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Yazmis traduction Anglais

34 traduction parallèle
Ama deneme yazmis olmadin.
But it wasn't really an essay, was it?
O zaman su mektubu kime yazmis?
Who wrote that letter, then?
# Anne yöneticiye mektup yazmis... #... sana zarar vermek istedigimi söylemis.
Mama wrote the doctor... that I mean to harm you.
# Senden nefret ettigimi ve seni incitmek istedigimi yazmis.
That I detest you and am out to hurt you.
Akademiye basvurdugum sirada yazmis oldugunuz öneri..
That recommendation you wrote when I applied for the Academy...
Bu siir Cin'in Sung Dynasty'sinden, Li Zhiyi yazmis.
There's a poem from China's Sung Dynasty, written by Li Zhiyi.
Alexander'in ya da daha önceden tarih yazmis birçok kahramanin zaferlerinden bile büyük bir zaferdi.
A victory greater than that of Alexander or equal to me who on the planet.
Kullanabilecegimiz birsey yazmis olmalilar.
There's gotta be something we can use in here.
Kim yazmis?
Who wrote that?
Cok sirin bir kart yazmis bugun...
He wrote a cute card today.
Isin urpertici tarafi iliski durumuna, 'Karisik'yazmis.
The creepy thing is Under Relationship status, he put'It's Complicated.'
Eline "vergi kesintileri" yazmis.
She wrote tax cuts on her hand.
Bunu yandaslari icin eline yazmis.
Well, that's what she wrote for the tea baggers.
Kocasi icin de "kicimda bir delik daha var" diye yazmis.
For her husband, she wrote other hole on her ass.
Oyle yazmis.
He wrote that.
Yani büyük ihtimalle baska birisi yazmis. Ama kizin parmagini kullanmis.
So it's quite possible someone wrote that with her finger.
Kiz ona bir mektup yazmis.
She wrote him a farewell letter.
Bu eski idari isler asistani, "idari" ve "asistan" kelimelerini yanlis yazmis.
Uh-oh, this former administrative assistant misspelled "administrative," and "assistant."
Bay Don Finer, "Özel yetenekleriniz" bölümüne "jonglörlük" yazmis.
Under "special skills," Mr. Don finer put "juggling."
Sorun su ki, Taylor Lautner'in arkadasi bir senaryo yazmis ve Taylor da çok begenmis ve basrol olacakmis ve ilk kez Dana okusun diyor.
- The problem is, Taylor Lautner's buddy just finished writing a script and he loves it and he wants to star in it, - Hello. - and he wants Dana to have the first shot at it.
Aynen söyle yazmis bak ; " Bayanlar ve baylar bu gece burada bulunan herkes sahtekârligin, hilenin çok gizli kapakli ve adice bir komplonun kurbani. Bu isin arkasinda ki gerçek canavarlari bulmam 15 yilimi aldi, bu canavarlar...
She writes, " Ladies and gentlemen, everyone here tonight is a victim, a victim of fraud and deceit so dark and despicable that it has taken me 15 terrible years to tell the truth about the monsters responsible- -
Kocasiyla bosandiklarini yazmis, Marcus adinda 6 yasinda bir oglu oldugunu yazmis, ailemin nasil oldugunu sormus, ve beni ozledigini yazmis.
She said she and her husband had gotten divorced, and that she had a 6-year-old son named Marcus, and she asked about my parents, and she said she missed me.
Benim telefonumdan kendine bir barisma mesaji atmis, herkes ben attim saniyor. Mesajda bana donmesi icin yatakta ne isterse yapacagimi yazmis.
He sent himself a make-up sext pretending it was from me, promising I'd do anything in bed if he'd take me back.
Ondan baskasina ait olmadigini yazmis.
He wrote that it belonged to no one but him.
Kötü bir arkadas oldugumu yazmis.
He just texted I'm a bad friend.
Hannah oldukça açik yazmis
Clearly Hannah made this list.
Yazmis oldugun bütün kitaplar Aziz Peter Meydani'nda toplanip yakilacak.
All of the books you have written will be gathered up and burned in St. Peter's Square.
simdi, normalde, kuzeyli yazarlardan alinti yapmam ama, bundan sonra artik onlardan biri soyle diyor, bu gayet anlamli geliyor, ve bu Emerson arkadas, muhtemelen duymusunuzdur, sunu yazmis "arkadas edinmenin en iyi yolu arkadas olmaktir".
Now, normally, I don't quote Northern writers, but every now and then one of them says something that makes a lot of sense, and this Emerson fellow you probably heard of, once wrote that the only way to have a friend is to be one.
Bir hacker, yolcunun telefonuna özgü kimlik kodunu alip beş farkli şöföre gonderen bir kod yazmis.
Looks like a hacker wrote a script that took the unique identifier of the passenger's phone and bounced it to five separate drivers.
Ne yazmis?
What did he type?
ise yaramaz. O kodu Elster yazmis.
Elster wrote that code.
Neden sana yazmis ki?
Why is he writing to you?
Gazetelerden birisi alisilmadik sentetik bozuklugu hakkinda bir seyler yazmis.
One of the papers has run a piece on the cover-up of unusual synth malfunctions.
Okudugum bir seyleri yazmis olabilir misiniz?
Have you written anything I might've read?

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