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Blush tradutor Espanhol

990 parallel translation
She had, like, two lines for blush, instead of being contoured and buffed out.
Tenia dos lineas de brush, en vez de contornearlas y difuminarlas.
You blush bright red
¡ Te ruborizas!
# I blush to admit I've still plenty of "it" #
Me sonroja admitir que tengo "algo".
# I blush to admit I've still plenty of "it" # # But somebody will use it now Oh, oh, oh, oh #
Me sonroja admitir que tengo "algo", y alguien lo disfrutará...
And what's more, I'm prepared to be your bridesmaid and help you blush.
Y es más, yo estoy lista para ser tu dama de honor y ayudarte a ruborizarte.
If youd had seen her three weeks ago, when we met her in Monte Carlo anything would make her blush.
Si la hubiese visto hace 3 semanas, cuando la conocimos en Monte Carlo... Por todo se ruborizaba. Por todo.
There, the colour is coming back into her cheeks. Yes, you should blush for very shame.
Sí, deberías sonrojarte por tanta vergüenza
He'll blush and say, "I haven't a father."
carpintero. ¿ Y el tuyo? "
Look at her blush.
- Mira como se ruboriza.
The moon would blush at Ancaria's dancing.
La luna se sonrojaría si viera bailar a Ancaria.
But I say without a blush
Pero puedo decir sin vergüenza
- You make me blush!
- Conseguirá que me sonroje.
Oh, really, you make me blush.
- Me estoy sonrojando.
But be careful! I may make you blush.
¡ Pero cuidado, que te voy a hacer sonrojar!
She's blushing! Who wouldn't blush?
Si no hubiese roto aquel contrabajo,
Prepare to blush.
Prepárate para sonrojarte.
I blush for them.
Es trágico. Me averguenza.
You should blush with shame.
Deberíais enrojecer de vergüenza.
You should blush with shame.
Deberíais sonrojaros de vergüenza.
Don't blush.
- No te sonrojes.
You'll make me blush.
Me haces sonrojar.
Meanwhile, the bishop lives in a palace. He has mistresses, and he leads a life of debauchery that should make a servant of God blush.
El obispo vive en un palacio, tiene queridas, y lleva una vida depravada.
Photos make young people blush.
Las fotos hacen que los jóvenes enrojezcan.
I didn't mean to make your Grey hair blush. If I had to kill my rival every time I was two-timed, France would be a graveyard.
Si yo hubiera tenido que matar a mi rival cada vez que me cornearon, Francia sería una necrópolis
Well, you see... I've never seen a man blush before.
Nunca había visto sonrojarse a un hombre.
Now I can say it without a stammer, without a blush.
Ahora puedo decirlo sin titubear, sin sonrojarme.
There was a time, mind you- - And I hope you won't blush- - When I seriously thought Of marrying you.
Hubo un tiempo - espero que no te ruborices - en el que consideré casarme contigo.
Look at her blush, I tell you. - Look at her blush.
Mira qué roja se ha puesto.
# Please don't call me sonny It makes me blush #
No me digas "hijito", por favor Me pongo colorado
she has sung and acted excellently it gave me great pleasure especially since I didn't have to blush at the clown's dirty jokes this time who's he?
ella ha cantado y ha actuado excelentemente me dio gran placer especialmente que no tuve que ruborizarme con los chistes sucios del payaso esta vez ¿ quién es?
Well, after this, don't go around thinking things that make even me blush.
No andes por ahí pensando cosas que me hacen ruborizar incluso a mí.
Nor me nor your wife have reasons to blush in front of you.
Ni tu esposa ni yo tenemos razones para avergonzarnos delante de ti.
I promise you I'll slit the throat of the... first dog that brings a blush to you.
Mataré al primer... quien se meta con vos.
Who wouldn't blush?
¿ Quién no se sonrojaría?
I'm not surprised you blush.
No me sorprende que te ruborices.
We're trying a new shade, nightingale's blush.
Me están probando un color nuevo, ruboroso ruiseñor.
Nightingale's blush, that's sweet. You get a complete recondition and guaranteed job, and you'll still look like a warthog.
Ruboroso Ruiseñor, qué monada... las chicas han hecho un buen trabajo de remiendo,... pero aunque la mona se vista de seda mona se queda.
Why? Well... don't watch me blush, but... I tried to once or twice.
No me avergüenza, pero traté de seducirte.
Well, you make me blush.
Me vas a ruborizar.
She'd blush if I told you what I think.
¡ No quiero hacerla sonrojar!
- We hope to make the sender blush at it.
Esperamos hacer enrojecer al mandante.
He was a little wild when he was young, but if you spoke to him kindly, he'd always blush.
- De pequeño era un poco revoltoso, pero bastaba con hablarle con delicadeza y se sonrojaba.
Had I your figure, I would run naked through the hemlock without a blush!
¡ Si yo tuviera su figura, correría desnuda por ahí sin el menor rubor!
Did you notice her blush every time we mentioned his name?
¿ Notaron cómo se ruboriza cada vez que lo nombramos?
I pray for guidance and blush when I get it.
Ruego a Dios que me aconseje, y me ruborizo si lo hace.
And I'm easy to blush.
Y me sonrojo fácilmente.
I would say some things. Things so painful to a man that you would blush.
Te diría cosas... tan dolorosas para un hombre, que te avergonzarías.
Then all off a sudden you'd begin to blush, and stammer.
Que lo averiguaras o lo descubrieras tú solo.
Such an act that blurs the grace and blush of modesty, calls virtue hypocrite, takes off the rose from the fair forehead of an innocent love... and sets a blister there, makes marriage vows as false as dicers oaths.
Algo que la gracia empaña y al pudor sonroja, la virtud ofende y arranca la rosa de la frente del inocente amor dejando una llaga que los votos nupciales niega.
You make me blush!
Que exagerado.
Come, come, don't blush, please.
¿ No ha ido nunca a la playa?

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