And she knew it tradutor Espanhol
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And she knew it too.
Y ella era consciente de eso.
She had me licked, and she knew it.
Ella me tenía atrapado y lo sabía.
And she knew it all the time.
Y ella lo sabía desde el principio.
I loved her and she knew it.
La amaba, y ella lo sabía.
and she knew it.
Y ella lo sabía.
Cold as it was, I was burning for her, and she knew it.
A pesar del frío, yo hervía por ella y ella lo sabía.
Had it been my money, she could have taken me for much more and she knew it.
¿ Mi dinero? Podía haberme tomado mucho más y ella lo sabía.
The usherette had beautiful legs and she knew it... because she was constantly shining her flashlight on them... instead of showing the way.
La acomodadora tenía unas piernas preciosas y lo sabía. Se las alumbraba con la linterna... en vez de mostrar el camino.
And then I saw her go upstairs, and then I heard the lamp crash, and I knew she did it.
Después la vi subir y escuché el golpe del reflector, entonces supe que había sido ella.
She had this room and you knew about it.
Ella tenía la habitación y usted lo sabía.
So the wolf knew it and ate the grandmother up and she went to the house and knocked on the door and this voice... told her...
El lobo oír esto, fue a la casa de la abuela y se la comio. Caperucita Roja fue a la casa y llamó a la puerta, y esta voz que le llamaba así :
A husband should have that privilege, and no wife would resent it if she knew he loved her.
El marido debería tener ese privilegio. Ninguna esposa lo lamentaría si supiera que él la amaba.
You knew that she wore it, and yet you deliberately suggested I wear it.
Usted sabía que ella lo había usado y me lo recomendó adrede.
I asked her why the sudden change in plans... and she said that Marana had advised it - I knew she was lying.
Le pregunté que por qué el cambio de planes... y dijo que Marana lo había recomendado. Sabía que mentía.
A few days later, when she sent for Christopher and Evans and me... I pretended to them that I knew nothing about it.
Días después, cuando nos llamó a Christopher, a Evans y a mí... fingí no saber nada.
Why, when my father kissed my mother... she knew what he meant, and he knew she knew it.
Cuando mi padre besó a mi madre... ella sabía lo que significaba, y él sabía que ella lo sabía.
And she knew if they could get it out of the stone, it might let people see wonderful things that they had never been able to see before.
Y sabía que si lograban sacarlo de la piedra, serviría para que la gente viera cosas maravillosas-- - que jamás habían podido ver en su vida.
He looked at her, she looked at him, and before she knew it, she got painted.
Él la miró a ella, ella lo miró a él, y antes de que ella se diera cuenta, estaba pintada.
And when your aunt told me that she knew Jeffrey Ashton, I thought it had something to do with that.
Y cuando su tía me dijo que conoció a Jeffrey Ashton, pensé que tenía algo que ver con eso.
I knew I'd go every night until she showed up... and I knew she knew it.
Sabía que iría todas las noches hasta que ella fuera.
And the first thing I knew, she had picked up quite a large book and squashed it squarely in his face. She hit him?
Cuando me di cuenta, ella había cogido un libro y se lo aplastó en la cara.
I think he knew what she was capable of doing to people, and he didn't want it done to you.
Creo que sabía lo que era capaz de hacer y no quería que te pasara a ti.
I knew she'd feel that way about it, and I'm sure she'll agree with me on the next step.
Sabía que ella se sentiría así, y estoy seguro que está de acuerdo en el próximo paso.
So if she should get ahold of some of this money and she knew that she could get this somebody to bring the rest of it back could get your father to promise not to send him to jail, please?
Así que si ella cogiese parte de ese dinero y supiera que puede hacer que ese alguien devolviera el resto ¿ podrías hacer que tu padre prometiese no mandarlo a la cárcel, por favor?
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
No me dijo que tuviera un revólver y que supiera usarlo.
You knew it! You knew that she wore it, and yet you deliberately suggested I wear it!
¡ Vd. sabía que ella llevó el mismo vestido, y aun así me lo sugirió!
She felt that without her to write upon, nobody would know anything, and she was the one who really knew it all.
Creía que sin ella para escribir, nadie sabría nada y que era ella la que lo sabía todo.
All you have to do is broach the subject as tastefully as possible. Find out if she ever knew him, and then tell me about it.
Zach, es muy fácil, toca el tema con mucho tacto, entérate de si le conocía, y me lo cuentas.
so I knew that it must have been Jane... that came out this time when I forgot, and she was sweet to Bonnie.
Por eso supe que debió de ser Jane la que salió esta vez cuando me dio la laguna. Y fue buena con Bonnie.
It's not like it used to be when I knew all about Eve White... and she didn't know anything about me, and there wasn't anybody else.
No es como antes, cuando yo lo sabía todo de Eva White y ella no sabía nada de mí.
That's the only way she knew how to repay you, and it may require quite a few donors.
Es lo único que podía hacer para devolverte el dinero... y harían falta unos cuantos donantes.
I knew it went wrong the minute... that Helen phoned and she said you insulted her.
Supe que fracasó el minuto... que Helen llamó y dijo que la insultaste.
That witch is the only one who knew and now she's blabbed it.
Esa bruja es la única que lo sabía y ahora ha cantado.
Your sister had a big concern for you, she knew they were going to shoot you, and the only way around it was handing over Meza's son.
Su hermana tenía una gran preocupación por usted, sabía que le iban a fusilar, y la única manera de evitarlo era entregando al hijo de Meza.
The answer is not known at this time, but with the elimination of the only witness, she was perhaps the only person in the world who came face-to-face with the murderer and knew... is it man or monster?
¿ Quizás trataba, esta vez... de eliminar al único testigo, a la única persona en el mundo que se había encontrado frente al asesino, sea éste hombre o monstruo?
I knew a girl once, she was just like a little dove, tame and meek, but as soon as I embraced her it was as though fire was burning me!
Una vez conocí a una chica. Era como una paloma pequeña,... mansa y dócil, ... pero en cuanto la abrazaba era como si el fuego me quemara.
She just infiltrated, Mother, and before you knew it, Dad was hooked.
Se ha infiltrado, mamá, y ha conseguido enganchar a papá.
I hoped someday I'd have a daughter and when it came time for her to marry she couldn't afford a lovely gown and I knew, James, you'd never tell her "never mind the cost".
Yo quería tener una hija. Cuando se casase, no encontraría ningún vestido mejor. Y sé que tú no se lo dirías nunca, James.
She knew what it meant, and only six months old.
Sabía lo que quería decir, con sólamente seis meses.
There was this party, and... I knew that she was too weak to withstand the strain of it. Yet she insisted.
Bueno... tuvimos una fiesta... y yo sabía que ella estaba demasiado débil para soportar la tensión de aquello... sin embargo, ella insistió.
- And his wife, Maureen she knew about this, and she didn't like it.
- Y su esposa, Maureen lo sabía todo al respecto, y no le hizo ninguna gracia.
Esa chica sabía que Richelieu tenía los planos robados y de alguna forma, descubrió cómo los sacarían del país.
At first, she thought it, then she hoped it, and then, somehow, she knew it.
Al principio lo creyó, luego lo deseo y un día se enteró.
She went into that place, and then I knew it wasn't you.
Cuando entró en aquel local me di cuenta de que no podías ser tú.
It's where she knew Tony Forest, Barroyer and our astrologer Kleinberg.
Allí conoció a Forest, a Berroyer y seguramente a Kleinberg.
I knew it when she came back with her nose all bust and bleeding.
Lo supe cuando volvió con la nariz rota y sangrando.
I knew it was hard for her and sometimes she needed more than an old man like me.
Sabía que era duro para ella. A veces necesitaba algo más que un viejo como yo, pero no me enfadé porque me hacía feliz.
And she doesn't know how we knew that it was missing for two weeks before the murder.
Tampoco sabe que faltaba desde hacía dos semanas.
She knew when to open her mouth and when to keep it closed.
Sabía cuando abrir la boca y cuando matenerla cerrada.
'suddenly realised what it was had been going wrong all this time,'and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place.
se dio cuenta de repente de qué era lo que no había estado funcionando todo este tiempo, y finalmente supo cómo se podría hacer del mundo un lugar bueno y feliz. Esta vez era acertado, funcionaría, y nadie tendría que ser clavado a nada.
She said that you told her how she could reach me and I figured that you must have because she knew all about it.
Me dijo que le dijiste cómo localizarme y la creí porque ella estaba enterada de todo.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knows it 30
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
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and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
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and she left 27