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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Bring them here

Bring them here tradutor Espanhol

832 parallel translation
I always bring them here before the hunt.
Siempre les traigo aquí antes de la caza.
What did you bring them here for?
¿ por qué las trajiste aquí?
But first we bring them here for the final judging.
Pero debemos traerlos para la decisión final.
And the first thing we want you to do is to collect our royalties in the garage tonight and bring them here.
Y lo primero que queremos que haga es que recaude nuestras regalías en el garaje esta noche y que las traiga aquí.
That's funny, Mr Cedar going to Mandrake Falls to bring them here.
Es curioso. El Sr. Cedar fue a Mandrake Falls para traerlas aquí.
- Bring them here
- Tráemelos
Find Sgts. MacChesney, Cutter, and Ballantine, and bring them here.
Busque a los sargentos MacChesney, Cutter y Ballantine y tráigalos.
Bring them here at once.
Hágalos venir de inmediato.
Bring them here on the double.
Tráigalos de inmediato.
- Bring them here.
Tráigalos aquí a las 1 0 :.30 por la mañana.
Bring them here.
Schmidt and Marx, bring them here.
Traiga aquí a Schmidt y Marx.
- What did you bring them here for?
- ¿ Por qué los trajiste aquí?
Anna, get the glasses and bring them here.
Anna, rápido trae los vasos aquí.
Bring them here for a note to be attached.
Tráelas para que le pongamos una tarjeta.
Will you bring them here?
¿ Puede traérmelas?
Bring them here, please.
Tráigalos aqui, por favor.
Bring them here.
Tráelos aquí.
- You didn't bring them here?
- ¿ No lo habrás traído?
I have 3 kids and I'd never bring them here.
Yo tengo tres críos y no los traigo nunca aquí.
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tendré que recoger todo, quitar los libros de la mesa del comedor, traerlos aquí y volverlos a meter en el arcón, donde estaban antes.
Why don't you bring them here?
¿ Por qué no los traen aquí?
Bring them all here.
- Traedlo todo aquí.
- Tell them to bring them in here.
- Diles que lo traigan aquí.
You've only got one job here, and that's to take photographs. And to bring them back.
El trabajo de ustedes, consiste en hacer fotografías y traerlas aquí.
- Did you bring those contracts for me? - Oh, yes. Got them right here.
¿ Me has traído los contratos para firmar?
- Tell them to bring him in here.
- Que lo traigan aquí.
Get a company of crossbowmen and bring them up here to give these men a hand!
¡ Busca a los ballesteros... y tráelos aquí para que ayuden!
Perhaps you'd bring them for dinner here this evening.
- Quizá podrían venir a cenar hoy.
Bring them all here.
Traerlos aquí.
I'll bring a mob in here if I have to drag them in.
Traeré a la gente aquí aunque tenga que arrastrarla.
I'm gonna bring Bob and them other fellows up here.
Voy a traer a Bob y a los otros aquí.
Bring them out here out in the open. Tie'em up where they can be seen.
Donde puedan verlos bien.
Jeff, bring them all back here. I need an ice pick and a couple of lime squeezers.
Jeff, que vengan todos, necesito un picahielos y un exprimidor.
I didn't want to bring them down here at all, but you insisted.
Yo no quería traerlos aquí, pero tú insististe.
I'll have them bring my supper up here, too.
Yo también cenaré aquí arriba.
- Errand? - Yeah. I want you to go to Nebraska Territory... pick out 500 head of the best eastern-bred cattle and bring them back here.
Quiero que vayas a Nebraska, escojas 500 de las mejores cabezas de ganado del este y te las traigas.
I want you to go to Nebraska Territory... pick out 500 head of the best eastern-bred cattle and bring them back here.
- Sí. Quiero que vayas a Nebraska, escojas 500 de las mejores cabezas de ganado del este y te las traigas.
Listen, you bring back some drinks, and I'll try to keep them here.
Escucha. Tú sube unas bebidas, y yo los entretendré aquí.
- Bring them in here.
- Ponlos ahí.
You won't bring them back here, will you Ellen.
No los traigas aquí.
I'll try not to bring them back here.
No, intentaré que no vengan.
Shall I bring them in here?
¿ Les digo que vengan?
Bring them in here, Neeley.
Tráelo aquí, Neeley.
Well, I want you to fill two of those long-stemmed glasses from it... - and bring them up here.
Quiero que vayas a llenar con ella dos copas de tallo largo... y me las subas aquí.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Diles que me traigan sus acciones aquí y se las pagaré a 50 centavos el dólar.
I told them to bring it up when you got here.
Les dije que lo subieran cuando llegases.
Bring those chairs over here and throw them on.
- Traed esas sillas aquí
Bring them here, Mr. Smith.
Tráigalos aquí.
Took a lot of coaxing'on my part, but I... finally got them to promise... to bring the big chief here to talk to me.
Tuve que convencerlos, pero... logré finalmente que me prometieran... que traerían al Gran Jefe a hablar conmigo.

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