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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did something happen to you

Did something happen to you tradutor Espanhol

146 parallel translation
Did something happen to you?
¿ Te ha ocurrido algo?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Te pasa algo?
- Did something happen to you?
- ¿ Te ocurre algo?
Did something happen to you, Emilio?
¿ Os ha sucedido algo, Emilio?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Te ha pasado algo?
Ramón, did something happen to you?
Ramón, ¿ te ha pasado algo?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Qué quieres decir? ¿ Te ha pasado algo?
Did something happen to you, Russ?
¿ Qué te pasó, Russ?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Le ha ocurrido algo?
Hey, did something happen to you?
Eh, ¿ ha ocurrido algo?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Algo te pasó?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Te pasó algo?
Did something happen to you?
Te voy a preparar algo de comer, ¿ vale?
Did something happen to you?
¿ Has tenido algún problema?
"Did something... happen... to cause you to give up hope of progeny?"
¿ Sucedió algo que provocara su falta de esperanza a tener hijos?
Mischa, did something ever happen to you that all of a sudden, made everything clear?
Mischa, ¿ alguna vez te sucedió algo que te hiciera ver todas las cosas claras?
If Vince is right, if something did happen to you, what would become of me?
Si Vince está en lo cierto, si algo llega a pasarte,
Did... something happen to you?
¿ Te ha pasado alguna cosa?
Did something happen To frighten you?
¿ Alguien hizo algo que la asustara?
Something did happen to me in the war... something I've never told you about.
Algo que me sucedió en la guerra... algo que jamás te conté.
Did something happen to upset you?
¿ Qué te pasa? ¿ Por qué estás tan alterado?
Suppose something did happen to you. You've got a child coming.
Si algo te pasara tendrás un hijo.
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
y solo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la señorita Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, solo hablando hipotéticamente.
- Did something happen to you?
¿ Te sucede algo?
Did something happen to him, madam, or did you just decide that you didn't wanna marry him?
¿ Le ocurrió algo o sólo decidió que no quería casarse? Yo no lo decidí.
Mrs. Fletcher, how did you know that something was going to happen to the grocery lady?
Sra. Fletcher, ¿ cómo sabía que le pasaría algo a Mims?
Look, we wanted you to know that if you really did try and screw us, that something bad could happen to you.
Sólo quisimos hacerle saber que si intentaba jodernos algo malo podría pasarle.
If something like that did happen, it would really be a drag because there are a lot of things I wanna tell you and say to you.
Si ocurriera algo así, sería desafortunado... porque son muchas las cosas que quiero decirte.
Did something happen you don't want me to know about?
¿ Pasó algo que no quieres que yo sepa?
Did you let something happen to someone?
¿ Dejaste que le pasara algo a alguien?
What's up? Did something happen to Misato? Didn't you see her badge?
La firma de Misato-san... el número de líneas, se incrementó a dos.
If something did happen to me, I'd appreciate it if you'd do that for me.
Si algo me pasa, te estaría muy agradecido si hicieras eso por mí.
Did something bad happen to you after your game?
Algo malo te ocurrió después del partido.
You even don't know if something's gonna happen. Or even if it did, how'd you know which train is going to crash?
Y aunque lo supieras, ¿ como sabras cual tren es el que se va a estrellar?
Jesus, did some — something — something happen to you?
Dios, ¿ algo... algo... algo te ocurrió?
Did you know something was going to happen to him?
¿ Sabías que algo le iba a pasar?
Did something happen to him, madam, or did you just decide that you didn't wanna marry him?
¿ Le sucedió algo a él, señora? ¿ O solo decidió no casarse con él?
Maybe something did happen to us, but you were never even on that planet.
Quizá sí nos pasara algo pero... tú no estuviste en ese planeta.
Did something joyous happen to you?
¿ Te ha pasado algo?
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
Y sólo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la Srta. Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, sólo hablando hipotéticamente.
So say something did happen to him. In order to ensure the receipt of his money, you would've needed to help Miss Farrow cover it up.
Para que usted pudiera recibir su dinero, necesitaría la ayuda de la señorita Farrow para encubrirlo.
Did you want something to happen with this woman, Alex?
¿ Querías que algo pasara con esta mujer, Alex?
What if something did happen to you and I never got to...?
¿ Qué tal si algo te pasara y yo nunca pudiera...?
Now, we have to ask you, did something like that happen again?
Ahora, tenemos que preguntarte : ¿ Algo así volvió a pasar?
Well, did something bad happen, something to make you want to have this, uh... [whip cracks ] [ woman screams]
Bien, algo malo ocurrió, algo que te izo querer tener este, uh... ¿ sexo pervertido?
Did you see something happen to Trevor?
¿ Vio lo que pasó con Trevor?
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Y me preguntaba si algo Dios no quiera, le pasara a mi sobrino Wyatt...
I can't tell you any more, but, please, Mr Foyle, if something DID happen to William, if things aren't as they seem, you will let me know?
No puedo decirle nada más... pero, por favor, Sr. Foyle, si algo pasó con la muerte de William, si las cosas no son como parecen, ¿ me lo podrá decir?
Did you ever think that maybe she knew something was gonna happen to him?
¿ Alguna vez penso que ella sabría que algo... le iba a pasar a él?
Did you want him to spend the rest of his life hoping for something everyone said wouldn't happen?
Usted quería que pasara su vida esperando una cosa que no llegaría nunca, como todo el mundo decía?
Everyone has it at some stage in their faith or life where something bad happens and you think "If there's a God, why did he let this bad thing happen to my friend, or to me, or half the world?"
A todo el mundo le ocurre alguna vez en su fe cuando pasa algo malo y piensas : "Si Dios existe, ¿ por qué ha dejado que me pase esto a mí, a mi amigo o a medio mundo?"

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