And she will tradutor Espanhol
5,605 parallel translation
... and she will create a ruckus!
Crearia un alboroto!
I am gonna go after her with everything I am, and she will choose me.
Voy a ir tras ella con todo lo que tengo y me elegirá a mí.
She will take the best of your intentions, and she will use them to get to my little girl.
Ella cogerá lo mejor de tus intenciones, y las utilizará para llegar a mi niña.
And she will pay for what she's done.
Y pagará por lo que ha hecho.
And she will decide not to marry anyone.
Y ella decida no casarse con nadie.
Oh, we give her a new name, and she will have a whole different life.
Se lo cambiaremos... y tendrá una vida totalmente distinta. No, sé cuál quiero.
She is not my mother and she will never be my mother because she is the person who is hunting my mother.
Ella no es mi madre y nunca será mi madre porque ella es la persona que está persiguiendo a mi madre.
She is not my mother and she will never be my mother.
Ella no es mi madre y nunca será mi madre.
That we will always watch over her, and make sure that she's always loved and happy and protected.
Que siempre cuidaremos de ella, y asegurarnos que siempre sea querida y feliz y protegida.
Sir one secretary goes to the sir.. ... and ask for five hundred rupees and says tomorrow she will give.
una secretaria va donde el Jefe y le pide 500 rupias y le dice que mañana se lo "dará"
She will pity you, and God knows, so do I.
Ella lo hará, y Dios sabe, que yo también.
And when it comes to protecting her Khan and empire, she will do what needs to be done.
Y a la hora de proteger a su Kan y su imperio, hará lo que sea necesario.
She's always been there for me, and I will always be there for her.
Siempre ha estado ahí para mí, y siempre estaré ahí para ella.
She was ok with it. Oh. And when Laurie's time comes she will be ok with it, too.
Ella estaba de acuerdo. Y cuando llegue el momento de Laurie ella también estará de acuerdo.
I know you were looking out for her, and maybe she can't see that right now, but she will.
Sé que lo hiciste por su bien, y quizás ahora ella no lo ve, pero lo hará.
I mean, she's the super mom, And I don't know the first thing about that stuff, And maybe I never will.
Quiero decir, es la super madre, y yo no sé nada de ese tema, y a lo mejor nunca lo sabré.
And, um, so she will be here for one month, and she very much would like to see you again, but she just wanted me to tell you that she's leaving so that, you know,
Así que estaremos aquí durante un mes, y a ella le encantaría volver a verte pero solo quiere que sepas que llegará el momento en el que tenga que marcharse.
She's going to take 25 cents on the dollar, your firm will stay afloat, and this whole thing gets buried.
Va a aceptar 25 centavos el dólar, tu agencia seguirá a flote y todo esto quedará enterrado.
And I will fill Laura in when she gets back from Serenity Gardens.
Y yo pondré al día a Laura cuando vuelva de Serenity Gardens.
She will, love, thanking you, and so will I.
Te lo agradecerá, cielo, y yo también.
And she will slap the restylane right out of those lips. Brianna, look at this as an opportunity.
Brianna, mira esto como una oportunidad.
She will target you in order to thwart me, and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you, can I?
Haría de ti un objetivo para frustrarme, y no puedo salvar a Elijah si estoy ocupado salvándote a ti, ¿ verdad?
Neither he nor Esther will find Rebekah unless she wants to be found, and she does not.
Ni él ni Esther encontrarán a Rebekah a no ser que ella quiera ser encontrada, y no quiere.
Side with me, and I will give you the life she never once offered, a chance to choose your own path.
Ponte de mi lado, y te daré la vida que ella no te ha ofrecido ni una vez, la oportunidad de elegir tu propio camino.
The only way that the city will be safe for hope's return is if you have unified your people and I have unified my own, and Davina will eventually lead her witches, and whatever their goal may be, she is no enemy to your child.
La única manera de que la ciudad sea segura para que Hope regrese es si tú unes a tu gente y yo uno a la mía y Davina eventualmente liderará a las brujas y cualquiera que sea su objetivo, ella no es un enemigo para tu hija.
Only one traveler may use it at a time, and as she has no experience, she will have no idea how to use it in order to get back.
Sólo un viajero puede utilizarlo a la vez, y como ella no tiene experiencia, ella no tiene idea de cómo utilizarlo con el fin de volver.
But remember, we still serve the queen of the night, and she has not forgotten you any more than I have, and there will be a day where she will save you.
Pero recordad, aún servimos a la reina de la noche, y no os ha olvidado más que yo, y habrá un día en el que os salve.
This will all blow over and she'll be home soon.
Esto se calmará y regresará a casa pronto.
- And will she approve?
¿ Y lo aceptará?
But she is English and Anglican and so will her children be...
Pero es inglesa y anglicana así que sus hijos serán...
I will tell Rose and we'll see what she makes of it.
Y, si no prometes comportarte, se lo diré a Rose y veremos qué piensa ella.
I will ring him now because she is innocent and I am not "Miss"!
¡ Le llamaré ahora mismo porque es inocente y no soy una "señorita"!
I believe in you, Alex, and as I promised Jeep and your mother as she lay dying, I will do anything I must to protect you.
Yo creo en ti, Alex, y como prometí a Jeep y a tu madre mientras caía muerta, haré lo que sea para protegerte.
And so will she.
Y ella también.
And a promise that she will use her little head to concentrate on the traffic if she cannot avoid driving.
Y prometa que usará esa cabecita para concentrarse en el tráfico si no puede evitar conducir.
And this witness Chloe knows she's going to be going through the courts for at least a year and the odds her accused will get a conviction are... to be honest... Let's face it, the odds are down low.
Y esta testigo, Chloe, sabe que va a estar pasando por los tribunales por lo menos un año y las chances de conseguir una condena, para ser franca, enfrentémoslo, son muy bajas.
She will marry me and I can live happily with her.
Ella se casará conmigo y puedo vivir feliz.
Then she will marry you and I have to search for another girl.
Entonces ella se casará con usted y Tengo que buscar a otra chica.
Jenna has done everything she can to make it up to you guys tonight, and I will not let my little Cupid look stupid. Now, listen up.
Jenna ha hecho todo lo que ha podido para arreglarlo para vosotros chicos, y no dejaré que mi pequeño Cupido parezca estúpido.
She will pick up Matty and Jake.
Ella traerá a Matty y Jake.
She will become a weapon unlike any other, and she'll be ours.
Se volverá un arma como ninguna otra, y será nuestra.
Soon she will come to full maturation, and the transformation will begin.
Pronto estará madura del todo, Y empezará la transformación.
You just make sure that she slows down and maybe the poison will slow down, too.
Tú asegúrate de que se calme y quizá el veneno se calme también.
And right after Will was murdered, she stops calling, almost as if she knew he was dead.
Y justo después de que Will fuera asesinado, ella dejó de llamar, casi como si supiera que estaba muerto.
She's agreed to testify, and with her help, our three victims, along with many, many other people will finally get justice.
Ha accedido a testificar, y con su ayuda, nuestras tres víctimas, junto con muchas, muchas otras personas por fin tendrán justicia.
Margarita, if the Marquise learns that I have spoken of this, she will kill me and my son.
Margarita, que si la marquesa se entera de que he hablado me mata. A mí y a mi hijo.
Now she will have assured ye that that is not the case, and by right, must be returned to me for protection.
Ahora ella se ha asegurado que ese no es el caso y por derecho, deben devolvérmela para su protección.
If she is not present at the appointed time, you will be accused of harboring a fugitive from English law, and you'll be hunted down and punished, even unto death.
Si ella no está presente a la hora acordada a usted se le acusará de asilar a un fugitivo de la ley inglesa y será perseguido y castigado, incluso hasta la muerte.
So while she recuperates, the air nation will reclaim its nomadic roots and roam the earth.
Así que mientras se recupera, la Nación del Aire retomará sus orígenes como nómadas y vagará por el mundo.
Eleanor is thorough... she'll clean it up, and when she's done, Detective Cross will have a whole lot of nothing.
Eleanor es minuciosa... Lo limpiará, y cuando acabe, la detective Cross tendrá... un puñado de nada.
Michi Kakutani will flip for this, and she hates everything.
Michi Kakutani flipará con esto y a ella no le gusta nada.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she left 27