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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ C ] / Can't you hear it

Can't you hear it tradutor Espanhol

530 parallel translation
You hear it somewhere, and it is so light, so sweet, so silly, and you can't get it out of your ears.
La oye uno en alguna parte, y es tan ligera, tan dulce, tan tonta... y no puedes sacártela de las orejas.
Can't you hear it?
¿ Puedes oírlo?
Can't you realize, what it means to me? To play, or never to hear a sound.
¿ No comprendes lo que significa tocar y nunca oír el sonido?
Now I'm going to make you hear it and give me an answer for l just can't go on so any longer.
Y ahora vas a oírlo y me darás una respuesta porque así no puedo continuar.
Is it blowing a gale of wind you can't hear me?
¿ El viento está soplando tan fuerte que no me oye?
I'm sorry, dear, I can't hear you. It sounds just as if you said you got married.
Me ha parecido oírte decir que acabas de casarte.
Oh, my dear, I can't tell you how good it is to hear you laugh again.
Cariño, cuánto me alegra volver a oírte reír.
Take it easy, will you, fellas, I can't hear a thing here.
Tranquilizaos, chicos, no oigo nada.
It's like the hottest torch song that was ever sung. Can't you hear it, honey?
Es la mejor canción de desamor jamás cantada. ¿ No la oyes, encanto?
Can't you hear them? It's no good twiddling your moustache.
Peinarte el bigote no alcanza.
If you can't tell me over the phone, I just won't hear it, that's all.
Si no puedes contármelo por teléfono, no me contarás.
Can't you hear it?
¿ No lo oyes?
Can't you hear it?
¿ No lo escuchan?
- Can't tell whether you hear it or not. - You hear it, Tom?
- No sé si lo oís o no.
I hear it's one of the biggest places in that part of the country, and you just can't beat it for beauty.
Dicen que es una de las más grandes en esa zona del país y que es hermosa.
Can't you hear it?
¿ No lo oye?
Can't you hear it, grinding..
¿ No oye cómo muele?
I can't tell you, Roy, how it hurts me to hear you say that.
No te imaginas cuánto me duele oírte decir eso.
I won't. The radio's on now. Can you hear it?
La radio está encendida. ¿ La oyes?
- Italian? - Yes, can't you hear it?
- ¿ Italiano?
I doubt that I can explain it. - I wouldn't mind hear if you try.
- Dudo que pueda explicarlas.
I can't tell you how good it is to hear you say that.
No sabes cómo me gusta oír eso.
Bert, I want a copy to send on to Jessie. Can't you hear her sing it?
Bert, quiero una copia para enviársela a Jessie. ¿ No puedes oírla cantándola?
It's because I can't stand to hear them laughing at you
No puedo dejar que la gente se ría de ti.
Can't you hear it?
¿ No oyes eso?
- Can't you hear it?
- ¿ No lo oyes?
Can't you hear it, growling out there?
No puedes oirlo, gruñendo alla afuera?
I can't hear. Is it you Emile?
No le oigo. ¿ Eres Emile?
But I can't hear it and the rest of you can only see.
Pero no lo oigo y vosotros, sólo podéis ver.
If you hear it once, you can't forget it anymore.
Si la oyes, ya no puedes olvidarla.
Nothing you can say to me she can't hear. What is it?
No hay nada que no pueda escuchar ella. ¿ De qué se trata?
It's good her mother, the Countess de Gooch, can't hear you.
Es bueno que su madre, la condesa de Gooch, no te escuche.
That noise. Can't you hear it?
Ese ruido. ¿ No lo oye?
Why is it that I can hear you and the others can't?
¿ Por qué puedo oirle yo y los demás no?
- Can't you hear it?
- ¿ No tienes oído o qué?
Can't you hear it?
¿ No puedes oírlo?
Of course he can hear you. He doesn't answer because it tires him out.
Por supuesto que puede oirte, pero no te contesta porque está cerca de los neumáticos.
I can just hear you now, accusing me of chasing excitement again but I feel sure America is bound to get into this thing, sooner or later and I had to get into it as soon as I could, and don't ask me why.
Puedo oírte ahora mismo, acusándome de buscar emociones de nuevo pero siento que América está destinada a entrar en esto tarde o temprano y yo tenía que entrar lo antes posible, y no me preguntes por qué.
Sure. You make the bad joke home where I can't hear it.
¡ Escojan otro lugar para armar alboroto!
Dammit can't you hear it for yourself?
¿ De verdad no lo oyes?
Can't you hear it?
¿ No lo oís? ¡ Ralph, se va!
Don't tell me that you can't hear it?
¿ No la oyes?
Good thing you can't hear what I say, isn't it?
Qué suerte que no oyes lo que digo, ¿ no?
Can't you hear it?
¿ No lo oís?
Perhaps it's me who can't hear you any more.
Soy yo que no lo puedo oír más.
- Can't you hear it, woman?
¿ No lo oyen?
You can't conclude it until you hear the result.
No puedes saberlo hasta que veas el resultado.
Can't you hear it, the other thing?
¿ No sientes que hay algo más?
Listen... Can't you hear it?
Escucha... ¿ No lo oyes?
Can't you hear it?
¿ Lo oyes?
Can't you hear it?
¿ Es que no lo oís?

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