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Abdullah tradutor Espanhol

349 parallel translation
Sold to the merchant Abdullah.
Vendida al mercader Abdullah.
Ali Singh Abdullah. Torches.
Ali, Sims, Abdullah... ¡ Las antorchas!
We will ride together, and you, Abdulla, shall be his guard and protector.
Cabalgaremosjuntos y tú, Abdullah, serás su protector.
Me, Abdullah?
¿ Yo, Abdullah?
Abdullah, the fastest rider, the greatest swordsman, the fiercest fighter!
¡ Abdullah, el jinete más rápido, la mejor espada, el guerrero más fiero!
Abdullah, go with him.
Abdullah, ve con él.
¡ Abdullah!
Remember, Abdullah, you are still his nursemaid.
Recuerda, Abdullah, sigues siendo su nodriza.
Desert rats did you say, Abdullah?
¿ Has dicho ratas del desierto, Abdullah?
Abdullah, bring the girl.
Abdullah, trae a la chica.
Abdullah, you'd be a favorite in any harem.
Abdullah, serías el favorito de cualquier harem.
Why, Abdullah of course.
A Abdullah, por supuesto.
He has changed from Abdullah the thief to Abdullah the thief in a turban.
Ha pasado de Abdullah el ladrón a Abdullah el ladrón con turbante.
- Su mujer, yo, Cangoni y Abdullah.
- Sí, Cangoni y Abdullah han testificado.
Uh, first of all, you'll stand in for Abdullah.
Uh, antes de todo, dile como pararse a Abdullah.
" Abdullah goes down.
" Abdullah se cae.
I want Abdullah to get the proper timing.
Quiero que Abdullah se tome el tiempo correcto.
Abdullah, retaliate!
Abdullah, toma replesalias!
Abdullah's murdering ya, but... you can take it.
Abdullah lo asesina ya pero... pero puedes resistir.
Uh, all right, Abdullah, that's enough.
Uh, muy bien, Abdullah, suficiente.
Abdullah's no whipped dog.
Abdullah no es un perro arrepentido.
But Abdullah, you won last week in Boston.
Pero Abdullah, ganaste la semana pasada en Boston.
Abdullah's the greatest wrestler in the world.
Abdullah es el mejor luchador del mundo.
Abdullah says good-bye.
Abdullah dice adios.
Abdullah walked out on us.
Abdullah se fue.
Abdullah blew.
Abdullah se fue.
The setup we got for Abdullah is worth 100 grand.
La plata que nos iban a dar por Abdullah seria de 100 grandes.
We'll get Abdullah back if we have to chase him around the four corners of the globe.
Traeremos de vuelta a Abdullah si lo perseguimos por las 4 esquinas del mundo.
We're looking for Abdullah.
Buscamos a Abdullah.
Uh, neighbor, do you know Abdullah the wrestler?
Uh, vecino, conoces al luchador Abdullah?
The wrestler, Abdullah?
El luchador, Abdullah?
Uh, do you happen to know Abdullah the wrestler?
Uh, conoces al luchador Abdullah?
Now you stay outside and watch for Abdullah.
Quedate afuera y fijate si ves a Abdullah.
There are two Americans in town looking for your cousin Abdullah.
Hay dos americanos buscando a tu primo Abdullah.
I told you to watch out for Abdullah, didn't I?
Te dije que buscaras a Abdullah, dije?
Did they tell you where Abdullah is?
Te dijeron donde estaba Abdullah?
This dame setup might be just the thing to attract Abdullah.
Esta dama puede ser que nos lleve con Abdullah.
Uh, Lou, show her a picture of Abdullah.
Uh, Lou, muestrale una foto de Abdullah.
That one, the tallest, is my cousin Abdullah... for whom they've been looking.
Ese, el mas ato, es el primo de Abdullah... el que estaban busando ustedes.
Abdullah's on our side.
Abdullah esta de nuestro lado.
No, no, Abdullah!
No, no, Abdullah!
Abdullah's helping us.
Abdullah esta ayudandonos.
Abdullah's trying to kill us.
Abdullah esta tratando de matarnos.
Come on, Abdullah!
Vamos, Abdullah!
I told you not to trust Abdullah.
Te dije que no confiaras en Abdullah.
Abdullah, we need you bad.
Abdullah, te necesitamos.
Abdullah. Ali. Mohammed.
Abdullah, Ali, Mohammed

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