Ашкн traduction Anglais
115 traduction parallèle
ашкн б м ╗ л врн-рн рюйне, врн лме япюгс онмпюбхкняэ.
Ankie Spitzer... He had something about him which really appealed to me.
онщрнлс ашкн мебнглнфмн ме бкчахрэяъ б мецн.
Being the person that he was, it was hard not to fall in love with him.
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн щрн хлеер нцпнлмне гмювемхе дкъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш, опхеуюрэ х опхмхлюрэ свюярхе, х мюундхрэяъ б нкхлохияйни депебме, х, йнмевмн фе, ху свюярхе б жепелнмхх нрйпшрхъ хцп, йнцдю ху йнлюмдю люпьхпнбюкю онд ткюцнл ян гбегдни дюбхдю, ашкн нвемэ бнкмсчыхл лнлемрнл.
There was a feeling that this was a huge event for the Israeli team to be coming and attending and therefore their presence in the Olympic village certainly their presence in the opening ceremony when their team marched under the flag of the Star of David were very emotional moments.
х щрн ашкн гюлермн япюгс, оношрйю йюгюрэяъ нрйпшршл х янбпелеммшл наыеярбнл, х ярпъумсрэ я яеаъ опнькне.
It was a massive attempt, and it hit you straightaway... Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter to appear open and modern and shorn of their past.
онкхжхх ашкн гюопеыемн онъбкърэяъ б нкхлохияйху леярюу х блеярн мху ашкн 2000 мебннпсф ╗ ммшу нтхжепнб яейэчпхрх, ндершу б яоежхюкэмн оньхрсч смхтнплс.
Police were banned from the Olympic sites and in their place were 2,000 unarmed security officers clad in specially designed outfits.
мн дкъ мейнрнпшу б хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмде ашкн ме рюй кецйн гюашрэ опнькне.
Jacov Springer Israeli Weightlifting Coach... Jacov Springer Israeli Weightlifting Coach... But for some of the Israeli team, it was not so easy to erase the past.
[юКЕЙЯ яОПХМЦЕП] ъ дслюч, елс ашкн нвемэ ръфекн, я оюлърэч н ецн яелэе х н рнл, врн мелжш ядекюкх я меи.
I think it was very difficult for him with the memories of his family and what the Germans did to them.
щрн ашкн рн, н в ╗ л ъ леврюк "
This is what I was dreaming about. "
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
с йюфднцн хг мюя ашкн йнмйпермне гюдюмхе.
Each of us was given a specific task.
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] кхдеп бньек б оепбсч йнлмюрс... мн ме онмърмн ашкн, еярэ кх рюл хгпюхкэръме.
The leader went into the first room but didn't realize there was an Israeli behind him.
с мюя ме ашкн опхйюгю сахбюрэ.
We had no orders to kill.
бя ╗ ецн рекн ашкн пюгпсьемн, врн нгмювюкн, врн нм ашк гюярпекем хг юбрнлюрю, ю ме хг охярнкерю хкх бхмрнбйх.
That body was smashed which means he was killed by a machine gun not by a regular gun.
"рнкэйн врн оепедюкх он пюдхн, врн ашкн янбепьемн мюоюдемхе мю леярн опнфхбюмхъ хгпюхкэръм б нкхлохияйни депебме"
" We just heard on the radio that there was an attack at the Israeli quarters of the Olympic village.
ъ гмюкю, врн с мху ме ашкн рпемепю анйя ╗ пнб, х бяйнвхкю я йпнбюрх.
I know there was no boxing coach, so I jumped out of my bed.
нм гюунрек бярперхрэяъ я лхмхярпнл бмсрпеммху дек аюбюпхх, онрнлс врн щрн ашкн гнмни ецн нрберярбеммнярх.
General Ulrich K. Wegener... He wanted to see the Minister of Interior of Bavaria because he was responsible.
лне наыее боевюркемхе ашкн рюйнбн, врн нмх деиярбхрекэмн онбепхкх... б бнглнфмнярэ сднбкербнпемхъ ху рпеанбюмхи.
My overall impression was that they really believed in the possibility of their demands being met.
я онкхрхвеяйни рнвйх гпемхъ, щрн ашкн мю 99.9 % ме бшонкмхлн..
In my opinion, from a political point of view, this was 99.9 % unlikely.
мн щрн ашкн мебнглнфмн.
But there was no way.
щрн ашкн, йюй слхпюрэ он всрэ-всрэ.
It was like dying a little bit.
ашкн лмнцн рпеанбюмхи.
The demands have been many.
ашкн врн-рн щцнхярхвмне, якецйю бшгшбючыее... б юрлнятепе нярюкэмни вюярх нкхлохияйни депебмх.
There was something selfish, slightly obscene about the atmosphere in the rest of the village.
ъ намюпсфхк ндмнцн хг мюьху оюпмеи, яхдъыхл я хгпюхкэръмюлх ; ецн нпсфхе ашкн мюопюбкемн мю хгпюхкэръм.
I found one of our guys sitting with the Israelis, his gun by his side.
[оХРЕП дФЕММХМЦЯ] ашкю днярюбкемю едю, ме рнкэйн б мюдефде, врн гюкнфмхйх асдср мюйнплкемш, мн б рюйнл йнкхвеярбе, врн мсфмн ашкн меяйнкэйн векнбей, врнаш оепемеярх е ╗.
Food was brought in not only with the hope that the hostages would be fed but in such large quantities that no one man could carry it alone.
наыее лмемхе ашкн рюйхл, врн мележйюъ юплхъ, онкхжхъ, йрн-мхасдэ - бнгэл ╗ р бшонкмемхе щрни гюдювх мю яеаъ, нмх яслечр бшонкмхрэ е ╗ унпньн, х онщрнлс мер менаундхлнярх оняшкюрэ хгпюхкэяйсч цпсоос.
Zvi Zamir, Chief of Mossad 1968-74 And the general feeling was that if the German defense... Army, whoever will take it upon itself they are capable of doing it well in Germany and there is no necessity to send an Israeli team.
хл пюгпеьемн ашкн гюбепьхрэяъ х б оняке щрнцн хцпш ашкх опхнярюмнбкемш.
But at that time the Games will be suspended.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] онд бевеп, ъ сбхдекю, врн нймн ашкн нрйпшрн... б рнл юоюпрлемре, цде мюундхкхяэ гюкнфмхйх, х ъ сбхдекю юмдпе б нйме.
I saw it. Late in the afternoon, I saw that the window was opened of the apartment where they were kept hostage and I saw Andre in front of the window.
нмх унрекх опхирх й йюйнлс-рн пеьемхч, врн яоюя ╗ р ху фхгмх, мн мюдефдш мю щрн с мху ашкн люкн.
They wished to come to a conclusion which might save their lives but they were not very hopeful in that respect.
мюьеи гюдювеи ашкн ондмърэяъ мю йпшьс... гдюмхъ он йнмнккхьрпюяяе х яосярхрэяъ он бемрхкъжхнммни ьюуре х мю щрни онгхжхх нфхдюрэ йнднбне якнбн'янкмевмши ябер'
The plan was for us to climb up on the roof of the Connollystrasse building and go down the ventilation shafts.
якюбю анцс, рекебхгнпш ме ашкх бйкчвемш щрн, меянлмеммн, ашкн аш юйрнл яюлнсахиярбю, еякх аш ъ юрюйнбюк.
Thank God we called it off. It surely would have been a suicide mission if we had attacked.
рюй ашкн опхмърн нйнмвюрекэмне пеьемхе, врн лш дюдхл онмърэ реппнпхярюл, врн лш онгбнкхл хл скерерэ, мн ядекюел бя ╗ бнглнфмне, врнаш ху смхврнфхрэ... хкх юпеярнбюрэ... дн рнцн, йюй нмх онйхмср ярпюмс.
That led to the final conclusion that we give the impression to the terrorists that we'll let them fly out but try everything to then kill them or bring them into prison before they could leave the country.
щрн ашкн мюьеи жекэч.
That was our objective.
сапюрэ щрн я реппхрнпхх нкхлохюдш дкъ рнцн, врнаш нкхлохияйхе хцпш лнцкх опнднкфюрэяъ, ашкн дкъ мху цкюбмни гюдювеи.
To move the thing from the Olympic compound... Zvi Zamir, Chief of Mossad 1968-74... in order to let the Olympic Games to carry on this was their main objective.
хгпюхкэяйюъ йнлюмдю х е ╗ яоюяемхе ашкн брнпняреоеммшл декнл.
The Israeli team and its rescue were secondary to that.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] ашкн пеьемн... опхбегрх ху б лчмуемяйхи ющпнонпр... дкъ рнцн, врнаш унрэ врн-рн онопнанбюрэ.
The staff group decided to bring them to the public airport of Munich in order to try something.
ашкн рнкэйн 5 ямюиоепнб, онрнлс врн онкхжхъ бя ╗ еы ╗ бепхкю, врн реппнпхярнб бяецн 4-5 векнбей.
There were only five snipers because the police still believed there would be a total of four to five terrorists.
щрн ашкн днбнкэмн ярпюьмне гпекхые.
It was quite a frightening experience.
щрн бя ╗ ашкн пеюкэмнярэч.
It was the real thing.
реппнпхярнб нйюгюкняэ ме 4-5, йюй дслюкю онкхжхъ, ху ашкн 8.
There are not four guerillas nor even five, as the police believed.
ашкн релмн, релмн б гдюмхх.
It was dark... dark in the place.
ашкн нвемэ лмнцн кчдеи б йнппхднпюу х бнйпсц гдюмхъ, х онгюдх гдюмхъ хг нймю лш лнцкх бхдерэ дбю бепрнк ╗ рю, опхгелкъчыхуяъ опълн оепед мюлх.
There were very many people in the corridors and around the building behind the building. From the window we could watch and see the two helicopters landing in front of us.
щрн ашкн опнярн яюлнсахиярбнл... х лш едхмндсьмн опнцнкнянбюкх - ме свюярбнбюрэ б щрнл.
It was quite simply a suicide mission and we unanimously voted to abandon it.
хл ашкн рнкэйн опхйюгюмн ярпекърэ.
They were just briefed to shoot.
йнцдю оепбши ямюиоеп нрйпнер нцнмэ, бяе мювмср ярпекърэ. мн ме ашкн мхйюйни йннпдхмюжхх он жекъл.
When the first marksmen opened fire, they would all open fire but there was no coordination of targets.
ямювюкю мюл ашкн нрйюгюмн, гюрел нмх яйюгюкх : "унпньн, мн мю нопедек ╗ ммшу сякнбхъу"
They refused at the beginning but then they said, "All right, on certain conditions."
ръфекн пюмхб нанху. [юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] б онкмнвэ ашкн нтхжхюкэмн назъбкемн... опедярюбхрекел цеплюмяйнцн опюбхрекэярбю, йнрнпши гюъбхк,
Both were seriously wounded. At midnight came the official announcement of the spokesman of the German government who said all the Israelis are saved and all the terrorists are dead.
яеивюя мюл яйюгюкх, врн ашкн 11 гюкнфмхйнб.
They have now said that there were 11 hostages.
онвелс мю анпрс рюйнцн анкэьнцн яюлнк ╗ рю ашкн рнкэйн 12 оюяяюфхпнб?
Why were only 12 passengers on board such a large plane?
онвелс ме ашкн мх фемыхм, мх дереи?
Why no women or children?
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн нмх псйнбндър яхрсюжхеи х дхйрсчр ябнч онгхжхч... йнцдю лме ярюкн ъямн, врн оепецнбнпш аеяокндмш... ъ яйюгюк кхдепс :
When it became clear to me that negotiation was fruitless... I said to the leader :
"с лемъ мер опхйюгю", - нм яйюгюк щрн ашкн... щрн ашкю деиярбхрекэмн рпюцхвеяйюъ хярнпхъ. мн нмх мхвецн ме декюкх.
They didn't do anything.