with so many people like you. He'll know what to do.
- Suresh?
Suresh, huh?
Suresh, huh?
- Mohinder Suresh.
Mohinder Suresh.

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