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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ C ] / Count of three

Count of three tradutor Espanhol

888 parallel translation
At the count of two, move your arms above your head. At the count of three, lower arms sideways.
... cuando diga dos cuando diga tres levanten los brazos...
- I'm giving you to the count of three to go.
- Contaré hasta tres.
On the count of three, begin to advance.
A la de tres, empiecen a andar.
Disconnecting on the count of three -
Desconectando a la de tres.
At the count of three, you will wake up and remember nothing.
Cuando llegue a tres, despertará y no recordará nada.
So, the first thing you want to know is how they survived a radioactive count of three million? Yes.
Supongo que querrá saber como han podido sobrevivir.
Now we can tell grown-ups- - everybody, on the count of three- -
a la cuenta de tres...
At the count of three, I shall rise smartly and dress without washing.
Cuando cuente hasta tres, me levanto y me visto, sin lavarme.
We'll jump at the count of three, where it seems soft enough to land.
Saltaremos cuando cuente hasta tres, buscaremos un buen sitio para caer.
See, you rip them free, and on the count of three, they explode.
Mire, usted los libera, y a la cuenta de tres, ellos explotan.
- To the count of three.
- Cuento hasta tres.
And if you're not here on the count of three no matter where you are, what you're doing I am gonna forbid you to set foot in this house again.
Y si no estás aquí cuando cuente hasta tres no importa dónde estés o qué estés haciendo te prohibiré que vuelvas a poner los pies en esta casa.
Count of three, lift.
A la de tres, arriba.
On the count of three, watch the birdie
A la de tres, dejad de hablar.
On the count of three.
A la de tres.
On my count of three your hands will become immobile.
Cuando diga "tres" tus manos quedarán inmóviles.
On the count of three... you will awaken... very refreshed... feeling happy... very satisfied.
A la cuenta de tres te despertarás muy relajada feliz muy satisfecha.
- Turn on the count of three!
- Cuenta de tres. - ¡ Uno, dos, tres! - ¿ Y ahora?
All right, on the count of three you'll wake up.
Bien, a la cuenta de tres, despertarás.
On the count of three : One, two, three.
Cuando cuente hasta tres... uno, dos y tres.
At the count of three, I guess, huh?
Cuando digas tres, supongo, ¿ eh?
No, you do it Le  s do it at the count of three
No, hagalo hagamoslo a la cuenta de tres
I want this man's best friend, not his Centurion nor his Decurion but his best friend, to come forward and carry out that punishment at my command, not on the count of three but now,
Quiero al mejor amigo de este hombre. No a su Centurión ni a su Decurión sino al mejor amigo que venga al frente y ejecute el castigo cuando yo lo ordene no a la cuenta de tres sino ahora o verán el infierno antes que volver a ver Roma.
On the count of three we started to run.
Cuando cuente tres nos echamos a correr.
Here. On the count of three.
A la cuenta de tres.
On the count of three.
A la cuenta de tres.
Once more. On the count of three. You can do it.
Vamos, otra vez, a la de tres.
- On the count of three.
- A las tres.
On the count of three, go for your gun.
A la cuenta de tres, desenfunda.
Sigrid, if you do not get out of the way of that door before I count three I throw you out.
Sigrid, si no te apartas de esa puerta antes de que cuente hasta tres te echaré.
Within a few hours after Count Victor Mattoni was found dead in his London flat with a single bullet hole in his head, the detectives found themselves with three persons, each of whom confessed that he, and he alone, killed the Count.
A Ias pocas horas de que eI conde Victor Mattoni... fuera hallado muerto en su piso de Londres... con una sola bala en Ia cabeza,... Ios detectives se encontraron con 3 personas... que se acusaban cada uno de haber sido... quienes mataron al conde :...
Skin and blood under the Count's fingernails indicated he had scratched his assailant, yet none of the three suspects bore any scratches.
piel y sangre bajo Ias uñas del conde Mattoni,.... indicando que arañó a su asesino. Pero ninguno de Ios 3 sospechosos tenía arañazos.
Within a few hours after Count Victor Mattoni was found dead in his London flat, with a single bullet hole in his head, the detectives found themselves with three persons, each of whom confessed that he, and he alone, killed the Count.
A Ias pocas horas de que eI conde Mattoni... fuera hallado muerto en su piso de Londres... con una sola bala en Ia cabeza,... Ios detectives se encontraron con 3 personas... que se acusaban cada uno de haber sido... quienes mataron al conde :...
Yes, you see, I brought you three gentlemen together because I thought you might be interested to learn that each one of you has confessed to the murder of Count Mattoni.
- Sí. caballeros, Ies he reunido a Ios tres... porque creí que Ies interesaría saber... que todos ustedes confesaron haber matado al conde Mattoni.
At the count of one, two, three!
A la una, a las dos, a las tres.
If you can get out of here with it before I can count to 10. One... two, three, four... five, six, seven, eight... nine, ten.
Si te vas de aqui con el disco antes de que cuente hasta 10. 1... 2,3,4... 5,6,7,8... 9,10.
I'm gonna count to three and by the time I get to one, I want you out of here.
Contaré hasta tres. Cuando llegue a uno, desaparece.
When I count three, you jump, and don't touch any of those squares.
Voy a contar hasta tres, tú saltarás y no toques ninguno de esos cuadrados.
First there were three of us. Now there's more than I can count.
Antes éramos tres, ahora somos más que un ejército.
Of the fifteen thousand francs the lender will only be able to count down twelve thousand. Instead of the remaining three thousand the borrower will have to take the clothing, and jewels from the following catalogue and which the said lender has put in all good faith at the lowest possible figure.
De los 15 mil francos, el prestamista podrá dar en moneda solamente 12 mil, y, por los mil escudos que faltan, el prestatario tendrá que aceptar los harapos y joyas aquí descritos, y que el dicho prestamista ha puesto al menor precio posible.
Those three years of us don't count?
- ¿ Acaso no te importan esos tres años?
One, two, three, four, five, problem with money. One, two, three, four, five, a bad man. Count of Foehn, you are always present!
uno, dos, tres, cuatro cinco, problemas con el dinero uno, dos, tres, cuatro cinco, un mal hombre el Conde de Foehn, está siempre presente!
On the count of three.
Contaré hasta tres.
After three days of the General Assembly decisions will be completed within Busai Count your lucky ah
- El consejo decidió posponer el partido para dentro de 3 días.
We're going to go to Los Alamos on Thursday... and we'll get a full body count from some doctors... who know what they're doing. All three of us.
Vayamos a Los Alamos el jueves y hagamos que los médicos... nos den una cuenta corporal completa, nosotros tres.
Bien, a menos que no nos cuente a nosotros tres, si.
I count 12 entrees... I count 12 entrees on that table, three of them steaks.
Yo veo 12 platos, tres de ellos filetes.
On the count of three.
¡ Contamos hasta 3!
Let's count our blessings. At least it was none of us three.
Demos gracias que no fuimos ninguno de nosotros.
By the time I count to three, I want you out of here.
Quiero que te vayas antes que cuente hasta tres.
Three : if any of you needs money, inside or outside the jail, you can count on the Vesuvian professor.
Tres : Si cualquiera de ustedes, dentro o fuera de la cárcel, necesitan dinero... Pueden contar con el Profesor de Vesuviano.

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