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Yanina traduction Anglais

188 traduction parallèle
Bazen tepelerden inip kulübenin yanina geliyorum ve iºigini izliyorum.
Sometimes I come out of the hills, stand near your cabin and watch the light.
O süslü bir kadin, yanina da süslü bir adam lazim.
She's a fancy lady and she needs a fancy gent.
Cotton, sen atlarin yanina git.
Cotton, you get over with the horses.
Atlarin yanina git dedim.
Get over there.
- Babam Yanina krallığının elçisiydi
Because.. Um.. Because my father was ambassador to the king of Venir.
- Mondego Kontu, Yanina Kahramanı...
Count of Mondego, hero of Yannina,
Baskanin ded ¡ kler ¡ n ¡ n yanina sen ¡ n dün aksam söyled ¡ kler ¡ n ¡ de yazmislar.
And your comments on the television show are quoted alongside the President's.
Maxwell Caddesinde karisiyla bir restoran acti... ve Blue Lou'da yanina aldi.
He opened a restaurant with his old lady on Maxwell Street... and he took Blue Lou with him.
Bak, belki bir süre kiz kardesimin yanina gitsem iyi olur diye düsünüyorum.
Listen, I'm thinking maybe I'll have to move in with my sister for a while.
Kiz kardesinin yanina gidersen...
If you go to your sister's...
Artik el çantasi olarak yanina alabilirsin.
You can take it on as hand luggage now.
Yanina git ve "Elli" de... üç dakika içinde yatakta olursun.
Just go up to her and say "fifty"... and you'll be in bed in three minutes.
Kadinlarin yanina dönün.
Get back to the women.
Asker, bu kadinlari da digerlerinin yanina götür.
Soldier, get these women lined up with the others.
Bunun yanina kalacagini zannediyorsan...
If you think you're gonna get away with this...
# Keske anne beni yanina, Villeneuve'e alsaydi.
I wish she would take me to Villeneuve with her.
Dedi doktor yarin sabah yanina giderim o hastanede Ve millet bu konuda hiçbir sey bilmiyor. O bilinçsiz idi.
He was unconscious.
Güzelligi yarasa çocugun yanina bile yaklasamaz.
Nowhere near as cute as Batboy.
Devam et ve banktaki adamin yanina otur.
Go over and sit next to the man on the bench.
ilemin yanina.
To my parents.
o kocasinin yanina...
She should go to...
LONDRA, INGILTERE, 5 SENE SONRA Atlantis'in halki, onu bir volkanin yanina kurdular. Onun hararetini ve enerjisini kullandilar.
" The people of Atlantis built their city at the foot of a volcano, which they used to make heat and power.
Ve tek anahtari yanina alip, Atlantis'in hazinesini aramak için yola koyuldu.
And taking the only key, Solon left with the platinum book to search for the Treasure of Atlantis. "
- Buluntunun yanina sakladim.
That was what I was trying to tell you. I removed it so they couldn't take off with the artifacts.
Yardim için yanina gitmemizi istiyor.
He wants us to go there to help.
Lily, sende Gredin'in yanina.
Lily, next to Gredin.
ictigin corba, kirdigin kalpler yanina kär kalsin.
All you cost us so far is a few bowls of soup and maybe a few broken hearts. I aim to keep it that way.
Baskanin beni yanina cagirmasi gün meselesi.
... President Starkey... ... he's going to send word for me one day and then I'll have to move on.
Yanina yaklasamadim.
I couldn't get close enough.
Bos versene. Bunu o pis zencilerin yanina birakamazsiniz!
You can't let those niggers get away with that shit.
Danny'nin yanina bir daha yaklasirsan... sana kendi kalbini yediririm.
If you come near Danny again... I will feed you your fucking heart, Cameron.
Buz gibi sakin bir sekilde, yangin söndürücüyü alir, kalabaligin arasindan geçer, harekete hazir.. kapinin yanina koyar.
Calm as a coma, picks up the fire extinguisher, walks past the jam rolls ready for action and plonks it outside the entrance.
Sadece bir kere bunu senin yanina birakabilir miyim veya birakmali miyim?
Only once can l, or shall I, let you get away with that.
Diger hediyelerin yanina koy.
Present company included.
Bir daha onun yanina yaklasmayacaksin!
Don't you ever go near him again!
Şu lânet olası tenis turnuvası için Yanina'daydık birlikte...
The two of us in Yannina for that damn tennis championship!
Yarin bunu yanina alabilirsin
You can bring these with you tomorrow.
Cesur Miranda, yanina gidip Syd'e escinsel olmadigini söyledi.
Brave Miranda marched right over and told Syd she wasn't.
Simdi Tegmen Ed'in yanina git.
You should now go back to Special Ed.
Now, you think you're doing these boys a favor taking them aside everytime I come down on them, protecting them from big bad Boone.
Neden açlik çekenlerin yanina gitmiyoruz?
Why don't we go to the starving?
Yanina yaklasmayacagim.
I ain't goin'near that.
Bir kepce pismis yulaf ezmesinden daha fazlasini yapabilecek şık bir kadinin yanina goturuyorum seni.
Take you to a place where a smart woman like you can do more than just ladle gruel.
Hakem, yan hakeminin yanina gitti.
The ref has gone to the linesman.
Yapman gereken ilk komik sey. bütün parani yanina alip Hollywood'a gelmek. "
The first funny thing you must do is put your money in check form and come to Hollywood. "
Kızının adı Yanina.
The daughter is called Yanina.
Bana yaptiklarini yanina birakmiyacagim.
I wasn't going to let you get away with what you did to me.
Yeniden büyüdügümüz zaman, ailenin yanina dönebilirsin.
Once we're growed up, you can go back to your family.
- Arkadaslarinin yanina git.
- Get back with your friends.
[Bell Ringing]

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