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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / Arlene

Arlene tradutor Espanhol

676 parallel translation
I'll take that as a compliment, Arlene.
- Tomo eso como un cumplido, Arlene.
- Arlene...
She is charged with assault on the person of Mademoiselle Arlene Villon.
Está acusada de agresión contra mademoiselle Arlene Villon.
Arlene Sidney.
Arlene Sidney.
- No one. - You knew that Carleen Donnelly got married, didn't you?
Sabía que Arlene Donnelly se casó, ¿ no?
Well, what nice, fattening thing did you tell Arlene to make tonight?
¿ Qué cena grasienta habrá preparado Arlene?
Arlene quit this morning.
Se ha despedido.
And I think that you would kind of have to decide, Arlene, how you would feel about where you stood in your college class. Whether you would rather be in an easier school and toward the top of the class or in a harder school and toward the bottom of the class.
Arleen, debes decidir cómo quieres sentirte en la universidad, si prefiere estar entre los primeros en un curso más fácil, o entre los últimos de la clase en uno más difícil.
Then it would seem to me that, Arlene, that the most realistic way to plan it would be to think about where you could go if your father could give you a thousand dollars to fifteen hundred dollars, and then to try for scholarships at some other places that might be somewhat more expensive.
Entonces, me parece que el modo más realista de programar las cosas, sería pensar dónde podrías ir... si tu padre pudiese darte de 1.000 a 1.500 dólares, y luego buscar becas para asistir a universidades más caras.
Due to a possible camp infection, Arlene Chu's Hollywood Grill is now off limits.
[A causa de una posible infección en el campo, está prohibida la entrada a la parrilla hollywoodiense de Arlene Chu.]
- Arlene Baker.
- Arlene Baker.
Arlene Baker.
Arlene Baker.
She won't use it, Arlene.
- No lo usará, Arlene.
Arlene and I have to get a divorce.
Arlene y yo tenemos que divorciarnos.
- Arlene, could you help Bette here?
- Arlene, ¿ puedes ayudar a Bette? - Sí.
It's a lady called Arlene Iverson.
Una señora llamada Arlene Iverson.
I'll give you what stuff we have on Arlene.
Te daré datos de Arlene.
- The tape on Arlene.
- La cinta de Arlene.
Hey, Arlene and me go way back.
Arlene y yo somos viejos amigos.
Arlene Iverson.
Arlene Iverson.
His will expressly excluded Arlene Iverson.
Su testamento excluyó a Arlene Iverson.
See, the thing is me and Arlene, we got it on together a couple of times.
Mire, la cosa es que Arlene y yo, lo hicimos un par de veces.
I know Arlene from way back when she was married to Tom.
Conozco a Arlene hace mucho, siendo esposa de Tom.
Arlene ain't Lillian Gish.
Arlene no es Lillian Gish.
- I've come to take her back to Arlene.
- Debo regresársela a Arlene.
I know Arlene and so does Tom.
Conozco a Arlene y Tom también.
You're not gonna make me go back to Arlene, are you?
No me vas a devolver con Arlene, ¿ verdad?
- Screw Arlene.
- Maldita Arlene.
Arlene asked me to try to fix it up.
Arlene me lo pidió.
- Where do you know Arlene from?
- ¿ De dónde conoces a Arlene?
The only one that gets anything out of Delly dying is Arlene.
La única que gana con la muerte de Delly es Arlene.
Orville, you seen that new waitress at the diner, Arlene?
Orville, ¿ has visto a la nueva camarera en la cafetería, Arlene?
What kind of lie you tell Arlene?
¿ Qué le has dicho a Arlene?
They always get me the worst when I'm with Arlene. God!
Siempre me dan fuerte cuando estoy con Arlene. ¡ Dios!
Jesus Christ, Arlene.
Dios mío, Arlene.
- Arlene, I'll get you a Seeing Eye dog.
- Arlene, te buscaré un perro-guía.
Arlene's gonna miss the bowling.
Arlene echará de menos los bolos.
- Arlene!
- ¡ Arlene!
Arlene, did you just get a telephone call?
Arlene, ¿ te acaban de llamar?
Are the kids at home, Arlene?
¿ Están en casa, Arlene?
Arlene, come here a minute.
Arlene, ven un momento.
- Arlene, it's me.
- Arlene, soy yo.
Dr. Arlene Franklin, sixth floor waiting area, please.
Dra. Arlene Franklin, sala de espera, 6to piso, por favor.
Is it true that you took out Arlene Stanton?
¿ Es cierto que sales con Arlene Stanton?
Come on, it was Arlene.
Vamos, era Arlene.
Arlene Abrams.
Arlene Abrams.
Arlene Horsley.
Arlene Horsley.
I gotta get back before Arlene misses me.
Tengo que volver Arlene me puede estrañar.
Arlene- -
I think I'll pass to Arlene.
Le cedo mi vuelta a Arlene.

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