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Comforting tradutor Espanhol

1,589 parallel translation
- In the comforting scene...
- En nuestra escena...
Wow. That's comforting.
Qué reconfortante.
Melinda, not comforting.
Melinda, eso no me tranquiliza.
Thank you. Very comforting.
Muy reconfortante.
It's very comforting having you on the other side.
Es muy cómodo tenerte en el otro bando.
It's so familiar, so comforting.
Es tan familiar, tan consolador.
Six more have sent him flowers, candy and a teddy bear, which I'm sure he finds very comforting.
Otras seis le enviaron flores, dulces y un oso de peluche y estoy seguro de que a él le parece reconfortante.
I choose the outcome I find more comforting.
Elijo el resultado que me parece más reconfortante.
You find it more comforting to believe that this is it?
¿ Le parece más reconfortante creer que esto es todo lo que hay?
I find it more comforting to believe that this... isn't simply a test.
Me parece más reconfortante creer que esto no es sólo una prueba.
It's comforting.
Dan comodidad.
[Jack] It's comforting to pretend that nothing had to die to sate our appetites. But it's also a lie.
Consuela fingir que no tuvo que morir ningún animal para satisfacer nuestro apetito.
And you might find it comforting to know there have been no red-headed women named Sharona reported missing or murdered in this state since 1983.
Y tú puedes encontrar reconfortante saber que no hubo mujer pelirroja llamada Sharona reportada perdida o asesinada en este estado desde 1983.
I find it comforting.
Lo encuentro confortante.
Well, it's comforting to have him staying here.
Bueno, es reconfortante tenerlo viviendo aquí.
'The three least comforting words in the English language.'
Las palabras menos confortantes del lenguaje.
That's what I was gonna say, and then I thought, a bit more comforting and Des Lynam now,
- Eso le iba a decir yo Luego pensé : mejor ser una figura reconfortante ahora
It's very comforting to have the chief of medicine here.
Y es muy tranquilizador tener al jefe de medicina aquí.
And at times like that, it's comforting to know there's always one thing that can pick your spirits up.
Y en tiempos como esos es confortable saber que siempre hay algo que puede levantarte el ánimo.
I was merely comforting her.
Yo sólo la estaba consolando.
That's comforting.
Eso es relajante.
I thought it might be comforting.
Pensé que podría ser reconfortante.
I suppose that's comforting... in a... terrifying mental health kind of way.
Se supone que eso es reconfortante pero es una forma terrible de curarse la mente.
There's something very comforting about coming home from work at the end of the day and having a familiar face waiting for you, you know?
No hay nada más reconfortante al llegar a casa al final del día y tener una cara familiar esperándote ¿ verdad?
That's a comforting thought.
Que pensamiento reconfortante.
That's very comforting.
Es muy reconfortante.
I have to say, it is a little comforting.
Debo decir que es un poquito reconfortante.
I've been finding Jerry Orbach oddly comforting.
Jerry Orbach me parece extrañamente consolador.
I'm sure that's very comforting to your victims.
Seguro que eso es muy reconfortante para tus víctimas.
Yeh, nothing's more comforting than dead animal skins.
Si... nada es mas cómodo do que pieles de animales muertos.
That would be the most, you know, comforting thing that would really assuage this potential terror.
Ese sería el pensamiento más reconfortante que en verdad calmaría este terror potencial.
She needs comforting.
Necesita que la consuelen.
- Yes, that is comforting.
Sí, es reconfortante.
Very comforting.
Muy reconfortante.
Brad had meant this to be comforting.
Brad quiso que esa frase fuera tranquilizadora.
You know, she might need some comforting... and I'll be there for her. OK?
Quizá necesite que alguien la consuele.
Just like it's kind of comforting to know that some things never change.
Tal cual es reconfortante saber que algunas cosas nunca cambian.
- Is that supposed to be comforting? - Relax.
- ¿ Se supone que eso debe alegrarme?
I think it's my brother who needs comforting.
creo que es mi hermano el q necesita consuelo
- I find it comforting, Ava.
- A mí me consuela, Ava.
Besides, there's something really comforting about this place.
Además, este lugar es muy acogedor.
- I find it comforting.
- A mí me consuela, Ava.
In one sense, it's comforting.
En cierto sentido, es un consuelo.
Well, The Dying Experience says religious support can be very comforting.
La Experiencia de Morir dice que el apoyo religioso es reconfortante.
Well, I guess I just don't find rabbis all that comforting.
No hallo a los rabinos muy reconfortantes.
But rabbits are comforting, though.
Sin embargo, los rabinos son reconfortantes.
Sometimes people find it comforting to see them at peace.
A veces a la gente le parece reconfortante verlos descansar en paz.
Yeah, well... that's a comforting thought.
Si,... es reconfortante pensar en ello.
Cold, but comforting.
Como un dalek amistoso Creo que el monje tiene un problema
- I'm comforting Heather.
- Tranquilizando a Heather.
- Qué alivio.

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