Numarasini traduction Anglais
41 traduction parallèle
Sana numarasini vereni.
The one who gave you her number.
Hesap numarasini yazdin mi?
You got the account number?
- Telefon numarasini söyle!
- Give me your phone!
Plakanizin numarasini alacagim, ondan sonra.
I'll just take your license number, then.
Ed Henry's got Boone's number, sure as shoot in'.
Ona onun numarasini verdim!
I gave him HER number!
Ben arabanin sasi numarasini degistiremedim.
I haven't finished changing chassis number!
Hey, Garson'un numarasini aldim.
Hey, I got that waitress's phone number.
- Annesinin numarasini aldiniz mi?
- Did you get his mother's number?
Kaldigi otelin telefon numarasini birakti...
He left his phone number at the hotel he is staying.
Bina yöneticisinin numarasini masanin üstüne koydum.
Oh, I put the ilding manager's number on my desk.
Robinson caddesindeki siparisin numarasini kontrol edebilir misin?
Can you check the street number on the Robinson street order?
Telefonumdan Google'a mesaj attim. Onlar da buraya en yakin mekanin numarasini yolladilar.
So I sent a text message to Google from my phone, they sent me back the number of this place near you.
# KUZGUNLAR, QUENTIN FIELDS'IN NUMARASINI EMEKLİYE KALDIRIYOR #... çok az zamanımız kaldığını ve ölenlere saygımızı göstermek için hayatlarımızı dolu dolu yaşamamız gerektiği gerçeğiyle yüzleşiriz.
That our time here is short. and to honor the fallen. we must live our own lives well.
Fakat tas kirma numarasini birakma.
But don't stop your brick-smashing act.
Bunun bana yesilini ve bir büyük numarasini getirebilirmisin.
Please give me the dirndl in the green and in another size.
Eddie nin hic telefon almamasinin nedeni numarasini kendi telefonuma yonlendirmis olmam.
The reason why Eddie hasn't been receiving any phone calls is because I had his numbers diverted to my phone.
Onlar E.T.'yi dinlemeye çalisiyorlar lakin telefon numarasini bilmiyorlar.
They're trying to wiretap E.T., but they don't have his phone number.
Numarasini çevireyim ister misin?
Feasible to me to help you dial-up
Nereye koydum numarasini?
Where do I get her number?
- Beyaz Tavsan numarasini oynayacagiz.
We are running the white rabbit.
Bu ihtiyarin sihirbazlik numarasini izleyip onu sevindirirsiniz, degil mi?
You wouldn't flatter an old man by watching him do a magic trick, would you?
Birisi onu sadece asagilamak isteseydi makine bize numarasini göndermezdi.
The machine wouldn't send us his number if someone just wanted to humiliate him.
- Makine onun numarasini cok gec mi verdi?
Did The Machine give us her number too late?
Makine Vanessa'nin numarasini Jeremy kaybolduktan sonra verdi.
The Machine generated Vanessa's number after Jeremy's disappearance.
Belki de makine onun numarasini henuz isi bitmedigi icin vermistir.
Maybe The Machine gave us her number because she isn't finished.
Lamar'in numarasini vermistin ya, aradim, yanlismis.
I called that number for Lamar and it wasn't the number.
kizin numarasini almadin.
You did not get her number.
sen Emma'nin numarasini almadin.
No, uh-uh, you didn't get Emma's number.
Telefon numarasini, hem de ev telefonunun numarasini bir kagit parçasina yazdi ve dedi ki, "Otobüs gelmezse beni ara ve geceyi ailemle birlikte bizim evimizde geçir."
He wrote his phone number- - his home phone number- - on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family."
evet, elbette, dur numarasini bulayim.
Yes, of course, let me grab his number for you.
Onun numarasini mi aldik?
That's whose number we got?
C.I.A. analistleri sifrenin kitabin her sayfasinda bir yolu takip ettigini düsünüyor yani ilk numara size sayfa numarasini veriyor ikincisi kaç harf asagi ilerleyeceginizi gösteriyor üçüncüsü de kaç harf yukari gideceginizi.
Well, the C.I.A. analysts think the code treats each book page like a grid, so the first number tells you what page number, the second's the number of letters across the bottom, the third's the number of letters up.
Bu cok yazik, cunku bence kendisi icin bir tehdit oldugu icin onun numarasini aldiniz.
Well, that's unfortunate, because I believe that you may have received Claire's number because she's a danger to herself.
Eger Byron Lowenthal Ike Walaczek oldurduyse, gizlenen telefon numarasini kullanarak, ki bu da bir sonraki problemi vermistir.
If Byron Lowenthal did kill Ike Walaczek, then he used and obscured a phone number, which would have yielded the next problem.
Seri numarasini okuyabilir misiniz?
If you could read me the serial number?
Surekli telefon numarasini degistiriyor.
You know, he... he... he changes his phone number all the time.
Numarasini vermeleri icin arkadaslarina yalvarmak zorunda kaliyorum.
I have to beg his friends just to give me the phone numbers.
Oglunun son birkac numarasini hatirlayabilir misin?
Can you remember the last few numbers for your son?
- Bekle. Patronunun adini ve numarasini yaz burada isimiz bitince onu ararim.
Write down the name and number of your boss, and I'll reach out to him as soon as we're done here.
Ama bana numarasini verdi. Gecenin bir yarisi onu arardik.
And, uh, he did give me his number though, and, uh, we used to call him in the middle of the night.