Against whom tradutor Espanhol
212 parallel translation
But before I do, let me warn you that should any of the people's witnesses be injured or harassed specifically, if anything should happen to those five girls the court will request the parole authorities to retain in prison the defendants against whom such witnesses testified for the maximum terms of the sentences to be imposed.
Pero antes de hacerlo, voy a advertirles que si alguno de los testigos es lastimado o acosado específicamente, si algo les llega a pasar a esas cinco chicas la corte les solicitará a las autoridades que retengan en la cárcel a los acusados contra los cuales dichas testigos testificaron por los tiempos máximos de las sentencias que serán impuestas.
The target of his bombers and Zeros, against whom we " re lucky to put up a mere six or seven Grummans.
Atacados por bombarderos y Zeros, contra los que sólo podemos enviar seis o siete Grummans.
Against whom did you need to?
¿ Contra quién tuviste que hacerlo?
He's the third person against whom the murderer holds a grievance.
Es la tercera persona a la que quiere matar.
Yes, a rival against whom it's impossible to fight.
Si, un rival contra el cual es imposible luchar.
As for these other members against whom you inform, they will simply plead their constitutional rights.
Como por los otros miembros, a los que usted informará, tienen que apelar a sus derechos constitucionales.
- Against whom and on what charges?
- ¿ Contra quién y bajo qué cargos?
This is the enemy against whom our brave sailors man their floating fortresses.
El enemigo al que se enfrentan nuestros valientes marineros.
The boss should file a complaint. - Against whom?
- El patrón debería presentar una queja.
- Revenge against whom?
- ¿ Venganza contra quién?
Against whom?
¿ Contra quién?
- Defenceless, against whom?
- Indefensa, ¿ contra quien?
- To protect it against whom?
- ¿ Para protegerla contra quien?
Against whom will the muskets be used?
Mosquetes será útil.
- Then against whom would you use them?
- Entonces, ¿ contra quién las usarán?
But against whom do they rise up in anger?
¿ Contra quién la furia de ciudades enteras?
- Against whom?
- ¿ De quién?
- I know against whom!
- ¡ Sé yo de quién!
How did he sin? Against whom?
¿ Qué pecado ha cometido?
Against whom?
¿ Pruebas contra quién?
France, against whom nobody can say anything, carries the conscience of the whole universe!
Francia, de la que ninguno sabe nada y quien es portadora de la conciencia del universo
But against whom?
Pero... ¿ contra quién? No te preocupes.
Against whom?
¿ En campaña contra quién?
... against whom I've warned you continually and whom you recently hailed as a hero has gone over to the enemy.
... de quien les he advertido y a quien alaban como héroe, se ha pasado al enemigo.
In July he'll bring committee orders on beginning hostilities and against whom.
Nos trae las instrucciones para empezar las hostilidades y saber contra quien...
All right, but against whom are you striking?
Bien... bien, ¿ pero contra quién es la huelga?
React against what? Against whom?
¿ Reaccionar contra que y contra quien?
You're calling God - against whom?
Llamas a Dios... ¿ contra quién?
Well, now let's see, against whom did José Dolores rebel?
Analicemos contra quién se rebeló José Dolores.
Because if there are men who come to attack you... These men... against whom you defend yourself,
Porque si hay hombres que vengan a atacarle esos hombres a los que...
A war against whom?
¿ Una guerra contra quién?
- A war against whom, Mr. Ireton?
- Decidme contra quién, Sr. lreton.
Oh, for God, against whom?
Oh, por Dios, ¿ contra quién?
Y et we are taught to reverence all against whom we may use such force.
Sin embargo se nos enseña a reverenciar todo contra lo que podemos usar esa fuerza.
She is my forever idol... she is my rival whom I can never win against, she is the one who always makes me happy, and she is my mother.
Mi ídolo para siempre, mi rival imbatible... la mujer que me hace temblar el corazón... mi madre.
It's been my heavy cross that those whom I was given to guide and rule have always fought against the right which I knew to be the right.
Es mi cruz que a quienes guié siempre luchan contra lo que considero correcto.
- For whom? What chance do we stand against a guardsman?
¿ Cómo competir con un soldado de la Guardia Nacional?
Against what or whom?
¿ Protegido contra qué o quiénes?
Listen, whom are they railing against?
¿ Los oye? ¿ Con quién estarán discutiendo?
If I understand you correctly, and for the benefit of my family and students... the loathsome abominable crime... against his excellency, the Reich Protector... or more correctly, the unheard of... traitorous behavior of my countrymen... in failing wholeheartedly to fall in line with their "German" protectors... compels you to hold me hostage... together with others in whom, I presume, until the assassin is surrendered..
Si he entendido bien, señor, y a favor de mi familia y alumnos el execrable y abominable crimen Cometido contra su Excelencia, el Reich Protector. O más correctamente, la inaudita
We're up against a clever and ruthless group to whom we are all well known.
Es un grupo hábil y cruel que nos conoce.
No-one whom we bring to this place ever stands out against us.
Ninguno de los que han venido ha vuelto a rebelarse contra nosotros.
And you, Athenians, you citizens of the capital of the world, you representatives of its culture, you dignitaries, emissaries, whom I find in Persia still conspiring with Darius as you did against my father, you will be held with us as hostages for Athens'fickle favours.
Y vosotros, atenienses, ciudadanos de la capital del mundo, representantes de su cultura, dignatarios, emisarios, a quienes me encuentro conspirando con Darío igual que conspirasteis contra mi padre, os tomo como rehenes para conseguir los caprichosos favores de Atenas.
"for whom the US Marshal holds a murder warrant. " Mr. Reed led 26 of his ranch hands against Perdido, " a notorious outlaw refuge in the Sierra Grandes
El Sr. Reed lideró a 26 trabajadores contra Perdido un refugio de prófugos en Sierra Grande, adonde se cree que huyó la pareja.
More particularly, may He protect you against the evil influence of your wretched parents whom you must help to repent by saying this prayer every day to Our Merciful Lord :
Y sobre todo que los proteja de la influencia maléfica de sus padres miserables a quiénes deben deben ayudar a arrepentirse diciendo esta oración todos los días a nuestro Señor misericordioso :
You will be tried for crimes against humanity. By whom?
Se le va a juzgar por crímenes contra la humanidad.
It is our duty to defend our nation from whom, with the pretext of a coffee, is plotting against it!
Y es nuestro preciso deber, defender la nación de quienes... con la excusa del café complota contra ella.
Those speaking against, to whom this comment also applies, have raised some very interesting arguments, all of which have been equally irrelevant.
De aquellos que hablan en serio, a aquellos que son chistosos... lo que vale son argumentos interesantes. Todos son, pr lo tanto, igualmente irrelevantes.
Against all those that only think of winning, of money, of the house by the sea, and of the motorcycle for the girl over whom they lost their heads.
Contra todos los que sólo piensan en triunfar, en el dinero, en la casa en el mar, y en la moto para la chica por la que han perdido la cabeza.
"We implore you therefore, do not let the verdict of your judgment go against him whom the loyal prayer of Christian faith commends to your mercy."
"Por eso te ruego, no dejes que tu veredicto..." - "... vaya en su contra... "- ¡ Psst! " A quien el deboto de la fe cristiana se encomienda a Tu misericordia ".
"But in the fullness of time, evil men betrayed God's trust, and in disobedience to His holy word waged bloody wars, not only against their own kind, but against the apes, whom they reduced to slavery."
Pero en la plenitud de los tiempos, los viles hombres traicionaron Su confianza y desobedeciendo Su santa palabra hicieron sangrientas guerras, no solo contra su propia especie, sino contra los simios, a quienes redujeron a la esclavitud ".
whom 139
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108