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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Be honest with me

Be honest with me tradutor Espanhol

1,288 parallel translation
I need you to be honest with me.
Tienes que ser sincero conmigo.
- Be honest with me. - Hmm?
Sé honesto conmigo.
Because something's going on right now and I can tell and now I fell all weird, which is exactly the opposite of how I want to feel at this particular moment so if you could just be honest with me.
Porque está pasando algo... y ahora me siento rara, que es justo lo contrario a como quisiera sentirme en este momento, así que te pido que seas honesto conmigo.
After all I did for you growing up. The least you can do is be honest with me.
Después de todo lo que hice por ti cuando éramos niños lo menos que puedes hacer es ser honesto conmigo.
You better be honest with me, cause right now, I'm an accomplice.
Más te vale ser sincero conmigo, porque ahora mismo soy cómplice.
You said you'd always be honest with me.
Dijiste que siempre serías honesto. ¿ Y ahora?
If you're gonna live here, you're going to have to be honest with me.
Si vas a vivir aquí, tendrás que ser honesto conmigo.
- I need you to be honest with me.
Necesito que seas completamente honesto conmigo.
So... is there anything else you'd like to be honest with me about, like maybe your test grades?
Entonces... quisieras ser honesto sobre alguna otra cosa conmigo? , como por ejemplo, tus notas?
It's only fair to be honest with me.
Sólo es justo que seas honesta conmigo.
How can I help you if you won't be honest with me?
Como puedo ayudarla si no es honesta conmigo?
OK, Dave, be honest with me.
Dave, sé franco conmigo.
Be honest with me.
Se sincera conmigo.
Not enough to be honest with me.
No lo suficiente para ser sincero conmigo.
I need you to be honest with me, okay?
Necesito que me seas honesto, ¿ vale?
So if you'll just be honest with me, I can forgive you.
Así que, si eres honesto conmigo, puedo perdonarte.
So I expect you to be honest with me.
Por eso debe ser sincera conmigo.
Listen, you can be honest with me.
- Sé honesta conmigo.
Why don't you just be honest with me and tell me which hand you're leaning towards?
Porqué no sos honesta conmigo, Y me decis para que lado vas?
But what's adding to my stress level is knowing that I'm moving in with someone who can't be honest with me.
- Ya lo sé Pues lo que empeora mi estrés es que no seas sincera conmigo odio esta mierda pasiva-agresiva habla conmigo
You can be honest with me.
Puedes ser sincera conmigo.
All I ever wanted... was for you to be honest with me.
Lo único que quería... es que fueras sincera conmigo.
Actually, I'd like you to be honest with me, Julia.
En realidad... yo quisiera que tú fueras sincera conmigo, Julia.
You need to be honest with me.
Tiene que ser honesta conmigo.
I thought you were gonna be honest with me. I am being honest with you.
- Soy sincera contigo.
You know there's nothing you can't be totally honest with me about.
No hay nada de lo que no me puedas hablar.
You killed seven million of my people. I want to be honest with you. I don't much like standing here.
Mataron a siete millones de mi gente quiero ser honesto con ustedes no me gusta mucho estar aquí.
If you want me to be honest with you about my life, then tell me the truth.
Si quieres que sea sincero contigo, dime la verdad.
But it wasn't till I came home and was honest with Eddie about everything that I realized that I have nothing to be afraid of.
Pero cuando volví a casa... y fui honesta con Eddie acerca de todo, me di cuenta... que no tenía nada de que tener miedo.
I'll be honest with you, I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to get your voice out of my head.
Voy a ser honesto. Me preocupa que no creo poder sacar tu voz de mi cabeza.
To be honest with you, it's kind of freaking me out.
Para ser honesto contigo, esto me perturba bastante
It's time for you to be completely honest with me.
Es hora de que seas totalmente sincero conmigo.
Oh, I am beyond thrilled that you're happy But, I have to be honest with you
Realmente me fascina que ambos estén felices. Pero debo series sincera.
To be honest with you, I was so into what we were doing.
Honestamente, me metí de lleno en lo que hacíamos.
I'm going to be honest, and... I'd appreciate that. Well, I'm just saying with Rob sitting next to me, you know, it's hard to do, but I think you guys all deserve it.
Independientemente... independientemente de tu decision, cualsea que fuera, respeto el hecho de que, osea, la tomaste por ti misma.
I'll be honest with you, the walk is, like, kind of keeping us busy, like, we got something to do, just walk.
Seré honesto con uds la caminata es como para mantenernos ocupado osea tenemos que hacer algo, solo caminar. osea, me entienden?
To be honest, I'd like you to help me, to work with me, if you want to,
Me gustaría que trabajes conmigo, si quieres.
Well, I heard something... that kind of freaked me out... and to be honest with you, it was kind of making me look bad.
Bien, oí un rumor que me altero y para ser honesto, fue algo que me hacia lucir mal.
I need you to be completely honest with me now.
Necesito que seas completamente honesta conmigo.
To be honest with you, Mother's always had this funny little agenda for me which doesn't really involve marrying a struggling actress.
Para serte honesto, mamá siempre ha tenido sus planes raros para mí que no incluyen casarme con una actriz principiante.
But my not being able to be totally honest with her made me feel alienated once again.
No poder ser sincero con ella me hizo sentir alienado otra vez.
The first time I heard that word using in conjunction with what we were doing... was Caroline Coon, or one of these journalists... and I was quite shocked to be honest... because, you now, I thought we were kinda... you know, I didn't really know what we were doing.
La primera vez que oí la palabra ser usada con lo que hacíamos... fue con Caroline Coon, o uno de esos periodistas. Y me impactó, para ser honesto... porque creía que éramos... No sabía exactamente lo que estábamos haciendo.
To be honest with you, i'd rather be giving this to maia, but a crazy neuroscientist told me that that was not the right thing to do, so if you don't mind holding still for a minute... you saw orson bailey up close and personal.
Para ser honesta contigo, le daría esto a Maia,... pero un neuró-científico loco me dijo que no seria buena idea,... así que... si no te importa sujetar esto un minuto. Vieron lo que Orson Bailey era capaz de hacer personalmente,...
I have to be honest with you, Rose, I never felt more useful in this world than the day I became a father. I-I never saw more clearly what I was put on earth for.
Tengo que serte sincero Rose nunca me he sentido tan útil como el día en que me convertí en padre nunca había visto tan claro por qué estaba en este mundo
I'm okay with how I look. You know, to be honest, I never really thought about it much before. I figured there's no point in getting upset.
Me siento bien por cómo soy y para serte sincera, eso no me había preocupado antes no tiene sentido obsesionarte por algo si no puedes hacer nada por cambiarlo
I gotta be honest with you, Glen, you're blowing me away here.
Tengo que ser honesto contigo, Glen. Me acabas de dejar pasmado ahora mismo.
You call me when you're ready to be honest with yourself.
Llámame cuando estés lista para ser sincera contigo misma.
I feel like a complete ass, to be honest with you. No.
Para serte sincero, me siento un tonto.
To be honest with you, I'm a little surprised to see him.
Para ser sincero, me sorprende un poco verle aquí.
Uh, well, Abby explained it to me but I to got to be honest with you, boss...
Bueno, Abby me lo explicó pero debo ser honesto con usted, jefe. Yo...
I probably should've asked you why you stopped taking your medication, and to be honest with you... I was hoping you'd be able to give me the answer to that one right about now.
Debí preguntarte por qué dejaste de tomar tu medicamento y para ser honesto contigo, yo esperaba que pudieras contestarme eso ahora.

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