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Daughtry tradutor Espanhol

47 parallel translation
Clyde Daughtry
Clyde Daughtry
Mr. Daughtry, it says here you've been excused from jury duty three times before?
Sr. Daughtry, ¿ dice aquí que usted ha sido excusado del deber de jurado tres veces antes?
Well'not jυst the Cυbes... ... but we had Chris Daughtry'Jeff Probst, super-chef Bobby Flay.
Bueno, no sólo con Cubes sino que con Chris Daughtry, Jeff Probst, el súper-chef Bobby Flay.
Give me some sugar. She has twins that are a little over two and a half named Nico and Daughtry.
dame algo dulce ella tiene gemelos que tienen menos de 2 años y medio se llaman Nico y Daughtry.
Daughtry, come on.
Daughtry, vamos.
This is Agent Daughtry.
Este es el agente Daughtry.
We must meet tonight, Mr. Daughtry.
Debemos conocernos esta noche, señor Daughtry.
There's good money in hate, Mr. Daughtry.
Hay buen dinero en el odio Mr. Daughtry.
The world is changing, Agent Daughtry.
El mundo esta cambiando, agente Daughtry.
I'm not a bad man, Agent Daughtry.
Yo no soy un mal hombre, agente Daughtry.
Mr. Daughtry, Seven Wonders.
Señor Daughtry, las Siete Maravillas.
We are capable of greatness, Mr. Daughtry, the music of Beethoven, the words of Pushkin, the brush strokes of Rembrandt, but not all genius ends up in beauty.
Somos capaces de grandeza, señor Daughtry, la musica de Beethoven, las palabras de Pushkin, los trazos de pincel de Rembrandt, pero no todo genio termina en belleza.
No, Mr. Daughtry.
No, señor Daughtry.
FBI Agent Shane Daughtry.
Agente FBI Shane Daughtry.
Eve, Agent Daughtry, get in the car please.
Eve, Agente Daughtry, Suban al auto por favor.
Agent Daughtry, my daughter's life is in your hands and so is Israel's.
Agente Daughtry, la vida de mi hija esta en sus manos y también lo es Israel.
This is Daughtry.
Este es Daughtry.
This is Daughtry, scratch the warehouse address.
Este es Daughtry, anota la direccion del almacen.
Agent Daughtry.
Agente Daughtry.
( male on radio ) Good ladies and gentlemen, once again, this is Gene Daughtry from the Power on Glory Broadcasting Newark.
Damas y caballeros. Una vez más, soy Gene Daugherty... desde la red de transmisión Poder y Gloria.
I had to give up Daughtry tickets for this.
Tuve que renunciar a entradas para ver a los Daughtry por esto.
- ¿ A Daughtry?
I love Daughtry.
Me encanta Daughtry.
Got to nail down this Daughtry medley.
Hay que clavar el popurrí de Daughtrey.
You know Mark Daughtry, Ted Bertrand.
Conoces a Mark Daughtry y Ted Bertrand.
Mary Daughtry.
Mary Daughtry.
Mrs. Daughtry's attorney knocked on our door late at night, explained that, uh, his clients might be willing to rescind their charges against me, meaning call off the police investigation, in return for a check.
El abogado de la Sra. Daughtry golpeó nuestra puerta tarde a la noche, explicando que sus clientes podrían estar dispuestos a retirar los cargos contra mí, significando cerrar la investigación policial, a cambio de un cheque.
The only thing that matters right now is protecting the work and the clinic... which begins with you writing the Daughtry family a check.
Lo único que importa ahora mismo es proteger el trabajo y la clínica... lo que comienza contigo haciéndole un cheque a la familia Daughtry.
Dennis Daughtry.
Dennis Daughtry.
The boy playing quarterback yesterday was Dennis Daughtry?
¿ El chico que jugaba ayer de quarterback era Dennis Daughtry?
From Dennis Daughtry. "
De parte de Dennis Daughtry ".
Dennis Daughtry?
¿ Dennis Daughtry?
That was Dennis Daughtry's mother on the phone.
La madre de Dennis Daughtry ha llamado.
Okay, this is Gilvin Daughtry, uh, with Citizens Against Unlawful Abuse, and I am being made to stop at what looks like an impromptu checkpoint, here on the corner of Racine and Wellington.
Soy Gilvin Daughtry, y esto es Ciudadanos contra el maltrato ilegal. Me están haciendo parar en un puesto de control improvisado en la esquina de Racine y Wellington.
Okay, this is Gilvin Daughtry with another Know Your Rights video.
Soy Gilvin Daughtry con otro video de Conoce tus derechos.
Yuck! This is Gilvin Daughtry... for Know Your Rights video saying, that's a wrap!
Soy Gilvin Daughtry con un video de Conoce tus derechos y les digo : "¡ Eso fue todo!"
Hey, you... you may be getting a call from the shelter therapist, Robin Daughtry.
Tal vez reciban una llamada de la terapeuta del refugio, Robin Daughtry.
Ms. Daughtry's already onboard.
La Srita. Daughtry ya está de acuerdo.
Robin Daughtry, Office of Sex Offender Management, consulting psychologist.
Robin Daughtry, Oficina de Manejo de Agresores Sexuales, psicóloga de consulta.
Robin Daughtry?
¿ Robin Daughtry?
There's no sign of Sofie Nomaks'gold chain or the heart necklace that Robin Daughtry wore.
No hay señales de la cadena de oro de Sofie Nomaks o de la cadena de corazón que usaba Robin Daughtry.
So we've located a surveillance camera on a warehouse about a block away from where Robin Daughtry was murdered.
Hemos localizado una cámara de vigilancia en un almacen a una cuadra de donde fue asesinada Robin Daughtry.
This is jewelry that the rapist took from three victims, including Sofie Nomaks'gold chain and Robin Daughtry's necklace.
Es joyería que el violador tomó de tres víctimas, incluyendo la cadena de oro de Sofie Nomaks. y el collar de Robin Daughtry.
Thomas Zimmerman, you're under arrest for the rape and murder of Robin Daughtry.
Thomas Zimmerman, estás bajo arresto por la violación y asesinato de Robin Daughtry.

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